Make up a situation and Talk to your friend 

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Make up a situation and Talk to your friend



1. Being a safety man at the rig site explain to the driller why it is dangerous to open valves on the wellhead.

2. As a safety man convince the rig site workers that H2S is dangerous even in small concentrations.

3. You see a derrickman leaving a dog house where he has had lunch with the crew. He has a personal monitor, an air pack on and is going to gauge the tank. Though everything is all right, he is making a mistake. Try to talk to him and explain his mistake.




1. Blind - глухой фланец, люк, крышка

2. Production facilities - нефтеочистные сооружения на промысле

3. Refine petroleum - очищать нефтепродукты

4. Scale - накипь, нарост

5. Sewage - сточные воды

6. Sour spills -разлив жидкостей, содержащих H2S

7. Wastewater treatment facilities - водоочистные сооружения




1. What is the origin of H2S?

2. Where is H2S encountered?

3.What are the properties of H2S?

4.Where can you find H2S in oil and gas industry?

5.Why are the confined spaces especially dangerous?

6.What are the main procedures to ensure your safety at an H2S site?




Hydrogen sulphide, or H2S, is a naturally occuring gas found in a variety of geological formations. It is also formed by the natural decomposition of organic material in the absence of oxygen. It is encountered in a variety of industrial processes, including sewage and wastewater treatment facilities and the production and refining of petroleum, pulp and paper, metals, sulphur compounds and heavy water. H2S may be referred to as sour gas, acid gas, stink damp or sulphuretted hydrogen.

H2S gas is colourless, heavier-than-air and extremely toxic. In small concentrations it has a rotten egg smell and causes eye and throat irritation. H2S can deaden your sense of smell and, at higher concentrations, causes death. For these reasons, training in how to protect yourself is cruicial in any industry where H2S might be encountered. You will learn more about the toxic effects of H2S later, but first take a look at the following fatality incidents which occurred in the petroleum industry. All of these incidents could have been prevented!

- After loading his tank truck with sour produced water, a truck driver climbed onto the truck tank to gauge his load. His body was found the next morning on top of the tank near the open hatch.

- A boilermaker foreman was exposed to hydrogen sulphide while removing a blind on top of a vessel. After the exposure, he fell 12 m to his death.

- A rig worker collapsed while operating a blow-out preventer valve. The foreman brought breathing apparatus to rescue him, but was overcome. A third worker came to their rescue and was also overcome. The crew finally removed them from the area. The third worker was revived, but the first worker and the foreman both died.

These incidents are not here to scare you, but to point out the dangers associated with H2S. You can control these hazards through receiving adequate training, following safe work procedures and using breathing apparatus.

You can expect to find H2S anywhere in oil and gas industry. This means you can find H2S in:


- piping systems;

- vessels;

- pipelines;

- tanks;

- production facilities;

- pits and low spots;

- confined or enclosed spaces;

- shacks or buildings;

- sour spills.

You must be cautious when dealing with any confined space. When you enter a confined space, there is always the possibility that H2S may be present. The two main things to watch out for are scale and liquids. If you agitate liquids in a tank, they may release any H2S they contain. The removal of scale by steam, chemicals or grinding may also cause the release of any H2S in the scale.

H2S may be dissolved in liquids and then be released if agitated, depressurized or heated. This means that gas in the liquids is released when they are circulated, pumped, flowed or swabbed into tanks. That is another reason why you would expect to find H2S at the top of open tanks, gauge hatches and vent lines.

If you are near an oil and gas facility, check the wind direction by looking at the windsocks, weather vanes, tape, trees and so on. If H2S is present, it will move downwind. Staying upwind of the facility in the event of a leak should help keep you out of danger.

H2S is heavier than air. This means the gas may collect in low-lying areas or be trapped by buildings, natural barriers or other confined spaces. In the event of a leak, go to high ground upwind from the source of H2S. If downwind, head in a direction that takes you crosswind.








В этом разделе приведены основные виды документов, с которыми приходится работать переводчику в нефте­добывающем предприятии, даны образцы их оформления и упражнения для самостоятельного перевода. Документы могут меняться по размеру и оформлению, при этом, данные для заполнения и перевода остаются сходными. В зависимости от конкретных условий, видов документов может быть гораздо больше, поэтому в тексте данного урока мы ограничимся иллюстрацией нескольких примеров.

Очевидно, что самым распространенным документом в достаточно крупном совместном предприятии является файловая (служебная) записка, при помощи которой осуществ­ляется корреспонденция между отделами. Составляется служебная записка на двух языках. Пример ее оформления приведен ниже.


Наиболее сложными в отношении перевода являются документы отделов Бурения и Заканчивания. Трудности, с которыми можно встретиться при оформлении и переводе ежедневных сводок по бурению и заканчиванию, программ по скважинам и других документов, заключаются как в специ­фичности терминологии, так и в наличии большого количества абривиатур.

Образцы сводок по бурению и заканчиванию, а также образец плана работ по скважине, приведены ниже.








1. BHA - bottom hole assembly

2. ВОР - blowout preventer

3. CBL - cement bond logging

4. csg.- casing

5. С V - circulating valve

6. ESP - electrical submersible pump

7. ND - nipple down

8. NU - nipple up

9. PLT - production logging tool

10. POOH - pull out of hole

11.PT-pressure test

12. RIH - run in hole

13. RO-rig out

14. RU - rig up

15. SAP tool - selective acidizing packer

16. SICP - shut in casing pressure

17. SITP - shut in tubing pressure

18. SIW-shut in well

19. tbg.-tubing

20. TOF-top of fish 2 l.w/h- wellhead

22. WO - wait on






1. Band-крепить

2. Check valve - обратный клапан

3. Combination valve - комбинированный клапан

4. Head module - головка ЭЦН

5. Junction box - соединительная коробка

6. Knock out valve - сбивной клапан



While running ESP, drift and tally the tubing.

1. Check the compatibility of the surface electrical equipment with the parameters of the ESP.

См. пункт 2.


2. Install the check valve into the head module of the pump and then install the knock out valve onto the check valve or install a combination valve. The knock out valve may be installed one joint higher than the check valve.

3. Band ESP cable to tubing joints (above and below each tubing collar) so that there is a distance of 250 mm from the collars.

4. Pressure test the tubing to 7000 Kpa while running in the hole.

5. The pump should be run in at the speed not higher than 0.25 m/s.

6. Cable insulation resistance should be measured every 300 m.

7. Set the pump at the depth which is in accordance with the well plan and ensure that there is enough cable left on surface to hook up to the junction box.

8. Make all the necessary connections at the surface. Check for proper rotation of the pump and make sure that the pump is producing with the proper pumping rate.

9. Adjust underload/overload protection. Turn the well over to the production operator for start up and placement into production. Start up operations should be carried out in accordance with the manual.

10. The actual depth at which the pump is installed, the time of installation, the static fluid level in the well and the readings of the gauges should all be indicated in the daily report.


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