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Southern Customs Administration


The history of Rostov-on-Don dates back to 1749 when Empress Elizabeth set up a Customs-house on the Temernik River. It was established to control the trade with Turkey and keep in fear the Don Cossacks.

The Southern Federal region has a lot of advantages in geographical location because of favourable trade routes. The needs of business and trade for fast clearance of import and export traffic have to be considered alongside with the Customs checks of goods and people.

Nowadays the Southern Customs Administration is one of the largest among seven regional Administrations of the Federal Customs Service of Russia.

The Southern Customs Administration was founded in April 20, 1992. It is responsible for the territory of the Southern and North-Caucasian Federal regions with the total area of 590, 000 square kilometres. It borders on Ukraine (in the west), Kazakhstan (in the east), Azerbaijan, Georgia, the Southern Ossetia and Abhasia (in the south) – more than 4 000km.

The structure of the Southern Customs Administration comprises 13 Customs, 85 Customs posts, 72 Customs checkpoints (among them: 29 – car terminals; 10 – railway checkpoints, 15 – sea (river) checkpoints, 18 – air checkpoints. In the past years the Southern Customs Administration has established an optimal Customs infrastructure. It works in coordination with Ukraine, Kazakhstan and other Customs.

In order to facilitate the flow of passengers and freight, to have effective Customs control, and to reduce the amount of lost freight, the Southern Customs Administration has introduced up-to-date Customs technology: simplified Customs procedures, electronic and preliminary declaration. The Customs officers of the Southern and North-Caucasian Federal regions fight against illegal trafficking of drugs, weapons, firearms, explosives, high-value items, jewelleries.

The higher educational establishment carrying out training of future Customs officers, Rostov Branch of the Russian Customs Academy was founded in June 30, 1995. The Academy gives opportunity to master vocational training programmes for students majoring in Customs Business, Economics, Management and Law (Jurisprudence).

Exercise 4. Comprehension questions.

1. Why was a Customs-house on the Temernik River established?

2. When was the Southern Customs Administration founded?

3. What is the structure of the Southern Customs Administration?

4. What is the area of responsibility for the Southern Customs Administration?

Exercise 5. Match left and right. Translate the word-combinations into Russian.

1) to facilitate a) an optimal Customs infrastructure
2) to introduce b) in fear the Don Cossacks
3) to establish c) up-to-date Customs technology
4) to fight d) training of future Customs officers
5) to reduce e) the flow of passengers and freight
6) to carry out f) against illegal trafficking
7) to keep g) the amount of lost freight


Exercise 6. Fill in the gaps. Get ready to speak on the Southern Customs Administration’s activity.

1. The Southern Customs Administration was founded _______.

2. The structure of the Southern Customs Administration comprises ______.

3. The Southern Customs Administration has introduced up-to-date Customs technology to _______.

4. The Southern Customs Administration works in coordination with ______.

5. In order to have effective Customs control the Southern Customs Administration has introduced ________.

6. The Customs officers of the Southern and North-Caucasian Federal regions fight against _______.

7. Rostov Branch of the Russian Customs Academy offers all opportunities for _______.

Text 2

Exercise 7. Study the following words and word-combinations:


· to carry out Customs control efficiently – эффективно проводить таможенный контроль

· well trained staff – профессиональные кадры

· simplified procedures – упрощенные (таможенные) процедуры

· up-to-date – современный

· top priority – задача первоочередной важности

· fiscal function – бюджетная (фискальная) функция

· federal budget – федеральный бюджет

· Hi-Tech equipment – высокое техническое оснащение

· Heimann Cargo Vision Mobile (HCV-Mobile) – передвижной инспекционно-досмотровый комплекс (ИДК)

· to use search device – применять досмотровое устройство

· to be designed to – предназначаться для чего-либо

Exercise 8. Read the text below and translate the Russian words in the text from Russian into English.

Choose from:

procedures; vehicles; electronic declaration; containers; foreign trade participants; risk management system; revenues; Customs examination; responsibilities; imported and exported goods; efficiently; functions; staff; federal budget; top priorities; High-Tech equipment; Customs; smuggling; duties.

Rostov Customs


Rostov таможня is composed of 12 Customs posts and 37 departments.

The main Customs post, Rostov Customs post, is located in the administrative part of the Customs Terminal “Yantarniy”. A considerable amount of ввозимые и вывозимые товары passes through car terminals in Novoshakhtinsk and Gukovo. The new car terminals meet the requirements to carry out Customs control эффективно. Since 2004 they have been using goods электронная декларация.

The traditional обязанности of the Customs include collecting пошлины and taxes and preventing контрабанда. Rostov Customs as any other Customs needs well-trained кадры, simplified процедуры, and up-to-date Customs technology.

One of the most important функции of the Customs is fiscal function. The amount of Customs отчисления (доходы) transferred to the федеральный бюджет increased from 8, 5 milliard roubles in 2005 up to 17 588, 12million roubles in 2009.

Rostov Customs has introduced высокое техническое оснащение, first of all, система управления рисками in order to speed up таможенный досмотр of imported and exported goods. One of the первоочередные задачи of Rostov Customs is the creation of favourable conditions for участники внешнеэкономической деятельности.

Since 2006 Customs bodies have been using special search devices – Heimann Cargo Vision Mobiles. They are designed to examine контейнеры and large транспортные средства. The HCV-Mobile has already been used at Rostov Customs.

Exercise 9. Scan the text above to answer the following questions:

1. What is Rostov Customs composed of?

2. Where is Rostov Customs post located?

3. What enables Rostov Customs to work efficiently?

4. What problems does Rostov Customs face?

5. What is one of the top priorities of Rostov Customs?

6. Does HCV-Mobile increase the effectiveness of Customs control?

Exercise 10. Render the text in 5-7 sentences. Use the following words:

to provide the income to the federal budget; administrative offences (violations); proceedings were taken (against); criminal cases; new technologies; foreign transaction; partners; enterprises; electronic and preliminary declaration; risk management system; random control; the flow of passengers and freight; transfrontier (transboundary) movement.

Ростовская таможня входит в первую десятку таможен России. Ростовская таможня сегодня – это 12 таможенных постов, 37 отделов и 2 самостоятельных отделения. В 2009 году перечислено в федеральный бюджет 17 588,12 миллионов рублей, заведено 2168 дел об административных правонарушениях, 89 уголовных дел. Но не только цифры характеризуют работу таможни. Это внедрение новых прогрессивных технологий, новых методов работы.

Ростовская таможня является одной из крупнейших таможен Южного федерального округа. Здесь оформляются внешнеторговые сделки предприятий области более чем с 90 странами мира. Продукция местной промышленности экспортируется более чем в 50 стран мира.

Основными партнерами донских предприятий являются Турция, Украина, Египет, Саудовская Аравия, Италия, Израиль, Иран.

Новые технологии в таможне

В Ростовской таможне используются пять основных информационных технологий таможенного контроля:

ü предварительное информирование о направляемых в Россию
товарах и транспортных средствах;

ü электронное декларирование;

ü автоматизация анализа и управления рисками;

ü обеспечение выборочности таможенного контроля;

ü создание единой базы данных всех разрешительных документов, используемых контролирующими органами при перемещении товаров и транспортных средств через таможенную границу.

Exercise 11. Read Text 3 to match left and right:

1) canine enforcement a) работа, направленная на обнаружение наркотиков
2) multi-scented detector dogs b) кинологи
3) X-ray machines c) использование служебных собак в правоохранительных органах
4) drug detection work d) породы собак
5) handlers e) поисковые собаки (собаки для поиска различных (веществ)
6) dog breeds f) рентгеновские установки для проведения досмотра пассажиров, багажа и т.д.


Text 3


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