tam āpatantaṁ bhṛgu-varyam ojasā
Taking up his fierce axe, his shield, his bow and a quiver of arrows, Paraśurāma, unable to tolerate this, chased Kārtavīryārjuna just as a lion chases an elephant.
|| 9.15.29 ||
tam āpatantaṁ bhṛgu-varyam ojasā
dhanur-dharaṁ bāṇa-paraśvadhāyudham
aiṇeya-carmāmbaram arka-dhāmabhir
yutaṁ jaṭābhir dadṛśe purīṁ viśan
As King Kārtavīryārjuna entered his capital, Māhiṣmatī, he saw Paraśurāma, the best of the Bhṛgu dynasty, chasing him, holding a chopper, shield, bow and arrows, and covered with a black deerskin, and with matted locks of hair, which shone like the sun.
While entering the city Kārtavīryārjuna saw him.
|| 9.15.30 ||
acodayad dhasti-rathāśva-pattibhir
akṣauhiṇīḥ sapta-daśātibhīṣaṇās
tā rāma eko bhagavān asūdayat
Kārtavīryārjuna sent seventeen fearful akṣauhiṇīs of soldiers, along with elephants, chariots, horses and infantry soldiers equipped with clubs, swords, arrows, spears, studded clubs, lances. But Paraśurāma alone killed all of them.
He sent fearful akṣauhinīs along with elephants and various weapons.
|| 9.15.31 ||
yato yato 'sau praharat-paraśvadho
mano-'nilaujāḥ para-cakra-sūdanaḥ
tatas tataś chinna-bhujoru-kandharā
nipetur urvyāṁ hata-sūta-vāhanāḥ
Skilled in the use of his axe, moving with the speed of the mind and the wind, wherever the destroyer of the enemies troops move about, the severed necks, legs and arms of the enemy along with their chariot drivers and carriers, fell to the ground.
Skilled in using his axe, acting with the speed of the mind and the wind, first seeing the great numbers of troops, he worked quickly to destroy them, and when they were almost all killed, slowing down somewhat and acted like the wind. Wherever he went, there the heroes fell.
|| 9.15.32 ||
dṛṣṭvā sva-sainyaṁ rudhiraugha-kardame