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Indirect orders and requests.Содержание книги
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An order or a request in indirect speech is expressed by an infinitive:
The choice of the verb is determined by the character of the order (request). The verb most commonly used to introduce indirect orders is the verb to tell; the verb to order is frequently used, occasionally also the verb to command. The verb to tell corresponds to the Russian сказать, чтобы and велеть; to order and to command correspond to приказать.
The verb to request is used in official style, chiefly in the Passive Voice. It is best rendered in Russian by предложить. The verb to request introduces rather a veiled order than a request.
Unemotional requests are usually introduced by the verb to ask.
The verb to beg introduces a request somewhat more emotional.
Very often, however, it is used in the same meaning as the verb to ask, only it is more polite:
Emotional (emphatic) requests are introduced by the verbs to implore, to entreat, to beseech (умолять).
The verb to urge introduces a request made with great insistence. It corresponds to the Russian настаивать, уговаривать.
As is seen from the above examples, in converting requests beginning with the emphatic do, we use the verbs to implore, to entreat, to beseech, to urge. Indirect offers, suggestions, and advice. When converting offers and suggestions into indirect speech, we use the verbs to offer and to suggest. There is a difference between these two verbs, though both are rendered in Russian by 'предложить': the person who makes an offer intends to do the action himself, and the action is an act of kindness. A suggestion may also be an act of kindness, but not necessarily; the person who makes a suggestion may or may not intend to do the action himself.
Note. If the verb to suggest is followed by a subordinate clause. The predicate of the subordinate clause is expressed by a verb in the analytical form of the Subjunctive Mood with the auxiliary should. Sentences expressing advice are converted into indirect speech by means of the verb to advise.
Indirect exclamations. When exclamations are converted into indirect speech, it is not so much the verb as the adverbial modifier which shows the character of the exclamation — whether it expresses joy, sorrow, surprise, etc.
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