sva-dharmaṁ gṛha-medhīyaṁ
rājarṣi-caritaḥ śuciḥ
sva-dharmaṁ gṛha-medhīyaṁ
śikṣayan svayam ācarat
Rāmacandra, a pure king of saintly character, with a vow of accepting only one wife, taught good behavior for householders by his personal activities.
|| 9.10.55 ||
premṇānuvṛttyā śīlena
praśrayāvanatā satī
bhiyā hriyā ca bhāva-jñā
bhartuḥ sītāharan manaḥ
By her character and her love and service, by submissiveness, shyness and fear, understanding the love of her husband, Sītā attracted the mind of the Lord.
Thus ends the commentary on the Tenth Chapter of the Ninth Canto of the Bhāgavatam for the pleasure of the devotees, in accordance with the previous ācāryas.
Chapter Eleven
Character of Rāma
|| 9.11.1 ||
śrī-śuka uvāca
bhagavān ātmanātmānaṁ
rāma uttama-kalpakaiḥ
sarva-devamayaṁ devam
īje 'thācāryavān makhaiḥ
Śukadeva Gosvāmī said: The Supreme Lord, Rāmacandra, accepted an ācārya and performed sacrifices with the best paraphernalia. Thus he worshiped himself, by himself.
The Eleventh Chapter describes the sacrifices performed by Rāma, his rejection of Sītā, her entrance into the earth, and sending his brothers to conquer the directions.
“He worshipped himself by himself” means that he worshipped himself by sacrifices which were not different from him, since he is the process and the result of sacrifice.
|| 9.11.2 ||
hotre 'dadād diśaṁ prācīṁ
brahmaṇe dakṣiṇāṁ prabhuḥ
adhvaryave pratīcīṁ vā
uttarāṁ sāmagāya saḥ
Rāmacandra gave the east to the hotā priest, the south to the brahmā priest, the west to the adhvaryu priest, and the north to the udgātā priest, the reciter of the Sāma Veda.
|| 9.11.3 ||
ācāryāya dadau śeṣāṁ
yāvatī bhūs tad-antarā
manyamāna idaṁ kṛtsnaṁ