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Х I. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на функции глаголов “to be” u “to have”.


1. Radio, television and telephone are the examples of scientific and technological progress.

2. Physical conditions on the planets are studied with the help of computers.

3. Cosmonauts are to make scientific experiments in space.

4. Atomic nucleus has an inexhaustible reserve of energy.

5. The scientists and engineers of Dubna have created a nuclear installation called “Tokamak”.

6. Production efficiency has to depend on computer equipment and automation.


Text 4A


Задание 1. Прочтите и переведите текст 4А.


Scientific and Technological Progress
in Modern Society


We live in a world created by science. Our epoch is an epoch of scientific and technological revolution when new ideas are being born and new discoveries and inventions are being made. To illustrate this statement one may mention the telephone, the radio, the television, the automobile, the airplane and the like. Man has created complex cybernetic machines and made nuclear energy work for him. He has developed modern automatic production lines, laser technology and all kinds of computers. The list of major scientific achievements could be continued.

At the beginning of the 20-th century we could hardly believe that we should be able to sit at home and watch astronauts working in space. Twelve years separated the launching of the “Sputnik-1” Soviet satellite in 1957 and man’s first landing on the Moon in 1969. The first long-term “Salyut” orbital station launched in 1971 opened a new era in space research. Some automatic interplanetary stations have reached Mars and Venus and have explored the planets’ physical conditions. In 1981 we could witness the launching of a typically new cosmic vehicle – the Shuttle. Scientific achievements in space research gave the possibility of conducting investigations in the fields of astrophysics, medicine, biology, geology and some others.

One of the major problems of modern physics is the study of the atomic nucleus and elementary particles. A well-known Russian scientist Igor Kurchatov made a great contribution to the theory of elementary particles and to the experimental techniques which made it possible to use nuclear energy for practical purposes. Modern nuclear research requires complex and costly apparatus including powerful accelerator facilities. The Joint Institute of Nuclear Research at Dubna has created and launched a high-energy accelerator – protonsynchrotron 1. The scientists of Dubna are conducting intensive research into the problem of controlled thermonuclear reactions which could provide mankind with an inexhaustible source of energy. World science has already heard of the “TOKAMAK” nuclear installation which is to provide the basis for the first thermonuclear power stations by the end of the 20-th century.

The most important role for modern technology is played by automation. Automation should contribute to high production efficiency. Advanced automation is based on computers. At present computer science is the most promising one. Computers are able to help space programmes, armed forces, business and industry, sports and medicine. As computers work accurately and at high speeds they save years of research workers’ hard work. Automation and computer science are of great social importance.


Notes to the text:

1protonsynchrotron – синхрофазатрон


Задание 2. Найдите в тексте 4А интернациональные слова.

Задание 3. Найдите в тексте 4А слова, однокоренные данным, и переведите.

technology, automation, to produce, science, to achieve, to launch, orbit, planet, physics, to investigate, atom, nucleus, element, part, experiment, power, to accelerate, to install, efficient, important.

Задание 4. Найдите в тексте 4А английские эквиваленты следующих выражений:

научно-техническая революция, кибернетические машины, ядер-ная энергия, поточная линия, лазерная технология, научные достижения, орбитальная станция, исследование космоса, меж-планетные станции, физические условия, космический корабль, атомное ядро, элементарные частицы, экспериментальные методы, ядерное исследование, термоядерная реакция, источник энергии, ядерная установка, термоядерная электростанция, современная техника, производственная эффективность, высокая автоматизация, вычислительная техника, научные работники.


Задание 5. Выпишите из текста 4А ключевые существительные,отражающие следующие темы, и переведите их.

1. Научно-техническая революция.

2. Космонавтика.

3. Ядерная энергетика.

4. Автоматика и вычислительная техника.

Задание 6. Используя подстановочные таблицы, составьте как можно больше предложений и переведите их.

1. Мan made created developed launched explored conducted space vehicles new planets production lines investigations new discoveries laser technology complex machines computers
2. Nuclear energy Nuclear research Nuclear scientists Nuclear reactions Nuclear installations was used requires launched produce work a great amount of energy for practical purposes a high-energy accelerator at power stations
3. Automation Computer contributes is based is used works saves in modern technology working time to production efficiency on computers in different spheres of life at a high speed.


Задание 7. Найдите в тексте 4А предложения, содержащие модальные глаголы или их эквиваленты, и объясните их употребление.

Задание 8. Заполните пропуски модальными глаголами или их эквивалентами, данными ниже, и переведите предложения.

1. Our epoch... be called the epoch of scientific and technological revolution.

2. We... use radio and television not only for information but for communication purposes as well.

3. The year of 1957... be considered the beginning of the space research era in our country.

4. A joint space flight of Russian and American cosmonauts to Mars... be made in the 21-st century.

5. Thanks to the greatest scientific achievements in space research we... launch a new cosmic vehicle – the Shuttle.

6. Controlled thermonuclear reactions... provide mankind with an inexhaustible source of energy.

7. In future we... use computers in all spheres of life to save time.

8. Nuclear physicists from foreign countries... work with the «TOKAMAK» installation when they visit the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research at Dubna.


can, could, must, should, may, might, is to, were able to, shall have to, will be allowed to.


Задание 9. Переведите следующие предложения и замените в них эквиваленты модальных глаголов на модальные глаголы.

1. Scientists should cooperate with scientific institutions of the world.

2. According to the “Intercosmos” programme 12 international crews were able to carry out more than 200 scientific experiments in space.

3. Undergraduates of computer science departments were allowed to work at the Coordinated Science Centre together with the staff members.

4. Technology has to be linked both with science and industry.


Задание 10. Переведите следующие предложения на английский язык.

1. Мы можем быть свидетелями новых открытий.

2. Человек сумел создать сложные кибернетические машины.

3. Студентам регулярно позволяют работать с компьютерами.

4. Ученые могут проводить биологические и медицинские опыты в космосе.

5. Одной из главных проблем современной физики следует считать атомную энергетику.

6. Компьютеры должны экономить рабочее время специалистов.


Задание 11. Найдите в тексте 4А предложения, содержащие глаголы “to be” u “to have” и определить их функции.

Задание 12. Определите функции глаголов “to be” u “to have” в следующих предложениях и переведите предложения.

Scientific investigations in the fields of astrophysics and geology were conducted in space.

The Joint Institute of Nuclear Research has a staff of talented scientists.

A group of scientists under the leadership of Igor Kurchatov has created the “TOKAMAK” nuclear installation.

Every achievement of science is to promote economic growth of the country.

Protonsynchrotron is the most powerful high-energy accelerator.

To generate plasma with the necessary thermonuclear parameters scientists had to use the laser.


Задание 13. Подберите к следующим определениям соответствую-щие понятия из списка В и переведите их.

1. The science about the physical life of animals and plants.

2. A person who travels in a space vehicle.

3. An electronic device which stores, analyses and produces information.

The power of atomic nucleus.

Getting knowledge of something existing but not yet known.

A thing done successfully.

A device used for accelerating nuclear particles.

The creation of something not existing before.

A person engaged in investigation to discover new facts or information.

The use of machines to save labour.

B. Discovery, invention, nuclear energy, achievement, astronaut, biology, accelerator, automation, computer, research worker.

Задание 14. Перечислите основные проблемы, затронутые в тексте 4А. Расположите их в виде пунктов плана текста.

Задание 15. Опираясь на свой план, составьте аннотацию текста 4А по следующей схеме:

The text is entitled...

It deals with...

The text can be divided into... logical parts.

The first (second, etc.) part contains (describes, enumerates, speaks about, touches upon, etc.)...


Задание 16. Задайте своему товарищу несколько вопросов по каждому пункту плана текста 4А.

Задание 17. Сделайте краткое сообщение по каждому пункту плана текста 4А.


Text 4B


Задание 1. Познакомьтесь с содержанием текста 4В.

Задание 2. Переведите заголовок текста 4В. Предложите свой вариант заголовка.

Science and International Cooperation


Modern science is characterized by increasing the tendency towards closer cooperation between scientists and scientific institutions all over the world. Many problems that affect the world today cannot be solved without joining scientific efforts and material resources on a world-wide scale. The exploration of space, world finance, global environment protection problems and the development of new sources of the power are the examples of areas of scientific research which are so costly and complicated that it is difficult for a single country to solve them efficiently and in a short period of time.

Many countries are successfully cooperating on a programme called “Intercosmos” and have already launched 23 “Intercosmos” satellites, 11 vertical geophysical rockets and a large number of artificial satellites. Russia conducts space exploration programmes together with the USA, France, Sweden, Austria and India. Joint manned flights of Russian and foreign cosmonauts included citizens from numerous countries. 12 international crews worked in orbit and carried out more than 200 scientific experiments.

Another sphere of international cooperation among scientists is high-energy physics. Dubna is the town where a large international group of physicists is constantly researching new nuclear particles. It is a tremendous scientific complex of six large laboratories called the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research. The Institute prepares research personnel for its member-countries. The laboratories are staffed by young talented scientists from different countries. Physicists heed regular contacts, discussions and seminars. So Dubna is known as a town of international friendship.


Задание 3. Найдите в тексте 4В английские эквиваленты следую-щих выражений:

научное учреждение, материальные ресурсы, исследование космоса, защита окружающей среды, источники энергии, научное исследование, запускать спутники, осуществлять программы, пилотируемые полёты, интернациональные экипажи, научные эксперименты, ядерные частицы, ядерное испытание, талантливые ученые.


Задание 4. Найдите в тексте 4В синонимы следующих слов и переведите их.

establishment, to influence, to decide, to combine, force, research, working-out, energy, field, complex, hard, sputnik, cosmos.


Задание 5. Укажите предложения, соответствующие содержанию текста 4В. Все предложения переведите.

Scientists all over the world join their efforts in their special fields.

The USA and Russia are working at the programme of a joint space flight to Mars.

Joint space flights of international crews contribute to the development of world science.

Igor Kurchatov laid the foundation of atomic energetics in our country.

Atomic physicists from different countries work together at the Joint Institute of Nuclear Research at Dubna.

The problem of the development of new sources of power stopped being vital at the end of the 20th century.


Задание 6. Составьте план текста 4В.

Задание 7. Опираясь на свой план, составьте краткую аннотацию текста 4В (см. схему задания 15)

Задание 8. Переведите следующий текст на английский язык.

Учёные всего мира стремятся к сотрудничеству. Сегодня многие научные проблемы можно решить, только объединив материальные ресурсы разных стран. Развитые страны успешно сотрудничают по программе «Интеркосмос» и в области физики больших энергий. Программа «Интеркосмос» предусматривает проведение в космосе научных экспериментов. Физики, работающие в Объединённом институте ядерных исследований в Дубне, регулярно проводят семинары по проблемам ядерной энергетики.


Задание 9. На основе содержания текста 4В выскажитесь несколькими фразами по каждому из следующих вопросов.

What is the use of international scientific cooperation?

In what spheres do many countries cooperate?

How is the “Intercosmos” programme being realized?

Why is Dubna called a town of international friendship?



Text 4C

Задание 1. Переведите письменно текст 4С на русский язык с помощью словаря.


Tasks of Science and Scientists


The task of a scientist should be the application of scientific knowledge. Attaining the truth is only one function of science; its second function is creating all possible kinds of technical devices. A scientist must feel concern about how the knowledge he has acquired can be applied in the economy. Scientific achievements must, in the shortest time possible, be put into practice. An important aspect of science is the organic unity of theory and practice, the problems of knowledge and the problems of building a new life.

A contemporary scientist should have an all-round education. He must know at least one foreign language to be the first to get information. It is essential for a scientist to have initiative. He must generate ideas and develop them to their logical and, most important, practical end.


Задание 2. Переведите письменно следующий текст на русский язык и придумайте к нему заглавие.

Throughout history there have always been links between technology and industry as well as between science and technology. For a long time, however, science enjoyed an independent development from that of industry, limiting itself to the establishment of theories and laws. However the revolution in physics started at the end of the last century has rapidly led to the consequences in technology and therefore in industry. Scientific research has become a profession, which is to attract and unite a great number of specialists. Scientific theories penetrate technological processes. It can be said that modern technology is conceived in physical, chemical and biological laboratories in the light of mathematical advances.

Text 4D

Задание 1. Познакомьтесь с содержанием текста 4 D и выполните следующие за ним задания.

Coordinated Science Centre


The Coordinated Science Centre in Moscow works for the application of science and research for useful purposes. It has a broad programme of activities and can perform various researches. There are 10 departments in the Centre. The laboratories of these departments carry on investigations on the basis of advanced facilities. The Centre also has a few experimental plants. More than 3000 staff members are engaged in individual and group researches. Research teams are organized to work at a specific problem to be solved coordinating the skills of scientists, engineers and economists.

The present activities of the Centre include research programmes in solid state physics, semiconductor physics, advanced automation, communication systems, computer-aided design, human-computer interaction, information science systems, energy studies, man-machine systems, studies of the human environment. Integration of research with education has been a decisive factor in the distinguished reputation enjoyed by the Centre. Both graduates and undergraduates cooperate with staff members in research activities, and concepts developed through research are reflected in the instructional programme at all academic levels. The close contact of higher schools with the Coordinated Science Centre introduces students to the latest achievements in science and engineering, and helps them to learn modern research methods and handle the most complex equipment.

The Coordinated Science Centre may be considered a multinational organization. It is supported by the governments of several countries. In some fields the very nature of the work may demand facilities which a particular country does not possess. Space exploration with joint flights is one example of this approach. That is why the Centre cooperates with research laboratories in Germany, Poland, Bulgaria and some other countries. There is a special committee at the Centre which holds symposia, conferences, seminars, and meetings aimed at increasing international research cooperation. The study of the ocean, the atmosphere, the inner structure of the earth, environmental protection, health protection and other global problems can be solved only if scientists of many countries unite their efforts.


Задание 2. Найдите в тексте 4 D английские эквиваленты следую-щих выражений:

научный центр, программа деятельности, проводить исследова-ния, усовершенствованное оборудование, коллективное исследо-вание, исследовательские коллективы, автоматизированное проектирование, обучающая программа, достижения науки и техники, управлять оборудованием, международное сотрудни-чество, защита окружающей среды.


Задание 3. Переведите следующие выражения на русский язык:

research programmes, solid state physics, semiconductor physics, communication systems, human-computer interaction, information science systems, man-machine systems, energy studies, human environment, staff members, research activities, research methods, research cooperation, health protection.


Задание 4. Сгруппируйте слова из списков A и B в логические словосочетания и переведите их.

to perform, to carry on, to solve, to work at, to enjoy, to develop, to hold, to unite.

a concept, a method, a conference, efforts, research, a seminar, investigations, a problem, a reputation.


Задание 5. Сгруппируйте слова из списков А и В в синонимичные пары и переведите их.

research, purpose, to perform, facilities, staff, team, to apply, activities, to instruct, space, engineering, to handle.

to teach, to control, to use, investigation, to make, technology, aim, equipment, group, personnel, work, cosmos.


Задание 6. Прочитайте следующие слова и переведите их как глаголы и как существительные.

research, group, design, study, programme, contact, handle, work, demand, approach, aim.


Задание 7. Выпишите из словаря все возможные значения следующих слов. Определите, в каком значении они встречаются в тексте 4 D.

department, facilities, plant, team, instruction, nature, space.


Задание 8. Составьте план текста 4 D.

Задание 9. Опираясь на свой план, составьте краткую аннотацию текста 4 D (см. схему задания 15).

Задание 10. Переведите текст 4 D на русский язык.

Задание 11. Переведите текст следующей газетной заметки на английский язык.

Координационный научный центр имеет обширную программу деятельности. Его лаборатории занимаются исследованиями на базе усовершенствованного оборудования. Научные сотрудники центра контактируют с высшими учебными заведениями, знакомят студентов с новейшими достижениями науки и техники. Координационный научный центр поддерживается правительствами разных стран. Многие глобальные проблемы человечества могут решаться только совместными усилиями учёных всего мира. Вот почему центр регулярно проводит симпозиумы, конференции и семинары на основе международного научного сотрудничества.


Задание 12. Вы – иностранный журналист. С помощью переводчи-ка возьмите интервью у директора Координационного научного центра. Спросите его о программе научной деятельности, сотрудниках, оборудовании, контактах с вузами и научными коллективами разных стран и т.п.

Задание 13. Вы – директор Координационного научного центра. Расскажите иностранным журналистам о работе вашего центра на английском языке.


Unit 5



  Грамматика Времена, причастия, герундий, страдательный залог, функции слова «one» (повторение).   Тексты Текст   5А Mind: Facts in Figures                       Ecology is Priority Текст   5В Текст   5C Текст   5D Текст   5E Bottom Line is Get Involved  


Словарь активной лексики

advantage – преимущество, выгода

ant. disadvantage

campus – территория университета, университет

consumer – потребитель, покупатель

conservation – сохранение

to contaminate – загрязнять, заражать

contamination – загрязнение, заражение

to demand – требовать

to decrease – [di:’kri:s] уменьшать, убавлять

to dispose of – удалять, избавляться

disposal – передача, удаление

dust – пыль

ecology – экология

ecological – экологический

to emit – испускать, выделять

emission – выделение, выброс, отходы

environment – окружающая среда

to face – стоять перед чем-либо, сталкиваться

harmful – вредный, пагубный

hazardous – [‘hæzədəs] рискованный, опасный

to improve – улучшать

to involve – включать в себя, содержать

to link – связывать

syn. to connect

long-term – долгосрочный

to manufacture – производить

syn. to produce

to participate – участвовать

syn. to take part

to pollute – загрязнять

pollution – загрязнение

to process – обрабатывать

to protect – защищать

protection – защита

to reduce – сокращать

resources – ресурсы, запасы, возможности

to recycle – повторно использовать

responsible – ответственный

rubbish (am. garbage) – мусор

to save – беречь, экономить

to search for – искать

syn. to look for

sustainable – защищенное, способное противостоять

tax – налог

to throw – бросать; to ~ away – выбрасывать

waste – отходы

domestic waste – бытовые отходы

waste disposal – удаление отходов


Задание 1. Прочитайте текст. Скажите, в связи с чем в тексте приводятся следующие цифры: 20, 500.000, 10 billion, 76, 26, 20.000.


Mind: Facts in Figures


Forests on the Earth are disappearing at the rate of 20 hectares per minute or more than 500.000 hectares a year.

The volume of atmospheric oxygen annually decreases by 10 billion tons.

The planet’s genetic fund has sustained irretrievable losses. 76 species of animals, 26 birds species and several hundred species of plants have disappeared forever.

The airborne carcinogens (cancercausing agents) emitted into the atmosphere during some manufacturing processes are responsible for up to 20.000 cancer deaths each year.


Задание 2. Пользуясь информацией предыдущего текста, объясните название текста 5А.


Text 5A


Ecology is Priority


The ecological problem which is also very much a social one, is one of the pressing problems of our days. The more civilization is developing the greater the ecological problems are becoming. They are closely linked through cause-and-effect relations to the problems of economic growth, progress in science and technology. In many cases the environmental problem has become a dominant one in relation to many others. The pollution of the environment has now reached threatening proportions.

Ecology is the relationship between living things and their environment. It includes conservation, recycling and pollution control.

Conservation is the protection of resources against loss or waste.

Recycling is the reprocessing of used materials for reuse. It helps decrease land pollution by turning waste into a usable resource. Examples include recycling paper, plastics and aluminum.

Pollution is the contamination of the natural environment by the introduction of harmful substances that endanger our health and our lives.

The essential feature in the environment protection is that many problems can be solved only on the level of world community. It is necessary to develop an international program to study data on land, forest, atmospheric and oceanic resources, and to take measures to protect the environment.



Задание 3. Запомните произношение следующих слов. Прочитайте и переведите их.

ecological [,i:kə’lɔdʒikəl], conservation [,kɔnsə’veiʃən], environment [in’vaiərənmənt], oceanic [,ouʃi’ænik], pollution [pə’lu:ʃən], measure [‘meʒə], recycling [ri’saikliɳ], necessary [‘nesisəri].


Задание 4. Учитывая значения суффиксов, подберите к русским словам соответствующие английские эквиваленты.

загрязнение (pollute; pollution; pollutant)

защита (protect, protection; protective)

окружающая среда (environmental; environment)

годный к употреблению (use; usage; usable)

вредный (harm; harmful)

океанский (ocean, oceanic)


Задание 5. Переведите слова с префиксом «re», имеющим значение повторности. При переводе используйте слова «вторичный», «повторный» или приставки «пере» и «вос».


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