Kaskal kaskal, Rivista di storia, ambienti e cuitura del VIcino Oriente antico, Roma
Содержание книги
- Die Deutsche Nationalbibliothek verzeichnet diese Publikation in der Deutschen
- Prof. Maciej Popko, who kindly read through an earlier draft of the manuscri.pt.
- ArOr Archiv Orientalin, Praha
- Fesseur Rene Lebrun. Collection KUBABA, Serie Antiquite VI, Paris 2004
- Fs van Loon O.M.C. Haex - H.H. Curvers - P.M.M.G. Akkermans (eds), To the Euphrates and Be
- Kaskal kaskal, Rivista di storia, ambienti e cuitura del VIcino Oriente antico, Roma
- Syria Syria. Revue d’art oriental et d’archeologie, Paris
- Cording to the do ul des principle - influence their decisions with appropriate gifts,
- As a means and a way of contacting the gods and influencing their decisions. Cel-
- Inging graphic customs; hence it does not contribute to defining historical
- Later, in the ninth millennium BC, in the Taurus piedmoni and the river valleys of
- Cut by strong leveling or egalitarian proeesses, see Kuijt (ed.) 2000 for a full review of the debate.
- Ports. 1 Links with the Levant (Nahal Hemar) are also evidenced by the stone face
- Ahmar on the eastem bank of the Euphrates already on the Syrian side of the modern
- Does not lie, unfortunately, with yet another stela with sehematic facial features in
- Mellaart 1967: 1.08; cf. also Hodder — Cessford 2004: 23f.
- Uniike the Chalcolithic and Early Bronze Age anthropomorphic figurines which
- Meskell - Nakamura — King - Fand 2008: 144.
- Many structures discovered at Early Bronze Age sites have been interpreted as
- On long necks. The figurines are found usually in houses, also in buildings inter-
- Tion of metal objects, jewelry, weapons, and vessels made from copper, silver, and
- More is known about the beliefs of this period: the origins and names of prominent
- Ed gods of different origin: Luwian, Hittite, Hattian, and perhaps also from a local
- Anna was the main deity of the city of Kanes, 134 appearing next to Assur as
- Divine patron of the king and dynasty, and the second for a deity of Kanes, com-
- On iconographic similarities sfaould be treated with due caution.
- Century BC. 168 These were the kings who bullt the greatness of the Hittite Empire
- Northern Anatolia both grew from the indigenous Hattian tradition. 1t is quite likely,
- Most important States in central Anatolia, encompassing a considerable territory in
- Hittite heartland, e.g. Ankuwa, Tawiniva and Katapa, as well as the chief god of
- Palhuna / Storm-god of Ziplanda with Katahhi / Ulza, Uliw/pasu, Katarzasu / Su-
- God of Ziplanda, Katahhi of Ankuwa, and Teteshapi, whose main cult center was
- And the Hattians. ” In myths, Hapantali appears beside the Luwian goddess Kam-
- Period the goddess’s name was usually written with the logogram LAMMA, see 3.2.1)
- Theon. Some lists of gods mention Mm next to the Storm-god and the Sun-goddess
- Nerik; accordingly, offerir.gs are made to the Storm-god of Nerik, the Sun-goddess of the Earth,
- Century BC, the ceremonial throne Halmasuit was one of the cult objects in the temple
- Geneous, reflecting the ethnic differentiation of the population of the land of Haiti.
- Tral Anatolia dropped the male solar deity under the influence of Hattian beliefe
- Traditionai structure of the local pantheon with a nature goddess at the head to
- At the time also with the logograms NIN.URTA and URAS started being used
- An unpublished text 1320/z which mentions the Storm-god of Ziplanda (obv. 8’, IO 1 ) and Anzili
- To Hattian Katahzipuri, 298 which may suggest that the goddess, who was worshiped
- Ion and the traditions of local cults in central and northern Anatolia did not change
- With war-gods and sometimes also with the deity GAL.ZU. Finde of zoomorphic vessels
- To one text, it was where people gathered during the day and the gods at
- Ready in existence in Old Hittite times. The Hittite names, however, are unknown.
- SANGA-priests. Cf. also Popko 2001a; -328.
- The cult of specific deities. The tazzeli- priest is encountered solely in the cult of Zi-
- Tions. The gods received loaves of bread and specific parts of sacrificial animals (the
KBo Keilschrifttexte aus Boghazköi, Leipzig - Berlin I918ff.
Kratylos Kratylos. Kritisches Bericht- und Rezensionsorgan für indogermanische und allgemeine
Sprachwissenschaft, Wiesbaden
KST Kazi Sonuglan Toplantisi
kt Inventory numbers of Kültepe tablets
Kfcema Ktema. Civilisations de rOrient, de la Greee et de Rome antiques, Strasbourg
KUB Keilschrifturkunden aus Boghazköi, Berlin 192 Iff.
KuT Inventory numbers of Ku§akli tablets
KZ see ZVS
L.col. left coluran
Language Language. Journal of the Linguistic Society of America, Baltimore
MARI Mari. Annales de recherches interdisciplinaires, Paris
MDOG Mitteilungen der Deutschen Orient-Gesellschaft zu Berlin, Berlin
Mesopotamia Mesopotamia. Rivista di archeologia, epigrafia e storia orientale, Torino
MIO Mitteilungen des Instituts für Orientforschung, Berlin
Miscellanea di studi storici
Miscellanea di studi storici. Collana storica di fonti e studi, Genova
Msk. Inventory numbers of Meskene tablets
Museon Museon. Revue d’etudes orientales, Louvain
MVAeG Mitteilungen der Vorderasiatisch-Ägyptischen Gesellschaft
NABU Nouvelles assyriologiques breves et utilitaires, Paris
Nikephoros Nikephoros. Zeitschrift für Sport und Kultur im Altertum, Hildesheim
Numen Numen. International Review for the History of Religions, Leiden
OA Ordens Antiquus. Rivista del Centro per Idantiehitä e la storia dell’arte del Vicino
Oriente, Roma
OAAS Old Assyrian Archives Studies
OAM Orient» Antiqui Miscellanea, Roma
OBO Orbis Biblicus et Orientalis
Obv. obverse
OFF The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Oriental Institute Publications
OIS The Oriental Institute of the University of Chicago. Oriental Institute Seminars
OLA Orientalin Lovaniensia Analecta
OLZ Orientalistische Literaturzeitung. Monatschrift für die Wissenschaft vom ganzen Orient
Und seinen Beziehungen zu den angrenzenden. Kulturkreisen., Berlin — Leipzig
Or Inventory numbers of Ortaköy tablets
Or NS Orientalin. Commentarii trimestres a Facultate Studiorum Orientis Antiqui Pontifici
Institut! Biblici. Nova Series, Roma
Oriens Oriens. Journal of the International Society for Oriental Research, Leiden
Orient Orient / Nippon Orient Gakkai. Reports of the Society for Near Eastern Studies in
Japan, Tokyo
örientalia et Classica
Orientalia et Classica. Papers of the Institute of Oriental and Classical Studies of the
Russian State University for the Humanities
Paleorient Paleorient, Paris
PdP La Parola del Passato. Rivista di studi antichi, Napoli
PIHANS Publications de Flnstitut historique-archeologique nederls.ndais de Stamboul
Xvi Abbrevtations
RA Revue d’assyriologie et d’areheologie orientale, Paris
RANT 'Res Antiquae, Bruxelles
Rev. re verse
RGTC Repertoire Geographique des Textes Cuneiformes
RHA Revue Hittite et Asianique, Paris
RHR Revue de l’histoire des religions. Paris
RIA Reallexikon der Assyriologie und Vorderasiatischen Archäologie, Berlin - New York
RÖ Rocznik Orxentalistyczny, Warszawa
RS Inventory numbers of Ras Shamra tablets
ESO Rivista degli Studi Orientali, Roma
SCCNH Stu dies on the Civilization and Culture of Nuzi and the Hurrians, Winona Lake,
SCO Studi Classic! e Orientali, Pisa
SEL Studi epigrafici e lingustici sul Vicino Oriente antico, Verona
Slavica Hierosolymitana
Siavica Hierosolymitana. Slavic S tu dies of the Hebrew University, Jerusalem
SMEA Studi micenei ed egeo-anatolici, Roma
Sprache Die Sprache. Zeitschrift für Sprachwissenschaft, Wiesbaden - Wien
StBoT Studien zu den Bogazköy-Texten
Sumer Sumer. A Journal of Archaeology in Iraq, Baghdad