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Инспекционно-досмотровый комплекс (ИДК) способен выявлять тайники с наркотиками, взрывчатыми веществами, оружием, боеприпасами, обнаруживать нелегально пересекающих границу людей. Мобильный рентгеновский комплекс HCV-Mobile сконструирован на базе автомобиля «Мерседес». Он укомплектован рентгеновским генератором, скорость развертывания которого составляет 20-25 минут. Мощность генератора позволяет рассмотреть в самом центре полностью груженой фуры замаскированный опасный груз: система обладает проникающей способностью через сталь толщиной до 270 мм. Установка способна за час пропускать до 25-30 грузовиков и позволяет значительно сократить временные затраты на досмотр большегрузных автомобилей. Стоимость каждого комплекса составляет 100 млн. рублей. Talking Points Exercise 29. Make up a list of questions the answers to which will make the summary of Text 5. Exercise 30. Comment on the following statements from the text “New HCV-Mobile”. 1. Due to its high throughput capability, the HCV-Mobile grants secured shipment without disrupting the flow of goods. 2. The HCV-Mobile is the most efficient high-energy mobile system available for the inspection of fully loaded trucks, vehicles and containers at ports, Customs and border checkpoints. Exercise 31. Get ready to describe different security devices you have read about. Have you ever used any of them at your workplace? Will you share your practice? Exercise 32. Comment on the following: Philip Baum, editor of Aviation Security International, said scanners were not the only solution and profiling passengers was, in fact, the best way to prevent terrorist acts. “We’ve got to face the fact that you can build a bomb in the duty- free shop, after you’ve gone through screening. Bearing that in mind, we need to look at what people’s intent is, not what they are carrying on their person”. Focus on Grammar Exercise 33. Translate the following sentences with the Passive forms into Russian. 1. To prevent smuggling modern methods and techniques have been developed. 2. A wide range of technology is used by different departments at the Customs. 3. A thorough inspection of stationary vehicles was carried out by the HCV-Mobile last week. 4. The new technology is being used at the security checkpoints now. 5. Airport security has gone through significant changes in recent years. These changes have been driven largely by terrorist activities around the globe. Exercise 34. Open the brackets using the Passive forms. 1. Customs (involve) in the implementation and enforcement of Community legislation. 2. Both the registered baggage and hand luggage are liable (check) by Customs. 3. Future work of Customs officers (focus) on the practical and effective ways of enforcement. 4. Tourists travelling in the EU may (require) proving their identity. 5. Crossing the border of any country it is necessary to know what and in what quantity can (take) with you in the trip. Exercise 35. Translate the sentences into Russian. Pay attention to the Passives. 1. The Green Channel or Walk through Channel – without any question being asked by Customs is meant for passengers who have nothing to declare. 2. Declaration of foreign currency is required to be made in the prescribed Currency Declaration Form. 3. Import of firearms is strictly prohibited by Customs. 4. Domestic pets like dogs, cats, birds etc. may be imported into the country. 5. The detained baggage would be examined and full details are inventoried before being taken in the custody of Customs. Exercise 36. Open the brackets using the Passive forms. First of all a passenger goes to the check-in counter where his ticket (look) at, the things (weigh) and (label), a claim-check for each piece of luggage (insert) in the ticket and the passenger (give) a boarding pass, which has a seat number on it. Of course, if the luggage weighs more than twenty kilos, extra is to (pay). In most countries there is also a security check when the carry-on luggage (inspect). Exercise 37. Change Active into Passive Voice. 1. Many people attend the lecture. 2. They were discussing the report the whole evening. 3. They will advertise the product on TV. 4. An actor killed President Abraham Lincoln. 5. Alexander Bell invented the telephone in 1876. 6. They invented photography in the 1840s. 7. The French government gave the Statue of Liberty to the American people. 8. They make Volkswagen cars in Germany. 9. They talked much about that problem. 10. They built the Eiffel Tower in 1899. 11. They formed the UN in 1945. 12. They wrote the Declaration of the Rights of Man in 1789.
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