spṛśatām ātmanā bhuva iti 

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spṛśatām ātmanā bhuva iti


tā naḥ punītāmīva-ghnīḥ

spṛśatām ātmanā bhuva iti

O water! Your abilities have been given to you by the Lord. You are the purifier of the three worlds. Purify the bodies of us, who touch you, since you are the destroyer of sins by your presence.

O water! Your abilities have been given by the Lord (puruṣa-vīryāḥ). You purify the three worlds (bhūr-bhuvaḥ-suvaḥ. Purify -bodies (bhuvaḥ) of us, who are touching you, since you destroy sin by your svarūpa (ātmanā).


|| 5.20.24 ||

evaṁ purastāt kṣīrodāt parita upaveśitaḥ śākadvīpo dvātriṁśal-lakṣa-yojanāyāmaḥ samānena ca dadhi-maṇḍodena parīto yasmin śāko nāma mahīruhaḥ sva-kṣetra-vyapadeśako yasya ha mahā-surabhi-gandhas taṁ dvīpam anuvāsayati.

Outside the ocean of milk is another island, Śākadvīpa, which has a width of 3,200,000 yojanas. As Krauñcadvīpa is surrounded by its own ocean of milk, Śākadvīpa is surrounded by an ocean of churned yogurt as broad as the island itself. In Śākadvīpa there is a big śāka (teak) tree, from which the island takes its name. Its fragrance scents the entire island.

It has an ocean of liquid yogurt (dadhi-maṇḍa).

|| 5.20.25 ||

tasyāpi praiyavrata evādhipatir nāmnā medhātithiḥ so 'pi vibhajya sapta varṣāṇi putra-nāmāni teṣu svātmajān purojava-manojava-pavamāna-dhūmrānīka-citrarepha-bahurūpa-viśvadhāra-saṁjñān nidhāpyādhipatīn svayaṁ bhagavaty ananta ā-veśita-matis tapovanaṁ praviveśa.

The master of this island, also one of the sons of Priyavrata, was known as Medhātithi. He divided his island into seven sections, named according to the names of his own sons, whom he made the kings of that island. The names of those sons were Purojava, Manojava, Pavamāna, Dhūmrānīka, Citrarepha, Bahurūpa and Viśvadhāra. After dividing the island and situating his sons as its rulers, Medhātithi retired, and to fix his mind completely upon the lotus feet of the Lord, he entered a forest suitable for meditation.

|| 5.20.26 ||

eteṣāṁ varṣa-maryādā-girayo nadyaś ca sapta saptaiva īśāna uruśṛṅgo balabhadraḥ śatakesaraḥ sahasrasroto devapālo mahānasa iti anaghāyurdā ubhayaspṛṣṭir aparājitā pañcapadī sahasrasrutir nijadhṛtir iti.


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