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Отримання додаткової інформації


Під час бесіди трапляється, що ви не одразу отримуєте вичерпну інформацію щодо питання, яке обговорюється, або не розумієте деякі деталі. Тоді вам потрібно поставити додаткові питання. Нижче наведені деякі типові конструкції, доречні у таких ситуаціях:

Could you tell me some more about …?

Would you mind telling me more about …?

I’d like to know something more about …

Excuse me, I don’t understand how …

I understand, but I was wondering about …

Sorry, but I don’t understand what …

Sorry to keep after you, but where …

Під час розмови враховуйте ступінь знайомства з співбесідником, його вік і т. ін.

Exercise 1. Learn once more conversation on pages 155-156. Find out the questions intended for getting more information.

Exercise 2. Work in pairs or small groups. Pretend that one person is a travel agent and other – a client arranging a holiday trip. Prepare a small conversation between the agent and the client. The client tries to get as much information as possible about the place he’s going to (sights, accommodation, tickets, prices, etc.).

Вправи для самостійної роботи

Exercise 1. Translate the text from pages 158-159 into Ukrainian (Russian).

Exercise 2. Translate sentences into English.

1) Нам щойно зателефонували і повідомили, що делегація вже прибула.

2) Думаючи, що він вже приїхав, я поїхав до нього.

3) Я сказав, що напишу відгук (reference) після того, як повернусь із відпустки.

4) Я чув цю історію, яку зараз збираюсь вам розповісти, декілька років тому.

5) Він сказав, що нам не слід очікувати покращення ситуації на ринку.

6) Я відчував, що моя розповідь цікавить його.

Exercise 3. Substitute the words in italics by one of the words from the box.

to perform, guidance, in addition to, activity, to appoint, modern, to be educated, to contain

They work under the direction of a prominent scientist.

The experiments were carried on successfully.

The date of the congress was settled several months ago.

He is well taught.

Our institute has got some new equipment as well as soundproof chamber.

The equipment appeared to be up-to-date.

He was a great peace-fighter and his deeds are well known.

There are many useful data in this paper.

Lesson 4


Exercise 1. Use these words and their combinations to make sentences of your own:

to process, server, networking, link, programmer, System Administrator, function, LAN, access, Internet, password, computer virus, diskette, hard drive.

Exercise 2. Work in small groups. Participants take turns in offering some term concerning the topic “Types of computers”. The rest of the group has to write down as many as possible words which go with that term.

Example: notebook – portable, flat, LCD, built in modem, trackball, Toshiba, laptop, etc.

Exercise 3. Decide whether the following statements are true or false. If you think the statement is false, change to make it true.

1. Most of modern PCs can perform thousands arithmetic operations per second.

2. Researchers are currently developing microchips to enable computers to recognize and interpret human speech.

3. Common mainframe has one, sometimes 2 CPU.

4. Some general-purpose computers are as small as pocket radios.

5. Most sophisticated modern computers use the power of animal’s brains.

6. Modern industrial computers are considered as sixth generation computers.

Граматичні відомості

Прислівник (The Adverb)

Англійське ім’я прислівника (від add – додавати та verb – дієслово) вдало характеризує його функції – він указує на ознаки дії або на обставини, за яких ця дія відбувається. Прислівник відповідає на питання “як?”, “коли?” і “де?”.

Розрізняють такі основні види прислівників:

а) Часу: when (коли), now (зараз), today (сьогодні), lately (нещодавно), since (з тих пір), often (часто), seldom (рідко) та інші.

The work has been already finished.

I’ve never seen him since.

б) Місця: here (тут), above (над), somewhere (де-небудь), nowhere (ніде) та інші.

He is here.

Where are you going to? – Nowhere.

в) Міри та ступеня: much (багато), little (мало), too (занадто), enough (досить), almost (майже), so (так) та інші. Деякі з них (very, too, so та ін.) використовуються не самостійно, а разом з іншими прислівниками та прикметниками.

He reads very much. How late it is! She’s almost finished her job. He’s very smart.

г) Способу дії: well (добре), fast (швидко), easily легко), quickly (швидко) та інші.

He was driving too fast.

До прислівників також належать такі питальні слова, як when, where, why:

Why do you think so?

Деякі з прислівників, наприклад, so, however, yet, how, використовуються для поєднання частин складного речення:

I want to know how he does it.

Часто вони фактично виконують роль сполучника:

I was sick, so I called a doctor.

He always comes before I do.


Значна кількість прислівників утворюється від прикметників додаванням суфікса -ly:

easy – easi ly, correspondent – correspondent ly, brave – brave ly.

При цьому слід мати на увазі, що деякі прислівники просто збігаються за формою з прийменниками, наприклад fast, long:

fast train – прикметник, to work fast – прислівник.

Деякі з прислівників мають дві форми, як з -ly, так і без цього суфікса. Ці форми, однак, звичайно різняться значенням:

I work hard. – Я працюю наполегливо.

There was hardly any traffic. – Руху майже не було.

Як і прикметники, деякі з прислівників мають ступені порів­няння. В таблиці 14 наведені приклади. Короткі слова змінюються, як і прикметники, додаванням суфіксів -er та -est, більш довгі прислівники та такі, що походять від прикметників додаванням закінчення -ly, утворюють ступені порівняння за допомогою слів more та most. Як і у випадку прикметників, деякі прислівники змінюються не за правилами (в таблиці виділені).

Таблиця 14

Ступені порівняння прислівників

Прислівник Вищий ступінь порівняння Найвищий ступінь порівняння
fast late early often clearly correctly well much badly little far faster later earlier more often more clearly more correctly better more worse less farther (further) fastest - (only for adjective) earliest most often most clearly most correctly best most worst least farthest (furthest)


На відміну від прикметників артикль the перед прислівником у найвищому ступені порівняння звичайно не використовується:

Peter works best in the morning. Which of them works (the) best?


Exercise 1. Remove brackets, choosing the correct form of the word, add appropriate ending (-ly) if it is required.

1. I like this device (well) than that.

2. You should have told me this (early).

3. The program was (perfect) done.

4. The guests seem to be very (happy).

5. She asked it (quiet).

6. The two books looked (different).

7. It tastes (bad).

8. Our new students work hard.

Exercise 2. Choose the proper form (Adjective or Adverb) given in parenthesis.

1. John does his job very (good, well) because he has (good, well) instruments.

2. Ann was ill, but now she is (good, well).

3. Nick is a (careless, carelessly) driver. He drives (careless, carelessly).

4. The situation is (bad, badly), but it could be much (bad, badly).

Комунікативна практика

Порівняння, почуття, відчуття (look, feel, sound, smell, and taste + adjective)

В англійській мові часто використовуються безособові вислови, що містять порівняння:

It sounds good. – Звучить добре.

It smells terrific. – Пахне погано.

It tastes beautiful. – Смакує чудово.

На відміну від української мови в таких реченнях використовують не прислівники, а прикметники, тобто порівняльна характеристика (good, terrific, beautiful) в англійському реченні відноситься до займенника it, а дієслова sound, smell, taste використовуються лише для зв’язку слів у реченні (linking verbs). Це стає цілком зрозумілим, якщо ми порівняємо наведені речення з прикладом, де особа вказана, а дієслово-зв’язка без будь-якої шкоди до змісту під час перекладу може бути пропущена:

I feel hungry. = I am hungry. Я голодний.

Exercise. Listen to the conversation and then use it as a model talking with your classmates.

A: What is in this box? It smells delicious!

B: Don’t touch it. It’s uncle’s Tom birthday cake. Why didn’t you have breakfast?

A: I felt awful. You know, we had a nice party yesterday…

B: Oh, I understand your feelings. Don’t worry; we’ll arrive in fifteen minutes.

A: It sounds good. I’m starving.

Вправи для самостійної роботи

Exercise 1. Translate the text into Ukrainian (Russian).

The real beginnings of computers as we know them today lay with an English mathematics professor, Charles Babbage (1791-1871). Frustrated at the many errors he found while examining calculations for the Royal Astronomical Society, Babbage declared, ‘I wish to God these calculations had been performed by steam!’ With those words, the automation of computers had begun. By 1812, Babbage noticed a natural harmony between machines and mathematics: machines were best at performing tasks repeatedly without mistake; while mathematics, particularly the production of mathematic tables, often required the simple repetition of steps. The problem centered on applying the ability of machines to the needs of mathematics. Babbage’s first attempt at solving this problem was in 1822 when he proposed a machine to perform differential equations, called a Difference Engine. Powered by steam and large as a locomotive, the machine would have a stored program and could perform calculations and print the results automatically. After working on the Difference Engine for 10 years, Babbage was suddenly inspired to begin work on the first general-purpose computer, which he called the Analytical Engine. Babbage’s assistant, Augusta Ada King, a daughter of English poet Lord Byron, was instrumental in the machine’s design. One of the few people who understood the Engine’s design as well as Babbage, she helped revise plans, secure funding from the British government, and communicate the specifics of the Analytical Engine to the public. Also, her fine understanding of the machine allowed to create the instruction routines to be fed into the computer, making her the first female computer programmer. Babbage’s steam-powered Engine, although ultimately never constructed, may seem primitive by today’s standards. However, it outlined the basic elements of a modern general purpose computer and was a breakthrough concept. Consisting of over 50,000 components, the basic design of the Analytical Engine included input devices in the form of perforated cards containing operating instructions and a “store” for memory of 1,000 numbers of up to 50 decimal digits long. It also contained a “mill” with a control unit that allowed processing instructions in any sequence, and output devices to produce printed results. Babbage borrowed the idea of punch cards to encode the machine’s instructions from the Jacquard loom. The loom, produced in 1820 and named after its inventor, Joseph-Marie Jacquard, used punched boards that controlled the patterns to be woven.

In 1889, an American inventor, Herman Holerith (1860-1929), also applied the Jacquard loom concept to computing. His first task was to find a faster way to compute the census in the USA. The previous census in 1880 had taken nearly seven years to count and with an expanding population, the bureau feared it would take 10 years to count the latest census. Unlike Babbage’s idea of using perforated cards to instruct the machine, Hollerith’s method used cards to store data information which he fed into a machine that compiled the results mechanically. Each punch on a card represented one number, and combinations of two punches represented one letter. As many as 80 variables could be stored on a single card. Instead of ten years, census takers compiled their results in just six weeks with Hollerith’s machine. In addition to their speed, the punch cards served as a storage method for data and they helped reduce computational errors. Hollerith brought his punch card reader into the business world, founding Tabulating Machine Company in 1896, later to become International Business Machines (IBM) in 1924. Both business and government used punch cards for data processing until the 1960’s.

Exercise 2. Make comparative and superlative forms of the following adjectives and adverbs.

late, lately, near, nearly (almost), especially, well, already, simple, rarely, far.

Exercise 3. Put the adverb in the parenthesis in an appropriate form (comparative or superlative).

1. I like this program (well) ________ than that.

2. Which of these TV channels do you enjoy (much) _______?

3. Which of these two books did you like (much) ________?

4. He does his job (correctly) _________ of all in this group.

5. The virus spread out (quickly) _______ than we expected.

6. With these new glasses I can see you (clearly) _______ than before.

Exercise 4. Translate sentences. Pay attention to the verb to take.

1. When messages are sent along the Internet, they are broken up into small “packets” that take different routes to get to the destination.

2. When selecting firewalls, the following considerations should be taken into account.

3. But when steps are taken to hide the sequence the result can have significant strength.

4. Typically, a ciphertext is deciphered under different keys until plaintext is recognised. On average, this may take about half as many decipherings as there are keys.

5. Typically these take the form of iterative applications of fairly simple computations.

6. Involution is a cipher which takes plaintext to ciphertext and ciphertext back to plaintext, using the exact same operation.

Lesson 5


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