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V. Problem Solving: Information Gap.Содержание книги
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The two companies are still interested in the proposed deal. They want to understand the differences between the negotiation processes in the two countries, so they may be more successful in their next round of negotiations. As a group you are to investigate the differences and then develop a plan for the next meeting. Divide the class into two groups: A and B. Group A reads the U.S. cultural information (Task XII). Group В reads the Japanese cultural information (Task XII). After reading the information, complete your part of the chart below. Next, find a partner from the other group and ask questions to complete the chart.
VI. Discussion Go back to your groups and discuss the following 1. Now that you have more information about both cultures, do you want to change any of your answers from Making Inferences on page 81? Discuss your changes if any. 2. What difference between the two styles had the most serious effect on the negotiations? 3. What could Mike Waller have done after that first meeting, but before leaving Japan, to improve the relationship?
VII. Written Reflection The two companies are still interested in this business venture. How can they compromise their negotiating styles in order to work out an agreement with each other more successfully? Write up a plan for the two companies that will result in a more successful negotiation. Applying Your Knowledge A U.S. airplane manufacturer and a Japanese airline company were negotiating the price of some airplanes. The American negotiating team suggested a price. In response, the Japanese were quiet. The American team then lowered the price. The Japanese team again was quiet. The American team lowered the price again. The Japanese team continued to keep silent. In the end, the Japanese team came away from the negotiation with a price lower than they ever expected. The Americans were disappointed because they sold the planes at a very low price. VIII. Discuss the following questions. 1. Why do you think the Americans kept lowering the price? 2. Why do you think the Japanese kept silent? Translate from Russian into English 1. Переговоры существуют столько же, сколько и само человечество. 2. Переговоры важны для успешного развития бизнеса. 3. В переговорах между представителями различных стран важно понимать не только язык страны-участницы, но и ее культуру. 4. В мире насчитывается более 200 различных национальных культур. 5. В разных культурах по-разному воспринимаются вопросы лидерства. 6. Такие понятия, как «время», «пространство», «цель», также стоит внимательно изучать в различных культурах. 7. Представители разных национальных культур по-разному воспринимают похвалу и подарки в бизнесе. 8. В успехе любого предприятия важна кросс - культурная коммуникация. 9. Следует не забывать об интегрированном подходе к решению любой проблемы. 10. Мотивация – важный источник плодотворной работы в любой культуре.
The Negotiating Table. Nonverbal communication is not limited to gestures, touching, and silence. We also communicate by how we arrange furniture and seat people. Seating arrangements in meetings vary greatly from country to country, company to company, and situation to situation. Generally, some countries, such as Japan, prefer seating arrangements that communicate cooperation. Western countries often prefer seating arrangements that communicate competition. IX. The following diagrams represent four negotiating table arrangements from around the world. Look at each arrangement and answer the questions in terms of each arrangement. Discuss your answers. X = Person from country X O = Person from country O Arrangement 1 Arrangement 2 oooooo O O
XXXXXX X X Arrangement 3 O O O O X X X X
Arrangement 4 Write issues to be discussed on this board. XOXXOOXXO 1. Have you seen this arrangement before? Where? 2. Does the arrangement encourage cooperation or competition? How? 3. What are the advantages and disadvantages of the arrangement? 4. In the space below, draw another possible table arrangement. Is it an arrangement that communicates cooperation or competition? Share your idea with the group. X. Propose your Arrangement Your Bargaining Style. Now that you have read about many aspects of negotiations, it is time to see what your own style of bargaining is. You will act out a role-play and then reflect on our style of bargaining.
XI. Divide the students in two groups: A and B. Group A reads the seller's information in Task XII. Group B reads the buyer's information in Task XII. In your group, decide what items are necessary and non-negotiable and what items may be given up in the negotiation as concessions. Next find a partner from the other group and negotiate an agreement. Then write down your agreement in the following table.
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