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kāśyasya kāśis tat-putro
kāśyasya kāśis tat-putro
rāṣṭro dīrghatamaḥ-pitā
dhanvantarir dīrghatamasa
yajña-bhug vāsudevāṁśaḥ
The son of Kāśya was Kāśi, and his son was Rāṣṭra, the father of Dīrghatama. Dīrghatama had a son named Dhanvantari, who was the inaugurator of the medical science and an incarnation of Lord Vāsudeva, the enjoyer of the results of sacrifices.[152] Just by remembering the name of Dhanvantari can be released from all disease.
|| 9.17.5 ||
tat-putraḥ ketumān asya
jajñe bhīmarathas tataḥ
divodāso dyumāṁs tasmāt
pratardana iti smṛtaḥ
The son of Dhanvantari was Ketumān, and his son was Bhīmaratha. The son of Bhīmaratha was Divodāsa, and the son of Divodāsa was Dyumān, also known as Pratardana.
|| 9.17.6 ||
sa eva śatrujid vatsa
ṛtadhvaja itīritaḥ
tathā kuvalayāśveti
prokto 'larkādayas tataḥ
Dyumān was also known as Śatrujit, Vatsa, Ṛtadhvaja and Kuvalayāśva. From him were born Alarka and other sons.
From Dyumān who was also named Pratardana and Śatrujit, Vatsa, Ṛtadhvaja and Kuvalayāśva, Alarka and others were born.
|| 9.17.7 ||
ṣaṣṭiṁ varṣa-sahasrāṇi
ṣaṣṭiṁ varṣa-śatāni ca
nālarkād aparo rājan
bubhuje medinīṁ yuvā
O King! Alarka, the son of Dyumān, reigned over the earth for sixty-six thousand years. No one other than him has reigned over the earth for so long as a young man.
|| 9.17.8 ||
alarkāt santatis tasmāt
sunītho 'tha niketanaḥ
dharmaketuḥ sutas tasmāt
satyaketur ajāyata
From Alarka came a son named Santati, and his son was Sunītha. The son of Sunītha was Niketana, the son of Niketana was Dharmaketu, and the son of Dharmaketu was Satyaketu.
Santati was the son’s name.
|| 9.17.9 ||
dhṛṣṭaketus tatas tasmāt