mat-kṣetrād āhitaṁ paraiḥ 

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mat-kṣetrād āhitaṁ paraiḥ


mat-kṣetrād āhitaṁ paraiḥ

nāhaṁ tvāṁ bhasmasāt kuryāṁ

striyaṁ sāntānike 'sati

O foolish woman! Your womb, which was meant for me to impregnate, has been impregnated by someone other than me. Immediately deliver your child! Be assured that after the child is delivered, I shall not burn you to ashes, though you are unchaste, since you are a woman wanting a son.

Bṛhaspati spoke. Deliver the child produced by another from the womb which is meant for my children. But she feared that when the child is born, he would turn her to ashes. No, since you desired a son, I desire you to have the son. Another version has sanative in the vocative.

|| 9.14.10 ||

tatyāja vrīḍitā tārā

kumāraṁ kanaka-prabham

spṛhām āṅgirasaś cakre

kumāre soma eva ca

By Bṛhaspati's order, Tārā, who was ashamed, gave birth to the child with a golden bodily hue. Both Bṛhaspati and the moon-god desired the child.

|| 9.14.11 ||

mamāyaṁ na tavety uccais

tasmin vivadamānayoḥ

papracchur ṛṣayo devā

naivoce vrīḍitā tu sā

A quarrel started between Bṛhaspati and the moon-god, both of whom claimed, "This is my child, not yours!" All the sages and devatās present asked Tārā whose child the newborn baby actually was, but because she was ashamed she said nothing.

|| 9.14.12 ||

kumāro mātaraṁ prāha

kupito 'līka-lajjayā

kiṁ na vacasy asad-vṛtte

ātmāvadyaṁ vadāśu me

The child then became very angry and said, "O unchaste woman! What is the use of your unnecessary shame? Why do you not admit your fault? Immediately speak."

Why do you not say your fault (avadyam)?

|| 9.14.13 ||

brahmā tāṁ raha āhūya

samaprākṣīc ca sāntvayan

somasyety āha śanakaiḥ

somas taṁ tāvad agrahīt

Lord Brahmā, calling Tārā to a secluded place, calmed her and then asked her. Eventually she admitted it was Soma’s child, and Soma then took the child.

Rahaḥ means alone.

|| 9.14.14 ||


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