Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the prepositions at the end of relative clauses. 

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Read and translate the sentences paying attention to the prepositions at the end of relative clauses.


1.The woman you gave the book to is my aunt. 2.The novel which we talked about is being made into a movie. 3.Please don’t lock the classroom I want to teach in. 4.We’ve just bought the coach you’re sitting on. 5.I am going to meet the woman I practice French with. 6.I have a list of people I should write to. 7.The teacher I borrowed the book from wants it back. 8.The town he comes from is very small. 9.The movie is being made from the book we talked about yesterday. 10.What kind of fuel do you heat your house with? 11.He’s the one you should feel sorry for. 12.What college do you want to go to? 13.The man you work for / with has been in the business for years. 14.The door you came in / out is only for use during a fire.


Fill in the gaps with the phrases in the list and read the dialogue.

a) How about,b) Let’s,c) OK,d) Why don’t,

e) I’d love to,f) With pleasure

A: _______ (1) we go out on Sunday? It’s my birthday.

B: Great! _______ (2)

A: _______ (3) going to a nice restaurant?

B: _______ (4) It’s very romantic. When and where shall we meet?

A: _______ (5) meet at the bus stop at 7 p.m.

B: _______ (6) See you on Sunday then, and thanks for invitation!

A: My pleasure, see you, bye.




Health and fitness

Grammar: Gerund, Substitutes


affect v ­ влиять

brain n ­ мозг

cause v ­ вызывать, быть причиной

deadly a ­ смертельный

die v ­ умирать

disease n ­ болезнь

drug n ­ лекарство, наркотик

fit a ­ здоровый

fitness n ­ хорошее здоровье

habit n ­ привычка

health n ­ здоровье

hurt v ­ болеть

keep fit ­ поддерживать хорошую форму

lead (led, led) v ­ приводить

loss of memory ­ потеря памяти

obesity n ­ ожирение

poor a ­ плохой

promote v ­ поддерживать (здоровье)

skin n ­ кожа

skip breakfast ­ пропустить завтрак

stomach n ­ желудок


5.1 Read the text and list seven bad habits. Name good health habits. What is a healthy diet?

We have different bad habits. Few of us will die of pride, envy or anger. There are, however, modern health habits which are in fact far more dangerous.

Two of them, obesity and physical inactivity, are known from ancient times. They are joined by the modern bad habits: smoking and drinking too much alcohol, and the surprising ‘danger’ of sleeping too much or too little, eating between meals and skipping breakfast. In combination, these poor health habits could double the chance of dying or lead to different diseases for those who survive.

Of course, sleeping too much or too little, snacking and skipping breakfast are not quite as deadly as smoking, obesity and drinking. But they are indicative of dangerously chaotic lifestyles.

Regularity in life promotes your health. Sleeping seven or eight hours, getting up early, eating breakfast, a healthy diet and regular meals is really a good way to live.


5.2 Go about the classroom and ask your groupmates about their health habits using the prompts. Decide which of you cares about their health.

Model: Do you often eat fast food?


a) sleep too much b) sleep too little c) eat between meals d) skip breakfast e) smoke or drink alcohol f) do any sport g) have a balanced, healthy diet h) attend any club


A: Now we can have lunch.

B: You are on a diet. You shouldn’t eat bread. You shouldn’t have coke.

You shouldn’t eat ice cream.

A: May I have an apple?

B: Yes, you should eat more fruit and vegetables.


5.3 Do exercises a, b, c using as, for, since and remember their different meanings.

a) 1.She works here as a teacher. 2.I can’t run as fast as I used to. 3.I saw Peter as he was getting off the bus. 4.As the time passed, things seem to get worse. 5.As we are both tired, let’s have a break. 6.As it is late, I must be off (= go).

b) 1.I have been studying here since last year. 2.Since he started that diet, he’s lost over 20 lbs in weight. 3.Since you cannot answer, we should ask someone else. 4.Since you have finished your work, you may go home.

c) 1.I’ve got a present for you. 2.What did you do that for? 3.What can I do for you? 4.It’s time for supper. 5.Bake the cake for 40 minutes. 6.I haven’t seen you for a long time. 7.I usually leave for University at 9 a.m. 8.Please leave, for I am too tired to talk. 9.It was difficult for him to read, for his eyes were failing.


5.4 Study the boxes of causes and results of bad habits. Match the causes and the results.


make(s)… teeth yellow skin unhealthy hair smell speech unclear brain centers sleep
cause(s) … a cough a headache pneumonia cancer blood disease heart disease brain disease slow reactions loss of memory
affect(s) … the whole family the people around you your knowledge your social control
drinking alcohol
taking drugs  


5.5 Exam task. Three students Helen, Bob and Kate are talking about their attitude towards health. Read their stories to answer the questions after the text. Then make up your story about how to take care of health.


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