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The father of Russian cities, NovgorodСодержание книги
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1. Novgorod is one of the most ancient cities in Russia. The town was founded in the 10th century, near the Volkhov river and Lake Ilmen. Later it became the Centre of the independent Novgorod Republic. 2. In medieval times Novgorod was one of the greatest art centres in Europe. Its architecture, jewellery, painted icons and decorative art became famous all over the world. In the 1100s Prince Yaroslav the Wise opened the first school in the city. Documents written on birch-bark, found by archaeologists, prove that the citizens of Novgorod had a high level of literacy and culture. 3. Novgorod’s good geographical position meant that the city was able to establish economic and cultural links with Western Europe. It became a go-between in the trade of Europe with oriental countries. 4. Novgorod is associated with many great people. One of these people is Alexander Nevsky, the famous prince of Novgorod who defeated the Swedes and defended Russia in the 13th century. After this victory he was given the nickname ‘Nevsky’ because the battle had taken place on the Neva river. 5. Visitors to Novgorod will be fascinated by the cathedral of St. Sophia, the oldest surviving stone monument in Russia, built in 1045, and the Kremlin of Novgorod, which is Russia’s oldest Kremlin. You can also visit a unique complex of ancient Russian architectural monuments from the 11th to 17th centuries. Novgorod is a beautiful town, full of history and culture.
3.5 Read and complete the dialogue with the phrases given. a) OK. b) Yes, it was c) Red Square and the Kremlin. d) Of course, we will. e) You see, f) Of course not. g) I see, h) Spasskaya.
Note: Present Perfect is used with adverbs: ever (когда-либо), never (никогда), just (только что), already (уже), not yet (еще не); with word combinations: this week, this year, today, recently; with prepositions: for (в течение), since (с, со времени). Translate the sentences into Russian and then back into English. 1.Has Phil found a new job? Yes, he was offered it yesterday. 2.Have you seen John anywhere? – Yes, I’ve just seen him. 3.Has Ann phoned yet? – Yes, she has just phoned. 4.Don’t forget to post that letter. – I’ve already posted it. 5.Shall I pay the waiter? – No, I’ve already paid him. 6.Have you ever been to Italy? – No, I’ve never been there. 7.When did they last visit you? – They haven’t visited us since June. 8.When did you last play tennis? – I haven’t played tennis for a long time. 9.Is it a good film? – Yes, it’s the best film I’ve ever seen.
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