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vibhajan kṛṣṇa-śuklayoḥ
Содержание книги
- hy ārādhya loke patim āśāsate 'nyam
- tad eva rāsīpsitam īpsito 'rcito
- sa tvaṁ mamāpy acyuta śīrṣṇi vanditaṁ
- oṁ namo bhagavate mukhyatamāya namaḥ sattvāya prāṇāyaujase sahase balāya mahā-matsyāya nama iti.
- bhavān yugāntārṇava ūrmi-mālini
- artha-svarūpaṁ bahu-rūpa-rūpitam
- rūpākṛtau kavibhiḥ kalpiteyam
- yasya svarūpaṁ kavayo vipaścito
- karoti viśva-sthiti-saṁyamodayaṁ
- Description of Bhārata-varṣa
- yat tad viśuddhānubhava-mātram ekaṁ
- rakṣo-vadhāyaiva na kevalaṁ vibhoḥ
- na vai sa ātmātmavatāṁ suhṛttamaḥ
- suro 'suro vāpy atha vānaro naraḥ
- kartāsya sargādiṣu yo na badhyate
- idaṁ hi yogeśvara yoga-naipuṇaṁ
- aho amīṣāṁ kim akāri śobhanaṁ
- prasanna eṣāṁ svid uta svayaṁ hariḥ
- kṣaṇāyuṣāṁ bhārata-bhūjayo varam
- prāptā nṛ-jātiṁ tv iha ye ca jantavo
- satyaṁ diśaty arthitam arthito nṛṇāṁ
- sviṣṭasya sūktasya kṛtasya śobhanam
- Description of the Other Dvīpas
- pratnasya viṣṇo rūpaṁ yat
- sva-gobhiḥ pitṛ-devebhyo
- vibhajan kṛṣṇa-śuklayoḥ
- parasya brahmaṇaḥ sākṣāj
- punantīr bhūr-bhuvaḥ-suvaḥ
- spṛśatām ātmanā bhuva iti
- antaḥ-praviśya bhūtāni
- tad-varṣa-puruṣā bhagavantaṁ brahma-rūpiṇaṁ sakarmakeṇa karmaṇārādhayantīdaṁ codāharanti.
- tataḥ parastāl lokāloka-nāmācalo lokālokayor antarāle parita upakṣiptaḥ.
- kalpam evaṁ gata eṣa bhagavān ātma-yogamāyayā viracita-vividha-loka-yātrā-gopīyāyety arthaḥ.
- The Lord remains there until the end of the kalpa in order to protect the worldly affairs created by his yoga-māyā.
- sūryeṇa hi vibhajyante
- yadā vṛścikādiṣu pañcasu vartate tadāho-rātrāṇi viparyayāṇi bhavanti.
- yāvad dakṣiṇāyanam ahāni vardhante yāvad udagayanaṁ rātrayaḥ.
- tasminn akṣe kṛtamūlo dvitīyo 'kṣas turyamānena sammitas taila-yantrākṣavad dhruve kṛtopari-bhāgaḥ.
- As in an oil-pressing machine, the first axle is attached to a second axle, which is one fourth as long. The upper end of this second axle is attached to Dhruvaloka.
- Sixty thousand sages named Vālikhilyas, each the size of a thumb, located in front of the sun-god, offer him eloquent prayers.
- atha ca yāvatārdhena nabho-vīthyāṁ pracarati taṁ kālam ayanam ācakṣate.
- The time to move over half the zodiac belt is called an ayana.
- Above the moon at a distance of 300,000 yojanas, inspired by the Lord, the constellations, twenty-eight in number with Abhijit, move clockwise around Meru n the wheel of time.
- Situated above Saturn by 1,110,000 yojanas are the sages. Thinking of the welfare of the people, they rotate clockwise around Dhruvaloka, the abode of Viṣṇu.
- kecanaitaj jyotir-anīkaṁ śiśumāra-saṁsthānena bhagavato vāsudevasya yoga-dhāraṇāyām anuvarṇayanti.
- Some describe this zodiac belt to be the form of a dolphin, used for worshipping Vāsudeva in meditation.
- graharkṣatārāmayam ādhidaivikaṁ
- pāpāpahaṁ mantra-kṛtāṁ tri-kālam
- tato 'dhastāt siddha-cāraṇa-vidyādharāṇāṁ sadanāni tāvan mātra eva.
- Below Rāhu by 10,000 yojanas are the planets known as Siddhaloka, Cāraṇaloka and Vidyādhara-loka.
vibhajan kṛṣṇa-śuklayoḥ
prajānāṁ sarvāsāṁ rājā-
ndhaḥ somo na āstv iti
May the moon, king of all the citizens and of us, who divides food for the Pitṛs and devatās according the waning and waxing phases by his rays, be favorable to us!
Svagobhiḥ means “by his rays.” Andaḥ is food. May Soma, our king, be in our presence (ā astu)!
|| 5.20.13 ||
evaṁ surodād bahis tad-dvi-guṇaḥ samānenāvṛto ghṛtodena yathā-pūrvaḥ kuśa-dvīpo yasmin kuśa-stambo deva-kṛtas tad-dvīpākhyākaro jvalana ivāparaḥ sva-śaṣpa-rociṣā diśo virājayati.
Outside the ocean of liquor is another island, known as Kuśadvīpa, which is 800,000 yojanas wide, twice as wide as the ocean of liquor. As Śālmalīdvīpa is surrounded by a liquor ocean, Kuśadvīpa is surrounded by an ocean of liquid ghee as broad as the island itself. On Kuśadvīpa there are clumps of kuśa grass, from which the island takes its name. This kuśa grass, which was created by the devatās by the will of the Supreme Lord, like a second form of fire, illuminates all directions by the effulgence of its tender shoots.
The effulgence of the tender shoots (suśaṣpa) illuminates the directions.
|| 5.20.14 ||
tad-dvīpa-patiḥ praiyavrato rājan hiraṇyaretā nāma svaṁ dvīpaṁ saptabhyaḥ sva-putrebhyo yathā-bhāgaṁ vibhajya svayaṁ tapa ātiṣṭhata vasu-vasudāna-dṛḍharuci-nābhigupta-stutyavrata-vivikta-vāmadeva-nāmabhyaḥ.
O King! Another son of Mahārāja Priyavrata, Hiraṇyaretā, was the king of this island. He divided it into seven parts, which he delivered to his seven sons according to the rights of inheritance. The King then retired from family life to engage in austerities. The names of those sons are Vasu, Vasudāna, Dṛḍharuci, Stutyavrata, Nābhigupta, Vivikta and Vāmadeva.
|| 5.20.15 ||
teṣāṁ varṣeṣu sīmā-girayo nadyaś cābhijñātāḥ sapta saptaiva cakraś catuḥśṛṅgaḥ kapilaś citrakūṭo devānīka ūrdhvaromā draviṇa iti rasakulyā madhukulyā mitravindā śrutavindā devagarbhā ghṛtacyutā mantramāleti.