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stūyamānaś ca vandibhiḥ


stūyamānaś ca vandibhiḥ

vireje bhagavān rājan

grahaiś candra ivoditaḥ

O King Parīkṣit! As the Lord sat on his airplane of flowers, praised by women by reciters, he appeared like the moon with the stars and planets.

|| 9.10.45-46 ||

bhrātrābhinanditaḥ so 'tha

sotsavāṁ prāviśat purīm

praviśya rāja-bhavanaṁ

guru-patnīḥ sva-mātaram

gurūn vayasyāvarajān

pūjitaḥ pratyapūjayat

vaidehī lakṣmaṇaś caiva

yathāvat samupeyatuḥ

Having been welcomed by Bharata, Rāmacandra entered the city of Ayodhyā in the midst of a festival. When he entered the palace, he offered obeisances to all the mothers, including Kaikeyī and his own mother, Kauśalyā. He also offered obeisances to the spiritual preceptors, such as Vasiṣṭha. Friends of his own age and younger friends worshiped him. Lakṣmaṇa and mother Sītā also offered suitable respects.

Guru-patnīḥ means Kaikeyi and others. Svātaram means Kauśalyā. He offered respects to his gurus also. He was worshipped by those of his own age and those younger. Lakṣmaṇa and Sītā offered suitable respects as well by bowing down.

|| 9.10.47 ||

putrān sva-mātaras tās tu

prāṇāṁs tanva ivotthitāḥ

āropyāṅke 'bhiṣiñcantyo

bāṣpaughair vijahuḥ śucaḥ

Upon seeing their sons, the mothers of Rāma, Lakṣmaṇa, Bharata and Śatrughna immediately arose, like unconscious bodies returning to consciousness. The mothers placed their sons on their laps and bathed them with tears, thus relieving themselves of the grief of long separation.

|| 9.10.48 ||

jaṭā nirmucya vidhivat

kula-vṛddhaiḥ samaṁ guruḥ

abhyaṣiñcad yathaivendraṁ


The family priest Vasiṣṭha had Rāmacandra cleanly shaved of his matted locks. Then, with the cooperation of the elderly members of the family, he performed the bathing ceremony for Rāmacandra with the water of the four seas and with other substances, just as it was performed for King Indra.

|| 9.10.49 ||

evaṁ kṛta-śiraḥ-snānaḥ


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