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Вы хотите сказать, что в этом отношении королевская семья оторвалась от реальности?


Because there hasn’t been a major war in the last 50 years, people tend to think that we’re much the same as we were in 1946. But we aren’t. The values of society are different, the structure of society, the economy, our place in the world is utterly different. The monarchy has existed as a golden thread through these changing times.


Комментарий и словарь


1. To slim down – зд.: уменьшаться, снижаться. Данную фразу можно перевести следующим образом: «Роль монархии уменьшилась».

2. Department of the Crown – Министерство двора.

3. Rectitude – незыблемые моральные устои; правота, правильность.

4. She should have seen the writing on the wall – здесь звучит аллюзия на события, описанные в Ветхом Завете (книга пророка Даниила). Интервьюируемый имеет в виду, что королева должна была внять предупреждениям, должна была расценить ситуацию как предупреждение.

5. …she was effectively pushed into it – фраза логически связана с предыдущей частью предложения. Возможный перевод: «Вместо этого ее вынудили пойти на это/она была вынуждена сделать это под давлением извне».


4. Прослушайте текст полностью и выполните его последовательный перевод на русский язык:


Welcoming Remarks

by the Chairperson of the UNESCO Executive Board

(Visit to the Executive Board of the Prime Minister of Mauritius, Sir Anerood Jugnauth)


Mr. Prime Minister,


It is a great pleasure and honour for me to bid you welcome, on behalf of the Members of the Executive Board of UNESCO, to this 145th session of the Board.


You come, Sir, from a beautiful, “sea-locked” country1 which has come to be very especially admired for its peaceful multiracial society, its sound democratic traditions and its substantial recent development successes.


Political stability, success in attracting foreign investment, gigantic economic progress – with per capita2 income having jumped from below $1000 to over $8000 – unemployment virtually nil, and labour needing to be brought in from abroad, a literacy rate of over 95%, free education up to university level, compulsory primary education, free health care… the list of your country’s achievements is remarkable and long, and much of those achievements are due to your outstanding leadership.


I know from personal experience the importance you attach to cultural advancement, and we in UNESCO have much to learn from the community-level approach3 which you have successfully advocated, and which is so important in a multi-racial and multi-cultural society such as yours. I also know with what firmness and vision you began to promote the status of women and strongly drive forward sensible family planning at a time when this was not on the agenda in many developing countries. And I note, too, with admiration, the interesting feature of the University of Mauritius, founded in 1965, which meets development needs by conducting extensive in-service non-graduate courses4 in technology, administration and agriculture. Yours, Sir, is indeed an eminently caring society which, in this world, stands as an example to us all.


In reiterating our welcome to you, I therefore look forward with great interest to your words of wisdom concerning the role of education in the economic, social, political and cultural development of Mauritious.


Комментарий и словарь


1. “Sea-locked” country – страна, не имеющая сухопутных границ, окруженная водой.

2. Per capita – на душу населения.

3. Сommunity-level approach – имеется в виду подход к развитию культуры на уровне отдельных этнических групп.

4. In-service non-graduate course – курс обучения без отрыва от производства и выдачи диплома.


5. Переведите текст выступления с русского языка на английский поабзацно:





(8 марта 1996 г.)


Часть 1


Уважаемые господа!


Прежде всего хочу поблагодарить Вас, господин Президент, членов Совета директоров Европейского банка реконструкции и развития за инициативу нынешней встречи между представителями России и международных организаций, встречи, которая может положить начало новому этапу в развитии взаимоотношений России с ЕБРР, МВФ и МБРР.


Наша работа пришлась на исключительно важный для России период, о чем свидетельствует уже само название семинара «Россия: от стабилизации к устойчивому росту». Видимо, не случайно проходящее сейчас в Банке вроде бы рутинное уточнение стратегии операций в России планируется превратить в полноценное обсуждение итогов и перспектив работы Банка в Российской Федерации.


Нынешнее состояние российской экономики остается непростым. Вместе с тем уже достигнуты определенные успехи в финансовой стабилизации, что выразилось в существенном сокращении бюджетного дефицита, снижении темпов инфляции, стабилизации валютного рынка. Наметилось оживление в некоторых отраслях с экспортной направленностью, например, в химии и нефтехимии, черной и цветной металлургии. Начинают ощущаться положительные результаты процессов приватизации, заложившие основы для динамичного развития частного сектора, прежде всего, в сферах торговли, услуг и финансовом секторе.


Задача состоит в закреплении позитивных тенденций, в поддержке и усилении первых признаков экономического подъема как через целевые инвестиции, так и через реализацию инвестиционных программ и проектов в приоритетных отраслях и регионах.


Большинство российских руководителей считают сейчас, что процессы перехода к рыночной экономике и формирования демократической политической системы в России приобрели необратимый характер. Международное сообщество, как представляется, также признает и поддерживает это. Доказательствами могут служить как упоминавшееся здесь решение руководства МВФ о предоставлении России займа в размере 11 млрд. долларов, так и принятие России в Совет Европы.


6. Переведите текст выступления поабзацно с английского языка на русский:




Minister of State for Home Affairs,

Head of Nepalese Delegation


Part 1


Mr. President,

Distinguished Delegates,

Ladies and Gentlemen,


At the outset, allow me to extend, on behalf of the Nepalese delegation and on my own behalf, our sincere and heartiest congratulation to you on your unanimous election as the President of this Conference. We are confident that under your wise and able guidance the deliberations of this important gathering will come to a successful conclusion. We also extend our felicitation to all Vice-Presidents and the Rapporteur1 elected to this conference. Mr. President, you can count on the full cooperation of my delegation for making the conference a success.


On this occasion I would like to express my delegation’s deep appreciation to the Secretary General of the United Nations for his admirable role and endeavors in strengthening the global efforts to drive out the menace of drug abuse and illicit trafficking. We also highly commend the tireless efforts exerted by staff and members of the UN Commission on Narcotic Drugs for the preparation of such a comprehensive document on the draft convention, which surely will make our task easier and facilitate our discussion in this conference. We are grateful to the Government and the people of Austria for the cooperation and warm hospitality extended to us.

Mr. Chairman,


Gathered here, as we are, to discuss and finalize a Convention which can effectively deal with the illicit traffic of narcotic drugs and psychotropic substance, we have before us a very important task. Drug abuse and its illicit trafficking is a sophisticated and complex problem. It knows no national boundaries and not confined to a single state or a small segment of the population or society. The covert2 nature of the drug trade and its network in many parts of the world have made the menace a problem of global nature. It is a common fact that drug abuse and its illicit trafficking have posed a serious threat to millions of persons, societies, and even to nations. The drug trade entices3, captivates and ultimately destroys people from all walks of life.


Drug abuse and illicit trafficking are interrelated problems and they in combination have threatened the social harmony of our society. Apart from the destruction of individual life, is the damage caused to traditional values, life styles and national economics. By encouraging crimes, corruption, bribery, violence and even the terrorism, the drug menace poses a threat to the very security and political stability of nations. Despite massive quantities of illicit drugs seized by law enforcement officials each year, major international drug trafficking networks have remained a step ahead of national authorities. It is in this context that the Convention we are working for assumes its importance. Coordination of activities and cooperation among national agencies between countries is vital for eradicating4 the menace.


Комментарий и словарь


1. Rapporteur – докладчик.

2. Covert – тайный, секретный, затаенный, невидимый.

3. Entice – соблазнять.

4. Eradicate – искоренять.



1. Прослушайте, запишите и воспроизведите на русском языке следующие прецизионные слова:


Monday, 23 783, Jordan, May, Wednesday, Swiss, 230 090, Jerusalem, September, Saturday, Swedish, 1 000 408, Kola Peninsula, January, Thursday, Irish, 21 000 403 000, Ivory Coast, March 8, 1914, August, Sunday, Polish, 300 234 000 009

Leipzig, May 9, 1945, November, Tuesday, Turkish, Lausanne.


2. Прослушайте все предложения полностью и переведите их на русский язык:


1. The price of the ticket is 2 dollars 50 cents.

2. John’s car is 9 years old.

3. The Museum was visited by 32 650 visitors in 2001.

4. The library collection comprises over 678 000 volumes.

5. 68% of enterprises in Sakha republic are in municipal ownership.

6. More than 2 million square meters of housing were commissioned in Nizhny Novgorod in 2000.

7. Each year about 1500 (fifteen hundred) Russian scientific researchers have internships in scientific establishments of more than 20 countries.

8. The company paid 12 560 dollars as income tax in 2000, which is 23% more than in 1999.

9. 82% of the University graduates have found jobs immediately after graduation; 11% of graduates have found proper employment in a year after graduation while 7% enrolled in educational programs abroad.

10. The vessel transported 78 000 tons of cargo, of which more than 2 tons were pharmaceutical products.


3. Прослушайте следующий текст полностью, обращая особое внимание на прецизионную лексику. Переведите текст на русский язык:


According to V.Shumeiko, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation, the most sizeable fall of industrial production in 1992 occurred in the regions of European part of Russia, dropping by 17.9% compared to a drop of 2% in 1991. In the regions of East and Far East, production fell by 15.2% versus a 3.5% drop in 1991. In the regions of Russian North, production fell by 14.8% compared to a fall of 4% in 1991.

In the period of January-October 1992, production in the republics of North Ossetian and Kabardino-Balkar amounted to only 64.6 and 65% of that in the same period in 1991. In the period of January-September 1992, the undersupply of cement amounted to 12%, timber was undersupplied by 18%, diesel fuel by 20% and gasoline by 21%. By November 1992, delivery orders for oil products to the northern regions were only 88% fulfilled.

From: The Impact of Transition on the Russian Regions”

by Andreas Wörgötter and Vsevolod Bulantsev


4. Выполните последовательный двусторонний перевод интервью:


Interview of YOSSI SARID, Israel’s Minister of Education and the leader of the leftist Meretz Party


As leader of the party Sarid constantly criticized former prime minister Benjamin Netanyahu for dragging his feet in peace negotiations with the Palestinians.

Господин Сарид, средства массовой информации называют премьер-министра Эхуда Барака «Баракьяху», намекая на то, что он также не проявляет достаточной решительности на переговорах с палестинцами, как и его предшественник. Означает ли это, что переговорный процесс зашел в тупик?

We have to remember that Barak has been prime minister for five weeks. After five weeks to compare Ehud Barak to Benjamin Netanyahu is outrageous. There is no comparison whatsoever. At least Barak is a very honest person. The problem with Netanyahu was that he said different things to different people. The advantage of Barak is that he’s saying exactly the same thing to his ministers and to the Israeli public and to the Palestinians. I hope that he will be successful in his effort to change the peace agreement. If not, there is no question the accords1 will be implemented as it is.


Конечно же, никто не может сказать, что вы безучастно наблюдаете за переговорным процессом. Вы активный политик. И в связи с этим хотелось бы задать вопрос: как вы представляете свою роль в новом правительстве и в установлении мира на Ближнем Востоке?

Our role is to ensure that the Wye accords will be implemented one way or another. At the present moment, we support the prime minister’s effort, hoping that in the very near future we’ll reach an understanding with the Palestinians. If we come to the conclusion in a few weeks that we are stuck, we’ll talk again to the prime minister to convince him that the implementation of the Wye accords is the most important necessity. We believe that the prime minister has an open ear to listen to what we have to say and to be convinced.


Новые реалии требуют внесения определенных изменений в саму систему образования Израиля. Какие именно изменения вы хотели бы осуществить?

We have a lot of work to do. We have to change some of our educational programs. We have to try to uproot all kinds of negative stereotypes with regard to Arabs and Palestinians. This is our neighborhood. We have to understand it and make an effort to live peacefully with our close neighbors. We are talking about programs of many, many years. We have many changes to make. I am asking my education professionals to check the programs2.



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