KBo 9.143 iii 10; KUB 35.107 iii 10. Cf. Watkins 1993: 469. 

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KBo 9.143 iii 10; KUB 35.107 iii 10. Cf. Watkins 1993: 469.


Lehrun 1995a: 252: Hutter 2003: 226: cf. also Popko 2007a: 65.

Otien 1976-1980a; Hutter 1988: 125f.

The Empire Period 109

Unlike Samas, but similarly to the Hurrian Simige, Tiwad had no coimection with

The netherworld. The Luwians of Kizzuwatna worshiped the chthonic aspect of the

Sun as a separate divinity, The Sun of the Earth (tiyarnmassis Tiwad) was a god-

dess, mistress of the netherworld,' ' sharing some traits with the Syrian/Ugaritan

Sun-goddess Sapsu, who like Samas crossed the netherworld at, night.’’ With the

Hurrianization of local beliefs, however, there appeared an image of the Sun-god

Dess of the Earth modeled on the Hurrian Allani (3.2.5). She was supposed to open

The gates to the netherworld and, like other chthonic deities, to purify the earth of

All evil, impurity and illness. According to a description of the court of the Sun-god

Dess of the Earth in a prayer addressed to her (CTH 371), her entourage included:

A tutelary god, vizier, servants, Supervisor of the eunuchs, Supervisor of the hair-

Dressers, and the divinities Hilassi, Darawa (texts also refer to a group of the

Darawes-goddesses, see 3.2.5) and Paraya.' u Divine midwives and fate goddesses

DINGIR.MAH ME ■ I A Gulses, 573 for whom the model were the Hurrian mother

Goddesses Hudena Hudellurra accompanying Allani (3.2.5), were also connected with

The Sun-goddess of the Earth. She was summoned together with the Sun-god al-

Ready in the Old Hittite magical ritual (CTH 416) which demonstrates ties with the

Luwian tradition 5 (see 3.1.4). The different spheres of influence of the two solar

Deities are well reflected by a spell included in a ritual text, in which the Old Woman

Addresses Tiwad and the Sun-goddess of the Earth on behalf of a patient: “If he is

Living, Tiwad shali deliver him above; if he is dead, the Sun-goddess of the Ea rth

shall deliver him, the man of curse and perjury.”' 3

Taracha 2000: 178f,; Hutter 2003: 227.

For Sapsu, see Kutter 2008: 21ff. with references.

578 KBo 7.28+ obv. 17’ff., Friedrich 1957; Lebrun 1980: 83ff,; Singer 2002a: 23; cf. also Haas

A: 133.

Goetze 1938: 55ff.; Carruba 1966; 28ff.. 34ff.; Otten - Siegeiova 1970; Beckman 1983: 239ff.;

Taracha 2000: 186ff.

580 KBo 17.7++ iv? Otten - Soucek 1969: 40f. The two solar deities also occur together in other

rituals originating from the Luwian tradition, e.g. in the Wattifci ritual, KUB 7.1 ü 20ff„ Kronaser

1961: 149, 151.

One of the Kuwatialla rituals, KUB 35.45 ii 25ff, (Starke 1985: 163) and KUB 35.4-3 ii Tuff.

(Starke 1985: 155f.), translated by Hutter 2003: 227: cf. also Kammenhuber 1986: 88f.

Examples from Substitution rituals of the Sun-god (Tiwad) and eelestial deities being

contrasted with the Sun-goddess of the Earth and chthonic deities are lisfced by Kümmel 1967;

F., 128.


Hittite Anatoi.ia

Otherwise tban in Hattian beliefs, in wiiich the Moon-god Kasku played a minor

Role, for the Luwians Arma the Moon was the objeet of great veneration.” 82 In the teste

His name is usually eoncealed under the iogograms T XXX or EN.ZU. Arma held

A significant Position in cults deriving fron» the Luwian-Hittite tradition, which were

ceiebrated in Hattusa, also by the royal farsiily, already in Old Hittite tämes (3.1.2).

Theophoric narnes are good evidence of the god’s popularity in folk religion;“ 0 " they

Were particularly numerous in the first millennium BC in Caria, Lycia, Pamphylia

And Cilicia. 584 The Luwians shared the view about the Moon’s ties with the months

Of pregnancy. 580 The god was summoned in some rituala designed to protect the

Pregnant womaxi and assist in childbirth. This aspect brought the Moon closer to

Efathomc divinities. 586 In Kizzuwatna, the Luwian Arma was dominated by the

Human Moon-god Kusufs (3.2.5). In art he was patterned ort his Human counter-

Part, being represented as a winged male figure in a pointed cap topped by

A crescent. Another dominant cult in eastem Luwian territories was that of the Moon-

god from the Syrian city of Hamm (Human Kuzina), about 40 km southeast of

Urfa, introduced among others in Tarhuntassa; 6 ' 1 it.s heyday came in the first mil-

Lennium BC.


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