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Упражнение 1. Выучите слова и словосочетанияСодержание книги
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1. shout for help – звать на помощь; 2. rush v. – спешить; 3. investigate v. – расследовать, узнавать; 4. suspect v. – подозревать; 5. bang v. – стучать; 6. break into- проникнуть, ворваться; 7. rescue v. – спасать; 8. fire engine – пожарная машина; 9. in the nick of time – в самый последний момент; 10. wreck n. – авария, развалина; 11. put out v. – тушить; 12. restore v. – восстанавливать. Упражнение 2. Прочитайте текст и ответьте на вопросы. 1. What did the author see before he went to his bed? 2. Why did he jump out of his bed? 3. What did the author do when he saw fire? 4. Did he rescue anybody? 5. How did he manage to put out the fire? 6. Was there a neighbour in the house? 7. Did fire spread to the other rooms of the fire? 8. How did the neighbour thank the author?
The moon had gone behind the cloud and there weren’t many stars in the sky. It was dark night. Mr. Graham saw a glow in my neighbour’s kitchen. Mr. Graham thought he was having a midnight snack so he went back to his bed. Soon, there was a burning smell in the air and Mr. Graham suspected something was wrong. At once, he jumped out of his bed and went downstairs to investigate. Mr. Graham saw fire coming out of his neighbour’s kitchen. Instinctively, he shouted “Fire! Fire!” But there was no one nearby to hear his shouts for help. Mr. Graham rushed into his house, called the Fire Department and went back to his neighbour’s house. He rang the doorbell, banged on the door and called out his neighbour’s name but there was no response. Mr. Graham managed to break into the house and rescued a cat and a rabbit. He tried to throw buckets of water through the kitchen window but it was no use: the fire was too strong. Luckily, a fire engine arrived and the firemen put out the fire. They arrived in the nick of time as the fire was going to spread to the other rooms in the house. When Mr. Graham‘s neighbour came back, he was sad because his kitchen was a wreck but he thanked Mr. Graham for calling the Fire Department and for saving his pets. He wanted to give Mr. Graham some money as a reward but he did not accept it. Weeks later, Mr. Graham’s neighbour repaired and restored his kitchen. He invited Mr. Graham to his new kitchen and there he gave Mr. Graham a medal that he had specially ordered from a factory. It made Mr. Graham very happy.
Упражнение 3. В упражнении приведены прошедшие формы глаголов. Запишите инфинитивы.
Упражнение 4. Составьте вопросы к данным ответам. 1. Because Mr. Graham thought his neighbour was having a midnight snack. 2. Mr. Graham saw fire coming out of his neighbour’s kitchen. 3. As the fire was going to spread to the other rooms in the house.
4. He rescued a cat and a rabbit. 5. For calling the Fire Department and for saving his pets. 6. Some money as a reward. 7. Weeks later. 8. A medal that he had specially ordered from a factory.
Упражнение 5. Продолжите историю. I went out for a walk. Unfortunately, it began to rain. Fortunately, my sister had an umbrella. Unfortunately, it was broken. Fortunately,.......
Упражнение 6. Расскажите подобную историю, начиная с предложения I saw a glow in my neighbour’s kitchen yesterday. Unfortunately,.....
Упражнение 7. Работа в парах. Задайте вопрос своему соседу по парте. Дайте полный ответ. When did you last......? · rescue someone · rush · shout out for help · put out fire · call the Fire Department · get a medal · thank somebody
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