Popko - Taracha 1988: 88ft. 101 ff., 109; Archi 1993b; 2006: 154, 156. 

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Popko - Taracha 1988: 88ft. 101 ff., 109; Archi 1993b; 2006: 154, 156.


719 Or 94/136 obv, Iff.; see Esma Keyhan’s paper (“Ortaköy/Sapinnva Ar§ivinde Tanrilan Qagirma

Ritüelierinde Yer Alan Bazi Yen! Kurban Terimleri”) read at the 7th International Congress of

Hittitology in Corum, 25-29 August 2008,

The Empire Pefjob 127

The older generation of gods included Kumarbi,'“'' whose seat was supposed to be

in Urkes/Tell Mozan.'~ t In Mesopotamia he was identified with Enlil, in Syria with

The North Semitic fertility god Dagan and the Ugaritan El, whereas the Hittites

Called him by the name of the Grain-goddess Haiti (whose name is written also with

the logogram NISABA). ~ Kumarbi’s spouse was the goddess Saks/Salus, ‘ his

Vizier called Mukisanu. Kumarbi is the hero of the cycle of myths in which he ap

Pears as Tessub’s chief Opponent in the older gods’ struggle to recover power over

The world (3.2.9). The sequence of divine generations in Hurrian mythoiogy - Anu,

Kumarbi, Tesiub - was refiected in the Order preserved on. some kaluti-lists in the

Cult of Tessub (see above).

The Hurrian Sun-god Simige was an almost faithful copy of the Mesopotamian

Samas, great god of Sippar. Aya was the spouse of both, her name in the lists of

Hurrian deities being connected with the unclear term I/Ekaldi/u - Aya-Ikaldu /

Ayu(n)-Ekaldi. Viziers of the Sun-god were Lipparu(ma) — Bunene and Mesaru known

From Babylonian mythoiogy, who ran on either side of the god’s chariot pulled by


tour horses. ' According to the interpretatio hethitica, the Fears and the Terrors

Ran with them. on the Sun-god’s right and left respeetively. lo Simige was loremost

A god of orades. In myths he appears as one of the most prominent celestial gods. It

May be assumed that the Sun-god of Heaven, who became important in the state

Cult during the Empire period as the Hittite Istanu (see 3.2.1), was none other than

The Hurrian Simige.

The Moon-god Kusuh as god of oaths demonstrates ties with the netberworld. lih

Among the western Hurrians he was also venerated as Umbu/Ib. His spouse

720 Güterbock 1980-1983.

721 Hurrian spells from ügarit mention his main cult Centers in Syria: Uriga and Kumma/i with

Tuttul-A(w)irrase. Dietrich - Mayer 1994; Dietrich 2004: 143.

On the equivaleney of the Old Syria n Dagan and Mesopotamian Enlil and Hurrian Kumarbi,

See, e.g., Wilhelm 1989: 521; Niehr 1994; Schwemer 2001: 405; Feliu 2003: 298ff.; Archi 2004b,

As Feliu (2003: 300) states, “if Kumarbi has any agraria«character it is not due fco his Identi

Fication with Dagan. Fundamental to the comparison between the two gods is the almost identical

Position each has in his respective pantheon, both refcain the title ‘Father of the gods; have the

Storni-god as fcheir preeminenfc son and the saroe wife.... it is possibie to think that Kumarbi is

simply his [Dagan’s] 'Hurrian counfcerpart’.”

Archi 1995b: 1998b: 41f,; cf. also Schwemer 2001: 403ff.; Feliu 2003: 288ff.

724 KU ß 31.127+ i 52ff., Giiterbock 1958: 241; cf. also Haas 1994b: 85f.

725 Friedrich 1954—1955; Güterhock 1958: 241.

Laroche 1955b: 1962; Otten 1980—1983c; Haas - Freches 1993-1997: Haas 1994a: 374t


Hittite Anatulia

Nikkal 727 is a Hurrian manifestation of the Sumerian goddess Ningal (‘Great Lady’),

Spouse of the Moon-god Sin, worsMped in Ebla already in the third millennium BO

And also present in the Mari pantheon starting witb the Ur III period. Ugarit was

Also among the most important cult centers of Nikkal. In Asia Minor she received

offerings sometimes under the double name Umbu-Nikkal'“ (as in the case of the

Kaluti -list of Hebat cited above), which corresponds to Nikkal-Ib in Ugaritan texts.

Queens of the early Empire bore names created with the Nikkal element - Nikkal-

Madi and Asmunikkal. A deseription bas survived of a ritual for the goddess cel-

ebrated by Asmunikkal and her sons.'" J As mentioned above, the Moon-god and

Ishara as deities of oaths appear on the lists of divine witnesses in Hittite state

treaties. In military vows they were summoned together with Sarrumma.' 0

Ä distinctive trait of Hurrian cults was the veneration of pairs of different gods


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