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Higher School and Ways to Science



Institutes and Universities draw students into research work from the very beginning of their studies. Student participation in research is one of the most effective methods for training highly-qualified professionals. Conducting research 1 students improve their knowledge and put into practical use the things they learn at lectures, seminars and laboratories. It helps them realize the practical value of their knowledge, to master the basic experimental techniques, to learn how to handle the modern equipment and analyse the results of the experiment.

Such students graduate as highly-qualified specialists. And this is one of the most important tasks facing higher schools.

Great attention is paid to the work of Students' Scientific Societies. Contests, competitions and exhibitions, based on students' researches have become a tradition. Every year student contests are held for the best research project. The winners get medals and diplomas.

As a rule, students write their term papers and graduation projects on the problems of their research work. They handle experimental equipment, conduct theoretical investigations, read scientific literature.

Term papers, research works, graduation projects of practical important 2 to industry are the stages of making students highly-qualified thinking specialists ready for independent work even before they get their diplomas.


Notes to the text:

1Conducting research – проводя исследования...

2... projects of practical importance... – проекты, представляющие практический интерес...


Задание 4. Объясните заглавие текста 1В. Придумайте заглавие, которое более точно отражает основное содержание текста.

Задание 5. Выпишите из текста 1B слова и словосочетания для сообщения на тему " Scientific Work of Students ".

Задание 6. Ответьте на вопросы, используя информацию
текста 1B.

1) Why do higher schools draw students into research work?

2) What traditions do Students' Scientific Societies uphold?

3) How does scientific research help students in writing their term papers and carrying out graduation projects?

4) What are the stages of making students highly-qualified professionals?


Задание 7. Расширьте свое сообщение на тему "Scientific Work of the University" по тексту 1A, используя информацию текста 1B.

Text 1C

Задание 1. Выполните письменный перевод текста 1C.


Moscow University, its Past and Present


The most famous and prestigious Moscow State University was founded by Mikhail Lomonosov in 1755. At first the University had three faculties – philosophy, medicine and law. Later new faculties were organized including the first department of agronomical sciences in the world.

The University grew and the so-called "new" buildings were built in the XIX century. However, they, too, proved inadequate to house the rapidly growing faculties. Therefore, the main building, 36 stories high, and the complex of buildings for faculties of natural sciences, students' dormitories and teachers' flats were all built in Lenin (now Vorobyovy) Hills in 1950s.

The main University building is unique. The departments and faculties, libraries, assembly halls, museums are all in the central tall structure. The teachers' apartments and students' rooms are in the wings.

The University campus is a large students' town with its own shops, all kinds of services, several gymnasia and swimming facilities.

Today 21 faculties of the University have 50.000 students. The University has a lot of laboratories, research centres, museums, botanical gardens and observatories.

Many famous people studied at Moscow University. Among its graduates are Griboyedov, Lermontov, Pirogov, Sechenov and many others.

Задание 2. Переведите текст письменно без словаря.

Higher School


There are some types of Higher Educational Schools in our country – Institutes, Universities and Academies.

The usual faculties at Universities are: Physics and Mathematics, Philology (language and literature), History, Biology and Chemistry.

The second group of Higher Schools includes Engineering, Agricultural, Medical, Educational, Economic and other Institutes.

School-leavers become students after passing entrance examinations. All candidates must pass an examination in Russian and literature and two more exams depending on 1 the type of higher school.

The academic year has two terms. During the terms students spend much time working: it is necessary to attend lectures and seminars, carry out laboratory tests, work hard in libraries, at home. Examinations take place at the end of each term.

The curriculum 2 of the specialized higher institutions may be divided into three parts: the Humanities, General education and Specialized subjects. The subjects of the first two groups give a solid basis of general education to future specialists, specialized subjects help students develop the necessary practical skills 3. Specialization usually begins in the third course.

After graduating from higher schools young specialists may work in various spheres of industry and science.


Notes to the text:

1depending on – в зависимости от

2curriculum – учебный план

3skills – навыки


Text 1D

Задание 1. Прочитайте и переведите текст 1D. Выполните следующие за ним задания.

Higher Education in Russia


The new academic year has begun. Entrance examinations are over in the 894 higher schools of this country. More than a million new students were enrolled into universities and institutes.

About 60 per cent of them entered technological institutes. In the last several years the number of students in technological institutes has risen by more than one million bringing the total enrolment to over three million. This means that young people are interested in the specialities connected with new branches of science and technology. At present engineers and technical specialists constitute 40 per cent of graduates from institutes of higher learning while humanities, natural sciences and pedagogy account for 45 per cent.

Today a student must assimilate large amounts of new information and it is growing all the time. Class-rooms are now equipped with TV sets, computers, video tape-recorders and other training appliances. Lectures and seminars alternate with laboratory works, discussions, research work and students' self-training.

A large part of study time is devoted to basic subjects. This enables future specialists to attain greater professional knowledge and assimilate modern methods of research, advanced production technology, its organization and management. This provides a basis for the study of special subjects and the organization of practice.

The present academic year is marked by expansion of new forms of technical specialization. Specialization plays a major part in planning the curricula. Usually specialization begins in the third year.

The state spends large sums on higher education. About 75 per cent of students receive scholarships and 10 per cent get allowances from enterprises that sponsored their application.

Education plays an important part in the life of any country as it provides the country with highly-qualified specialists for its future development and progress. Top priority is given to improving the standards of higher education – especially in science and technology. At the same time some institutes of technology have developed into technical universities and devote many more hours to the humanities.

The higher school today considers education not only as collection of useful facts and theories but also as the process which trains a person to analyse and interrelate various ideas as well as1 make decisions.

Today's young people will be the specialists of tomorrow in the society with new technology. Their qualification will determine the scientific and technological progress of the country. Besides, specialists in all fields should2 have a general education to supplement their specialized knowledge and enable them to use it most effectively.


Notes to the text:

1as well as – а также

2should – должны

Задание 2. Догадайтесь о значении интернациональных слов и переведите слова и словосочетания на русский язык. Значения подчеркнутых слов проверьте по словарю.

Technological institute, technical specialist, natural sciences, assimilate information, modern methods, production technology, management, expansion of new forms, collection of facts and theories, general education.


Задание 3. Найдите в тексте 1D английские эквиваленты для следующих русских слов и словосочетаний:

вступительные экзамены, общее количество поступивших (в вузы), усваивать информацию, самостоятельная работа (само-подготовка), передовая технология, расширение форм техни-ческой специализации, предприятие, дальнейшее развитие, огромное значение, соотносить различные точки зрения.


Задание 4. Соедините слова в логические словосочетания, найдите предложения с полученными словосочетаниями в тексте 1D, предложения переведите.

a) analyse, assimilate, attain, enter, make.

b) decision, ideas, information, institutes, knowledge.


Задание 5. Найдите пары слов, близкие по значению и предложения с этими словами в тексте 1D. Найденные предложения переведите.

To account for, field, to enter, allowance, branch, to be enrolled, scholarship, to constitute.

Задание 6. Выпишите из словаря все значения существительного " part ", определите, в каких значениях оно употреблено в тексте 1D, предложения переведите.


Задание 7. Прокомментируйте все цифровые данные, приведенные в тексте 1D.

Задание 8. а). Разделите текст 1D на смысловые части, подберите заглавие к каждой из них.

б). Найдите в каждой части по одному предложению, передающему основную мысль этой части.

Задание 9. Опираясь на информацию текста, прокомментируйте следующие высказывания, используя известные вам речевые модели (см. задание 7 к тексту 1A).

1) The number of technical students has risen in the last years.

2) Engineering profession is not so popular with young people as humanities and natural sciences.

3) Students now have necessary training appliances to assimilate growing amounts of information.

4) Basic subjects play an important part in the education of future specialists.

5) Planning their curricula higher schools pay great attention to specialization.

6) Nearly all the students get scholarships.

7) Technical universities devote less hours to the humanities than institutes of technology.


Задание 10. Объясните, используя информацию текста 1D.

1) Explain why the number of technical students has risen in last several years.

2) Explain why so much study time is devoted to basic subjects. Is it justified?

3) Explain why new forms of specialization expand.

4) Explain what is the role of education for our country.

5) Explain what is a higher education, the way you see it.


Unit 2

Higher Education

in Great Britain and in the USA


  Грамматика Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий, сравнительные конструкции. Простые формы причастий. Функции “it”, “one” в предложении.   Тексты 2A. About Higher education in Great Britain 2B. Text 2C. Higher education in the USA 2D. Cambridge  


Словарь активной лексики

1. admission(of students) –прием (студентов)

2. application for (admission) - заявление о (приеме)

3. authorities (pl.) – власти

local authorities – органы местного управления, местные власти

4. to award – присуждать, присваивать

5. body – орган, учреждение, организация

6. council – совет

7. course – курс обучения

degree course – курс обучения по программе, ведущей к получению степени

“sandwich” courses – курсы “сэндвич”(комбинированное обучение, чередующее периоды теоретического и практического обучения)

8. curriculum (-la) – учебный план(-ы)

9. degree – степень

Bachelor degree – степень бакалавра(низшая ученая степень)

Bachelor of Arts – бакалавр искусств или гуманитарных наук

Bachelor of Science – бакалавр естественных или технических наук

Master degree –степень магистра наук

10. department – факультет, кафедра, отделение, министерство

11. to describe – описывать, характеризовать

12. Doctor of Philosophy – доктор философии(высшая ученая степень по любой отрасли науки)

13. to fund (syn. to finance) – финансировать

funds – фонды, денежные средства

14. grant – субсидия, стипендия, пособие студентам

15. to locate – располагать

16. to maintain – поддерживать

17. to provide – обеспечивать, снабжать

18. qualification – квалификация

academic qualification – учебная квалификация

teaching qualification – педагогическая квалификация

19. regulation – правило

20. route – путь

21. self-governing – самоуправляющийся (-емый)

22. to submit – представлять(на рассмотрение)

23. support – поддержка


Степени сравнения прилагательных и наречий


  Положительная Сравнительная Превосходная
1. long easy long er easi er the long est the easi est
2. interesting difficult more interesting more difficult the most interesting the most difficult
3. good, well, bad, badly much, many little far   better worse more less farther, further the best the worst the most the least the farthest, the furthest


I. Найдите в каждом ряду прилагательное:

а) в сравнительной степени

teacher, taller, thermometer, thinker;

eater, engineer, easier, easter;

builder, butter, best, bigger;

worker, weather, worse, writer;

bitter, brother, better, barometer;

father, farther, future, further;

meter, motor, mother, more;


б) в превосходной степени

list, lightness, least, linguist;

forest, furthest, formalist, first;

horse, host, hostel, highest;

disease, digest, dentist, darkest;

must, much, most, month;

wrist, worth, worst, world;

besides, boss, boxer, best.



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