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Поставьте предложения в вопросительную и отрицательную формы. Предложения переведите.
A. This is a large classroom. B. There are some lames on the walls. C. Mr. Black has some assistants. 4. Составьте предложения из следующих слов. Предложения переведите: a) there, any, are, on the blackboard, figures? b) a picture, there, over, the bookcase, is?
5. Переведите предложения. A. This element has (несколько) important properties. B. There is (нет) difference between these two figures. C. My friends always go (куда-нибудь) in summer. D. Hesays (ничего) about his tests. E. (Ни один) student uses these instruments.
6. Составьте предложения из следующих слов. Предложения переведите: a) countries, the metric system, use, most, now; b) work, m the evening, Mr. Hall, does not, on Fridays.
7. Поставьте глаголы, данные в скобках, во времена группы Indefinite (Present, Past, Future). Предложения переведите. A. Albert Einstein (to be) born in 1879 in Germany. When he was be (to begin) his study of mathematics and physics. Later he (to continue) his studies at the University. B. The people of our country (to produce) a lot of geniuses such as Lomonosov, Mendeleyev, Lobachevsky and others. Now our country (to have) a great number of brilliant scientists in all fields of knowledge. Any square (to have) four right angles.
8. Переведите предложения, пользуясь словами и выражениями, данными ниже. A. Альберт Эйнштейн был великим физиком XX столетия. B. В течение нескольких лет Эйнштейн жил в Праге и преподавал в университете физику. C. Его идея поразила всех ученых. D. Сегодня любой студент технического института понимает теорию относительности.
Тo get the Nobel Prize; to make some discoveries; any technical college student; to be a great physicist of the 20th century; to study Einstein's biography; to give his life to; for a few years; to teach physics; to have an unusual ability in; to surprise all the scientists. 9. а) поставьте прилагательные и наречия в соответствующие степени сравнения; б) переведите текст на русский язык:
Mercury Mercury is the (small) planet in our solar system, it is the (close) one to the Sun. Apart from the Sun itself the sunny side of Mercury is the (hot) place in the solar system. But the dark side of Mercury is probably even (cold) than the (far) planet, Pluto. It is strange to find the (hot) and the (cold) parts of the solar system on the same planet. The (good) time to see Mercury is spring.
10. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на сказуемое: а) с модальным глаголом: A. We must use new methods in our research work. B. You may use this instrument for measuring gas pressure. C. They ought to help their friend to solve this important problem.
б) с эквивалентом модального глагола: A. The students were unable (were not able) to do the work without their teacher's help. He had to help them. B. This power station was to supply us with all necessary energy. C. The atom is to serve mankind. D. Nobody was able to understand this mysterious phenomenon.
Прочитайте и переведите на русский язык текст. NEW TECHNOLOGY EXHIBITION
The "New Technology Exhibition" is devoted to economic and social developments. Its exhibits show efforts to improve the quality and efficiency of the region production. A large section of the exhibition demonstrates electronics. The most impressive of the exhibits are robots. They can cut metals, drill holes, compute and teach. All robots are very much things of the present. A multipurpose lathe-robot is specially interesting in that it can "ask questions". An engineer showed how it works. He pressed a key which has the mark "Thread cutting". And "Thread pitch?" immediately appeared on the video display screen. The engineer pressed another key with the mark "I". Another question came on: "Thread length?". The robot has to get all the answers to all its questions before it goes to work. Another exhibit is a robot which is to operate some metallurgical processes. Before it starts working its operator must take him by "hand" and go through all the programme. The robot memorizes the instructions and then is able to do everything by itself and without any mistakes. Its memory can hold as many as 70 programmes. Practically all the equipment on display serves to improve the productivity. The exhibition programme provides for high increase in production of technologically perfect, top-quality and efficient types of machinery.
12. Выберите правильный ответ в соответствии с содержанием текста: 1. By "New Technology Exhibition" is meant: a) an exhibition in St. Petersburg; b) a programme of economic and social developments; c) a documentary film. 2. The most impressive of the exhibits are: a) display screens; b) lathes; c) robots. 3. All robots are the things of a) the past; b) the present; c) the future. 4. A multipurpose lathe-robot is specially interesting in that it can: a) answer questions; b) work without mistakes; c) ask questions. 5. The robot is used to operate: a) some metallurgical processes; b) w chemical process; c) a turning process. КОНТРОЛЬНАЯ РАБОТА 2 Проработайте следующий грамматический материал: 1. Страдательный залог времен группы Indefinite. 2. Придаточные дополнительные предложения. 3. Времена группы Сontinuous. 4. Усилительная конструкция типа it is (was).. that (who). 5. Определительные придаточные предложения. 6. Времена группы Perfect. 7. Инфинитив. 8. Причастие I. 9. Причастие II. 10. Герундий.
Контрольная работа 2
Вариант 1 Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на перевод подлежащего. A. The young specialists were offered to concentrate their efforts on the construction of bridges. B. It must be said that the control system of the conveyor is looked upon as an experimental one. C. The original design of the round conveyor was already referred to in some journals. D. The construction of the new conveyor was paid great attention to. E. The operation of the conveyor will not be influenced by outer factors. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на усилительную конструкцию. A. Facts give a science its substance, but it is the theory which provides its strength. B. It was Einstein who provided a new conception of time, space and gravitation. C. It is the hydroengineering complex which will protect St. Petersburg from floods.
В следующих парах предложений определите время и залог сказуемого. Предложения переведите. A. During the nineteenth century a great development of science and technology took place in the world. Rapid changes have taken place in science and technology since the end of the Second World War. B. An interesting phenomenon in the field of aerodynamic effects was discovered by Russian scientists last year. Almost all chemical elements which have been found on Earth have been discovered in the Sun and the planets of solar system. Переведите предложения, обращая внимание на слова-заместители. A. The capacity of this atomic power station will be many times greater than that of the first one. B. The number of discoveries and inventions of the last 25 years equals those made throughout the history of civilization. C. The speed of lighter molecules is greater than that of heavier ones.
Выберите перевод сказуемого. A. The engineers have to work out different flexible lines. B. Some new flexible lines have been worked out at our plant lately. C. The designers had to work out a special flexible line for their shop. D. Our specialists have worked out a new experimental flexible line. а) разработали; b) должны были разработать; с) были разработаны; d) должны разработать.
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