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IV. Answer the following questions and share your answers with a partner.


1. What kind of people would use Agro World products?

2. Why did Agro World shut its Mexico City plant?

3. Why is Agro World opening a plant in Quito, Ecuador?

4. What is Agro World doing to prevent leakage from the plant?

5. How does the community feel about the Agro World plant?

6. Why is the PR person important to the success of Agro World?

V. a) Complete the sentences with suitable words from the box.

headquarters; leakage; hiring; goodwill; donating; responsibilities; report back.

1. Agro World has its________ in London and has plants in various parts of the world.

2. The ______ destroyed the farmlands and killed many farm animals.

3. The company is now in the process of ________ a public relations (PR) person.

4. The PR person has many other _______ as well.

5. He or she must ________ to top management at headquarters in London.

6. Agro World would like to build goodwill locally by money to be used for a health clinic, sports center, or community center.

7. These projects can be successful in building _________.

b) Match the following words to their definitions.

1. agricultural a. injure, or to harm
2. pesticides b. contact, connection
3. toxic c. include
4. leak d. escape accidentally, to let out
5. compensate e. difficult or demanding
6. incorporate f. farming
7. liaison g. poisons which kill insects
8. challenge h. poisonous
9. damage i. material given in advance to pay
10. press release j. a newspaper for publishing

VI. Translate into English

1. В нашей стране мало объединенных компаний, занимающихся производством сельскохозяйственной продукции.

2. Агропром имеет головной офис (штаб квартиру) в Москве.

3. В настоящее время компания занята поиском служащих, способных найти общий язык с покупателями.

4. Компания очень заботится о внедрении новых технологий.

5. Компания постоянно жертвует деньги на развитие спорта и здравоохранения в регионе.

6. Данный проект будет успешным при условии соблюдения договорных обязанностей.

7. Новому руководителю удалось завоевать доверие партнеров и коллег.

8. В своей деятельности руководители предприятия учитывали тот факт, что в компании работает персонал из нескольких зарубежных стран.

VII. Fill in the blanks in the text with suitable prepositions.

The company is now …the process …hiring a public relations (PR) person. This person will act as a bridge, … the company and the world and, especially, … the company and the local community. The position is a challenging o ne … the community is divided … the building … the plant Some people want the plant because it will provide job opportunities and attract other industry to the area. Others argue that the plant could cause serious damage … the community's health and farmlands as it did in Mexico. These people are especially concerned … the new technology because it has never been used before. In order to convince them that they are wrong, the PR person must promote and explain the company's new technology.

VIII. Insert the articles where necessary.

Promotion is done through damage in … international, national, and local newspapers as well as through visits and lectures to local schools and businesses. …PR person has many other responsibilitiesas well. He or she must report back to top management at headquarters in London. Moreover, Agro World would like to build goodwill locally by donating … money to be used for … health clinic, sports center, or community center. These projects can be successful in building goodwill only if the PR person has been able to develop … strong relationships with … staff and customers and win … trust of … community.


Cultural Generalizations

IX. a)Translate the following text about the fictional country called Zibi from English into Russian in writing.

A stereotype is a belief that all people from a culture behave a certain way. It is an opinion based on one's own cultural values and prejudices and on little information about the other culture. For example, a woman from a culture that values hard work looks at a people from a fictional land called Zibi. In Zibi people work at their jobs about five hours a day. So. The woman says. "People from Zibi are lazy." This is a stereotype because she states that every person from Zibi is the same and it is an opinion based more on the woman's own values than on any thoughtful observation of Zibian values or lifestyle.

There are different ways of doing business. So cultural generalizations should be made about different styles of business. This does not mean that every person who lives in a particular culture will do business in a way that fits the generalization. Within each culture there are many choices. T here is,however, in each culture a standard way of doing things. Zibi cultural generalizations describe those standards and the values that guide those standards.

b)Applying Your Knowledge: With a partner, discuss the difference between a stereotype and a cultural generalization. Decide which are stereotypes and which are cultural generalizations. Circle the language that makes some of the statements stereotypes.

___1. Zibians are selfish.

___2. In Zibi gifts are often presented at the end of a negotiation.

___3. It may take two or three days to get an appointment with a Zibian.

___ 4. Zibians never let you know what they are thinking about. They always try to confuse you.

___5. In Zibi, many businesspeople invite their colleagues to their homes for dinner to talk about work.

___6. Arriving on time in Zibi usually means arriving ten minutes after the agreed time.

___7. In Zibi nothing runs on time.

___8. It is common in Zibi to discuss every detail of an agreement before signing a contract.

___9. In Zibi, all the power in a corporation stays at the top. You can never get a middle manager to make an independent decision.

___10. Zibians spend too much time eating.



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