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Direct Speech Reported Speech↑ ⇐ ПредыдущаяСтр 9 из 9 Содержание книги
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Поиск на нашем сайте “I can fix it”, he said to me. He said he could fix it. TELL вживається в непрямій мові: а) за наявності непрямого додатка, що означає особу, до якої звертаються: Direct Speech Reported Speech “I can do it”, he said to me. He told me he could do it. б) якщо після непрямого додатка йде інфінітив(стверджувальний або заперечний): Direct Speech Reported Speech He said to me: “Please, don`t go out!” He told me not to go out. ASK вживається в непрямих питаннях: Direct Speech Reported Speech He asked: “Are you OK?” He asked me if I was OK. f) Питальні речення, відтворені непрямою мовою, називаються непрямими запитаннями. Непрямі запитання мають структуру розповідного речення: в них прямий порядок слів (присудок ставиться після підмета). При перетворенні прямої мови на непряму загальне запитання замінюється підрядним реченням, яке з’єднується з головним за допомогою сполучників if або whether. I asked him: “Do you know the boy?” I asked him if he knew the boy. He asked me: “Have you had lunch?” He asked me whether I had had lunch.
При відтворенні непрямою мовою спеціальних запитань питальні слова (займенники і прислівники) стають сполучними словами: He said to me: “Why didn`t you come?” He asked me why I hadn`t come. She asked him: “Where have you been?” She asked him where he had been.
EXERCISES 15. Translate into English: 1. Вони подумали, що він зараз на роботі. 2. Я забув, що вона приїде наступного тижня. 3. Вона дізналась, що його завтра не буде на роботі. 16. Change from direct to indirect speech: Example: The pupils said: “We study English.” The pupils said that they studied English. 1. The girl said: “I am busy today.” 2. The man said: “They are at work now.” 3. My aunt said: “He was here yesterday”. 4. Mary said: “I was there with my parents last week.” 5. He said: “ I will be here tomorrow.” 6. His father said: “ I don’t speak Spanish.” 7. The doctor said: “I will come again in the morning.” 8. The women said: “I didn’t see Helen there.” 9. The children said: “ We had lunch at school.” 10. The women said: “ I have three children.” 11. She said: “I am playing tennis now.” 12. He said: “She bought it yesterday.”13. She said: “I will do it tomorrow.” 14. They said: “They are still waiting for him.” 15. They said: “We have been discussing the issue since 5 o’clock.”16. He said: “We have been playing tennis for an hour.” 17. She said: “I will be waiting for him from 5 till 6.” 18. She said: “I am watching television.” 19. My friend said: “I didn’t recognize him.” 20. The boy said: “I am not hungry now.” 21. Charlie said: “Margaret has had a baby.” 22. He said: “You can come and stay with me if you are ever in London.” 23. They said: “Tom had an accident last week but he wasn’t injured.” 17. Change from direct to indirect speech: 1. He asked: “Are you going home?” 2. He asked: “Do you know Peter?” 3. He asked: “Do you have much money?” 4. He asked: “Would you like a cup of tea?” 5. He asked: “Have you ever been to Paris?” 6. He asked: “Did you see Peter yesterday?” 7. He asked: “Will you come out if it rains?” 8. He asked: “Where were you last week?” 9. He asked: “When will they arrive?” 10. He asked: “Why have you done it?” 11. He asked: “How many people are coming?” 12. He asked: “ Which of you have seen this film?” 13. He asked: “Whose car is this? 14. He asked: “How long have you been watching TV?” 15. He asked: “What are you doing now?” 16. He asked: “Can you swim?” 17. He asked: “Will you be able to be the first?” 18. He asked: “What could you do in this case?” 19. He asked: “When are you going to have a snack?” 20. He asked: “Are you allowed to have a break?” 18. Change from direct into indirect speech: 1. Peter said: “My sister is learning to cook.” 2. Jack said: “I come to school by bus every day.” 3. Tom said: “Mary fell down but she didn’t hurt herself.” 19. Change from direct into indirect speech: 1. He has just said: “I want to speak to you.” 2. He said: “I’m afraid I can’t go there now, but I shall probably be able to go tomorrow.” 3. He said to me: “You must eat more fruit.” 4. She said: “You should wait until the weather changes.” 5. I asked him: “Can you meet me tomorrow?” 6. He asked me: “Do you think that the weather will change?” 7. He asked her: “Did anybody call this morning?” 8. He has just asked me: “ Who will come to the cinema with me?” 9. I asked him: “What will you do if you miss the train?” 10. He said to the secretary: “Bring me the letter we have received this morning!” 11. I said to her: “Please, open the window!” 12. She said to me: “Please, don’t be rude!” 13. She said: “You should be careful.” 14. They said: “She can be free.” 15. He said: “It may rain.” 16. She said: “You won’t be allowed to have a rest.” 17. I asked: “Could you have a rest?’ 18. She said: “You must be on duty now.” 19. They said: “You had better stay.” 20. I asked: “Will you be able to do it tomorrow?” T E S T 6 1. Did he tell you …? a) what the problem was; c) what was the problem; b) the problem was what; d) was what the problem. 2. She decided that she … the early train. a) took; c) would take; b) was taken; d) will take. 3. The teacher told the students … too much time on the first question. a) that they don`t spend; c) to not spend; b) not to spend; d) that they won’t spend. 4. The thought that perhaps in the morning he … a millionaire pleased him. a) will be; c) would take; b) had to be; d) were. 5. “I am never going to go by bus again”, says the fat man. the fat man said that …. by bus again. a) he will never go; c) he would never go; b) he never went; d) he never goes. 6. She said that the letter … next morning. a) would posted; c) would be posted; b) will be posted; d) had been posted. 7. We didn`t know the score, but we were sure their team…. a) to be lost; c) had lost; b) has lost; d) lost. 8. I went to England because I … English. a) was wanted to learn; c) wanted to learn; b) wanted learning; d) wanted to learning. 9. He asked her … to have pork. a) that they were; c) if they are going; b) if they were going; d) what they were going. 10. He phoned to say that he _______ his bag on the plane. a) has left c) had left b) left d) was leaving 11. I don`t know …. a) where this museum; c) where is this museum; b) where this museum is; d) this museum is where. 12. He came home late, so I asked him where … been. a) he had; c) he was; b) he has; d) had he. 13. The policeman … me not to park there. a) asked; c) said; b) told; d) advised. a) what time it is; c) what time is it; b) what is the time; d) what is it time. 15. Barbara said that her grandma … her some money. b) would give; d) would be given. 16. I wondered who Ted … in these different places. a) will be contact; c) were contacting; b) had been contacting; d) contact. 17. Tell me what… a) do you want me to buy for you; c) you want me to buy for you; b) do you want me buy for you; d) you want me buy for you. 18. I knew that he … waiting for somebody. a) is; c) would; b) was; d) had. 19. Do you remember that we … to the cinema tonight. a) will be gone; c) would go; b) are going; d) go. 20. The teacher asked why …. a) was she late for school again; c) she was late for school again; b) she again for school was late; d) she is late for school again. 21. Could you tell us …? a) when does the concert begin; c) when the concert begun; b) when did the concert begin; d) when the concert begins. 22. I wonder … a) what are you reading; c) what you are reading; b) what you reading; d) what do you read. 23. She said she… him as soon as she arrived. a) will phone; c) phoned; b) would phone; d) phone. 24. The flight attendant asked the passengers … because the plane was taking off. a) not smoking; c) should not smoke; b) doesn`t smoke; d) not to smoke. 25. “There isn`t any price on this”. – “ Ask the clerk … “ a) how much costs it c) it costs how much b) how it costs much d) how much it costs.
APPENDIX 1 List of irregular verbs
Література 1. Тести з англійської мови[Текст]/ Гужва Т. М., Гусак Т. М. − К., 2008. 2. English grammar in Usl[Text]/ Raymond Murphy − Cambridge university press? 1994. 3. Round-up G[Text]/ Virginia Evans. − Addison Wesley Longman Limited, 2002. 4. Modern English. Grammar in practice[Text]/ T. Gusak. Kyiv, 2002. 5. Грамматика. Сборник упражнений[Текст]/ Голицынский Ю. Санкт-Петергург, “Паро”, 2001. 6. Граматика сучасної англійської мови[Текст]/ Верба Л. Г., Вреба Т. В. Довідник. Київ, 2001.
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