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As in an oil-pressing machine, the first axle is attached to a second axle, which is one fourth as long. The upper end of this second axle is attached to Dhruvaloka.


As in an oil-pressing machine, the first axle is attached to a second axle, which is one fourth as long. The upper end of this second axle is attached to Dhruvaloka.

There is a second axel bound to first part of the first axel (kṛtamūlaḥ) with the wheel at its end. Its length is one quarter of the first axel or 3,937,500 yojanas.[60] It is bound to the first exactly opposite to the salt water ocean. Because the second axel is shorter than the first axel, its other end is bound to Dhruvaloka by a rope of wind.

|| 5.21.15 ||

ratha-nīḍas tu ṣaṭ-triṁśal-lakṣa-yojanāyatas tat-turīya-bhāga-viśālas tāvān ravi-ratha-yugo yatra hayāś chando-nāmānaḥ saptāruṇa-yojitā vahanti devam ādityam.

O King! The carriage of the sun-god's chariot is estimated to be 3,600,000 yojanas long and one-fourth as wide (900,000 yojanas). The chariot's horses, which are named after Gāyatrī and other Vedic meters, are harnessed by Aruṇadeva to a yoke that is also 900,000 yojanas wide. This chariot continuously carries the sun-god.

Niḍāḥ is the enclosure on the chariot. It is 3600,000 yojanas high and 900,000 wide. The sun god is situated in the enclosure at a place 40,000 yojanas above the wheel. It is yoked by Aruṇa and pulled by horses named after the Vedic meters like Gayatrī.

|| 5.21.16 ||

purastāt savitur aruṇaḥ paścāc ca niyuktaḥ sautye karmaṇi kilāste.

Although Aruṇa sits in front of the sun-god and is engaged in driving the chariot and controlling the horses, he looks backward toward the sun-god.

Though seated in form, he faces backwards. Vāyu Purāṇa describes the horses:


saptāśva-rūpa-cchandāṁsi vahante vāmato ravim

cakra-pakṣa-nibaddhāni cakre vākṣaḥ samāhitaḥ


The seven horses are the seven Vedic meters. They carry the sun from the left and are bound to the side of the wheel. The axel is connected with the wheel.

|| 5.21.17 ||


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