Period the goddess’s name was usually written with the logogram LAMMA, see 3.2.1) 

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Period the goddess’s name was usually written with the logogram LAMMA, see 3.2.1)


Or eise preceded by Telipinu or Day and GAL.ZU. The latter variant is evideneed

Otten 1980.1983b; Pecchioli Daddi 1998a: 132f., 137; 1998b: loff.

In other texts, Susumahi is mentioned next to Kuzanisu and Tahpiilanu; cf. Yoshida 1992: 144ff.:


Haas -- Prechel 1993—1997: 371.

Cf. Laroche 1.966a: 249; Popko 1994: 32.

215 Yoshida 1996: 67ff. f 296 (A.l a).

Hoffner 2007: 124.

Cf. Haas 1970: 79ff.; 1994a: 598f.

KUB 6.45 i 88, with its duplieate KUB 6.46 ii 33, Singer 1996: 12, 34.

2.19 KUB 1, 1 + (with its duplicates) iii 46, f.; KUB 25.21 in 2ff.; KUB 21.29 i llf. Cf. Carmba 1988:

200f.; Freu 1995: 135; Klinger 1995: 84; Klengel 1999: 92£.: Bryce 2005: 121; Freu - Mazoyer

A: 162f.

Laroche 1947: 214; 1966a: 249; Haas 1970: 95 with n. 2; Popko 1994: 32 with n. 4.

221 Cf. KUB 58.11 rev. 7\ Haas 1970: 2.1.4ff.; Yoshida 1996: 72.

The Old Hittite Period 45

Also in an extended Version, in which the name of the Storm-god of Nerik is repeated

Twice - onee after Telipinu among the rnost important gods of Hatti, and a second

time after GAL.ZU with the accompanying divinities: Zilipuri, [ ], ‘Lady of the Pa

lace (NIN.E.GAL), kipek(k)i/asdu{s) [!.' This circle of gods cannot be fully re-

Constructed due to textual damages, but it seems to have come down from the early

Cult tradition of Nerik, Kipik(k)i/asdus are evideneed also in descriptions of the

Festival of the month from the Empire period; during this ceremony the queen (in

Another Version the royal couple) raised a ritual toast to (three) kipikkasdus

(of?) the Sun-goddess and Mezzulla. 22 '’ One text mentions two kipik(k)asdus of the

Storm-god. 2 “’

The lists of gods including Zaliyanu belong to descriptions of various ceremonies

Which took place in Kastama with the participation of the king or prince. Other texts,

Already from the early Empire period, confirm that during state cult festival s

Celebrated outside the Capital, offierings were made to the prominent deities of a given

City immediately after the supreme gods of the land - Sun-goddess of Arinna (with

Mezzulla) and Storm-god (in these texts he appears already in the disguise of the

Human Tessub with his companion Suwaliyat/Tasmisu) - and befere the tutelary

LAMMA goci of Hatti (accompanied by Ala and Zithariya), who took Inar’s place as

The third in the chief divine triad of the Capital and the Hittite state pantheon (see


3.2.1)/'" This also discloses the principle behind the structure of the triad (first

attested in the texts of the Empire period). The third place, beside the Sun-goddess

And the Storm-god, was given to the city’s divine protecior. At Kanes in the Assyr-

Ian Colony period it was Anna, at Hattusa it was Inar, and elsewhere other deities

Were invariably in this position. Thus, we are given an additional criterion for at-

Tributing fragmentarily preserved descriptions of festivals to the cult of various Cen

Ters. The majority of gods eharged with caring for a city belonged to the category of

Tutelary deities, irrespective of what was their sex, although in central and north-

Err. Anatolia, as for example in Kanes, Hattusa, Tawiniya, Katapa, Kastama, etc,,

222 IBoT 2.66 3’, 8’ff, Haas 1970: 224ff.; KBo 20.10+KBo 25.59 iii l’ff., Neu 1930: 132f. (no. 59):

KUB 56.32 ii 4’ff. Cf. Yoshida 1996: 72ff.

KUB 27.69 i 5’ff.; KUB 10.89 ii 27’f., Yoshida 1996: 109ff. See also above, n. 186.

KUB 20.19 iv 12 f; cf. also KBo 30.46 5’. For db kipik(k)i/asdu., see McMahon 1991: 248ff.

225 fe.g., KBo 30.120+KBo 34.197(-s)KBo 34.198 rev.! iv 9'tf; KBo 34.200(+)KBo 14.201(4)KBo 34,191.

obv.! l’ff., Taracha 2005b: 708, 712, and fortheoming; cf, also Yoshida 1996: l 48 ff, The texts

(CTH 647.1T.2a and II.2b respectively) date to the very begimüng of the Empire period.


HfTiiTP. Anatoua

Tbey were generally female. Some of these deities, like Zithariya from the city of

Zithara (more of whom in 3.2.1), were worshiped in the aniconic form of a kursa.

Yet, thore are also male gods oecurring in the supreme Position in the local pan-

Theons: Storm-god, Telipinu, Kam(m)am(m)a, and others.

More or less at the same time as the deities of Kastama, that is, in the later

Phase of the Old Hittite period, Kam(m)am(m)a was incorporated into the state pan-


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