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In their turn — в свою очередь


Out-of-the-way regions — отдаленные районы

In short — короче говоря

Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту. Полученные ответы переведите на русский язык.

What possibilities have the achievements in the study of atom structure opened up?

What question did people ask scientists after the explosion of the first atomic bomb?

What was the main problem in applying the immense power of fissioned nucleus to peaceful purposes?

When and where did the first atomic power station start working?

What was the rate of development of atomic power engineering?

Why are mobile nuclear installations convenient?

How long can they operate without being recharged?

What thermonuclear process takes place at fantastically high temperature?

What element plays the decisive part in fusion process?

What can this element be extracted from?

V. Прочитайте текст и выполните задание после текста


Pumped storage plant – насосная гидростанция

At will - по желанию

Dump - сбрасывать

Head of water — высота напора воды

HEP — hydroelectric plant- гидроаккумулирующая станция

reinforce v — усилить

Peak load hours — часы максимальной (пиковой) нагрузки

Twice as much — вдвое больше

Pumped storage plants are designed and built to rein­force nuclear power. There are energy load peak hours during the day when twice as much electricity is required. At present the problem has become international.

It would seem a simple solution to keep several generating units in reserve for such cases at atomic power plants, for example. However, a nuclear reactor cannot be stopped at will. The best operational regime for react­ors is even loads throughout twenty-four hours. There­fore it is best to operate atomic power plants in combi­nation with pumped storage plants.

During the peak load hours a plant of this type dumps its water in the so-called lower reservoir. At night when it gets excess electricity from the atomic power plant it pumps the water from the lower reservoir into the upper one as "pumped storage". It accumulates a head of water which then turns into energy during the peak load hours.

Many countries are building pumped storage plants whose total capacity throughout the world is tens of millions of kilowatts. The biggest plants have been built in the United States, such as the Ludington atomic station with the capacity of one million 872 thousand kilowatts.

We are planning to construct a 1.2 million km pumped storage plant at Zagorsk near Moscow. It will include a HEP, an atomic power plant and two pumped storage plants.

Закончите следующее предложения в соответствии с содержанием текста. Полученные предложения переведите на русский язык.

  1. Pumped storage plants are built for …
  2. It is best to operate atomic power plants in combination with pumped storage plants because…
  3. During the peak hours a plant of this type … and gets electricity from …
  4. The biggest pumped storage plants have been built in …
  5. A pumped storage plant at Zagorsk wil include …

Вариант 4

I. Перепишите следующие предложения; подчеркните в каждом из них глагол-сказуемое и определите его видовременную форму и залог. Переведите предложения на русский язык.

Hamburg was a first city which had a complete systematic sewerage system.

The variety of polluting sources is growing.

During the years of its existence the city has had nearly 300 floods.

b) Переведите предложения на русский язык, обращая внимание на страдательный залог (Simple Passive)

  1. Because of the increasing demand for power, the world’s resources of fuel will be used up one day.

Ships will pass through two deep-water channels which are located on each side of the island.

Since the foundation of the city by Peter the Great in 1703 various schemes for its

Protection were offered by specialists.

The construction of the highway is paid great attention to.

II. Перепишите следующие предложения. Подчеркните Participle I и Participle II и определите функции каждого из них, т.е. укажите, является ли оно определением, обстоятельством или составной частью глагола-сказуемого; предложения переведите на русский язык.

1. The gates located over the spillways will go down to close the "windows"

The cold-water rising main of 12 mm diameter, being under pressure, is quite capable of replacing the water taken from the supply tank.

When visiting these installations, one can often see how pure the processed water is.

The sand and solids filtered out of the water are pushed by a hydraulic diaphragm to the flow of water.

III. Перепишите следующие предложения, подчеркните в каждом из них модальный глагол или его эквивалент; предложения переведите на русский язык.

Some years later it became evident that it was a grave error and that the defence system should be built.

Power generation may be accomplished by thermal and nuclear power stations.

Nobody was able to understand this mysterious phenomenon.

According to the General Plan highway is to become the outer part of the 150 km ring

Motor-road which will be built around the city.

IV. Прочитайте и устно переведите следующий текст. Выполните задание после текста.


In October 1980 the first stone with the words "Let's protect St. Petersburg from floods" was thrown into the waves of the Gulf of Finland near Gorskaya—that was the beginning of the construction of a flood defence system supposed to protect St. Petersburg from floods.

During the years of its existence the city has had nearly 300 floods. Three of them, in 1777, 1824 and 1924 were catastrophic. Ever since the foundation of the city by Peter the Great in 1703 various schemes for its protection were offered by specialists. But only due to modem technology such a giant hydroengineering project was made possible.

What does the hydroengineering complex look like?

Eleven giant dams of rock and soil (each 8 metres high above sea level) cross the Gulf of Finland from Gorskaya in the north to Lomonosov in the south of the Gulf through Kotlin Island (Kro-nstadt Fortress). Along the length of the dams there are six spillways to let the water through in normal conditions.

Ships will pass through two deep-water channels which are located on each side of the island, the 200 metres wide southern channel will be the main.

When a rise in the water level is forecast the whole automatic system will be put in action. The gates which are located over the spillways will go down to close the "windows" and the gates which slide along special rails on the bottom of the channels will come out of the dock chambers and bar the way to the sea wave. It will take only 30 minutes to perform all the operations.

It should be said that the construction of such gates is a sort of revolution and has no analogy in modern world practice.

Motor-car highway—24.4 kilometres long and 35 metres wide runs along the top of the dams and bridges over the spillways and twice it "dives" into the tunnels under the bottom of the channels. The length of the southern tunnel is some 2,000 metres and that of the northern one is 1,400 metres.

The construction of the highway is paid great attention to. According to the General Plan for the development of the city it is to become the outer part of the 150 km ring motor-road which will be built around the city.

However, the construction of the dam aroused hot discussions, the opposition was very strong. As a result the work was stopped half-way.

Some years later it became evident that it was a grave error and that the defence system should be built. The present government of St. Petersburg is doing everything possible to resume and finish the construction to prevent the city from serious damages.

Ответьте на следующие вопросы к тексту. Полученные ответы переведите на русский язык.

  1. What was the starting point for the construction of a flood defence system of the city?

Why was it decided to build the giant hydroengineering complex to protect St.Petersburg from floods?


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