patnīṁ bṛhaspater darpāt
vijitya bhuvana-trayam
patnīṁ bṛhaspater darpāt
tārāṁ nāmāharad balāt
After conquering the three worlds, the moon-god, performed a Rājasūya sacrifice. Because of pride, he kidnapped Bṛhaspati's wife, Tārā.
|| 9.14.5 ||
yadā sa deva-guruṇā
yācito 'bhīkṣṇaśo madāt
nātyajat tat-kṛte jajñe
Although requested again and again by Bṛhaspati, the guru of the devatās, Soma did not return Tārā out of pride. Consequently, a fight ensued between the devatās and the demons.
|| 9.14.6 ||
śukro bṛhaspater dveṣād
agrahīt sāsuroḍupam
haro guru-sutaṁ snehāt
Because of enmity between Bṛhaspati and Śukra, Śukra (guru of the demons) took the side of the moon-god and was joined by the demons. But Lord Śiva, because of affection for the son of his guru, joined the side of Bṛhaspati and was accompanied by all the ghosts and hobgoblins.
Śukra sided with the moon along with the demons. The sandhi is poetic license. Śiva obtained knowledge from Aṅgirā, son of Bṛhaspati, according to Śrīdhara Svāmī.
|| 9.14.7 ||
mahendro gurum anvayāt
surāsura-vināśo 'bhūt
samaras tārakāmayaḥ
Indra, accompanied by devatās, joined the side of Bṛhaspati. Thus there was a great fight, destroying both demons and devatās, only for the sake of Tārā, Bṛhaspati's wife.
|| 9.14.8 ||
nivedito 'thāṅgirasā
somaṁ nirbhartsya viśva-kṛt
tārāṁ sva-bhartre prāyacchad
antarvatnīm avait patiḥ
When Lord Brahmā was fully informed by Aṅgirā about the entire incident, he severely chastised the moon-god, Soma. Thus Lord Brahmā delivered Tārā to her husband, who could then understand that she was pregnant.
Brahmā scolded the moon, took Tārā from him, and gave her to Bṛhaspati. Bṛhaspati understood that she was pregnant.
|| 9.14.9 ||
tyaja tyajāśu duṣprajñe