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lakṣmaṇasyātmajau smṛtau


lakṣmaṇasyātmajau smṛtau

takṣaḥ puṣkala ity āstāṁ

bharatasya mahīpate

O King! Lakṣmaṇa had two sons, named Aṅgada and Citraketu, and Bharata also had two sons, named Takṣa and Puṣkala.

|| 9.11.13-14 ||

subāhuḥ śrutasenaś ca

śatrughnasya babhūvatuḥ

gandharvān koṭiśo jaghne

bharato vijaye diśām

tadīyaṁ dhanam ānīya

sarvaṁ rājñe nyavedayat

śatrughnaś ca madhoḥ putraṁ

lavaṇaṁ nāma rākṣasam

hatvā madhuvane cakre

mathurāṁ nāma vai purīm

Śatrughna had two sons, named Subāhu and Śrutasena. When Lord Bharata went to conquer all directions, he had to kill millions of Gandharvas. Taking all their wealth, he offered it to Rāmacandra. Śatrughna killed a Rākṣasa named Lavaṇa, who was the son of Madhu Rākṣasa. Thus he established in the great forest known as Madhuvana the town known as Mathurā.

|| 9.11.15 ||

munau nikṣipya tanayau

sītā bhartrā vivāsitā

dhyāyantī rāma-caraṇau

vivaraṁ praviveśa ha

Being forsaken by her husband, Sītā entrusted her two sons to the care of Vālmīki. Then, meditating upon the lotus feet of Rāmacandra, she entered into the earth.

Unable to bear the pain of separation from her husband she entered a hole in the earth.

|| 9.11.16 ||

tac chrutvā bhagavān rāmo

rundhann api dhiyā śucaḥ

smaraṁs tasyā guṇāṁs tāṁs tān

nāśaknod roddhum īśvaraḥ

After hearing the news of mother Sītā's entering the earth, the Supreme Lord Rāma, though capable of checking his grief by intelligence, on remembering her good qualities, he could not do so, though he was the Lord.

Though Rāma was the Supreme Lord, he could not check his grief, since his nature is to be controlled by prema.

|| 9.11.17 ||

strī-puṁ-prasaṅga etādṛk

sarvatra trāsam-āvahaḥ

apīśvarāṇāṁ kim uta


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