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Lecture № 7 . Teacher's project and research activity is a tool for the development of the creative potential of future teachers.Содержание книги
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A copy of the typical curriculum: The concept of "project". The project is a special kind of professional pedagogical activity, a form of pedagogical creativity. Pedagogical project principles. Areas of the project in modern education. Logic and content of socio-pedagogical, educational, psychological and pedagogical project. Objects of pedagogical project: pedagogical systems, pedagogical process, pedagogical situations. Description of main types of pedagogical projects. Pedagogical project is a pedagogical function. Project-research activity is a transformation of pedagogical sincerity as an indicator of innovative pedagogical activity, its professionalism. Basic concepts: pedagogical project, projecting of teaching, characteristics of pedagogical projects. Plan: 1. The concept of "project". 2. Project branches and types of education. 3. Principles of pedagogical project. 4. Pedagogical project objects.
Purpose: to give a description of project method, principles and stages. The method of projecting is to develop the critical thinking of the educational resource, to develop students' cognitive, creative skills, the flexibility to independently form their own knowledge, the ability to find information in the information space. The method of project first assumes the solution of a problem, and secondly, the achievement of the result. E.S. Polat points out that the project method influences the development of new didactics of pedagogical technologies. Nowadays, the project of the standardized classroom lesson system is easily accessible and does not influence any of the goals and structure of the system. This technology is very effective in integrating with the objectives set out in the state educational standard. The project methodology not only provides the productive use of learning materials, but also sets out the qualities of morality, self-employment, teacher-friendly approach to each other, aptitude for language communication, and mutual assistance. Here are often the qualities that are commonplace with traditional pedagogy, such as competitiveness, sophistication, pride, rudeness, and authoritarianism do not interfere with the project technology. Nowadays, the project technology is exceptionally extensively studied by our and foreign country's methodologies: I.L. Bim, I.A. Zimniya, T.E. Sakharova, O.M. Moiseyeva, E.S. Polat, I. Chechelle, L. Fried-Booth, T. Hutchinson, D. Phillips and others. In many studies, the project methodology represents the traditional non-standard educational process with the most important component of an effective learning system and the type of development through active form of action (planning, prediction, analysis, synthesis). The project methodology defines the basic principles of the humanistic direction as a new pedagogical person-oriented technology: • Special attention to the student's personality; • Precision, orientation of students to critical thinking skills; The pedagogical project is the professional activity of any teacher (search of content, methods and ways of interaction with pupils). The pedagogical project is to create favourable conditions for the previous activities and predict its results. The objects of the pedagogical project: pedagogical systems, pedagogical process, pedagogical situations. The pedagogical process is the main object of the project for the teacher. Stages and forms of pedagogical project. Projecting pedagogical systems, processes, situations is a complex multi-disciplinary activity. It considers three phases of the project: Pedagogical modelling (modelling) is goal-setting, pedagogical systems, processes, situations, the basic ways of achieving them. Pedagogical projecting (project creation) is the further implementation of the model and bringing it to the level of practical application. Pedagogical assemblage is a further improvement of the project is closely connected with the actual participants of educational relations in the real case. Forms of the pedagogical project are documents describing the activity of pedagogical systems, processes, situations. The concept is the basic form of projects, which reflects the theoretical principles of the creation of pedagogical systems and processes, the main idea, the main point of view. The concept is formed as a result of scientific research. It is general, abstract, but also practical. The concept is to present the theory in an applied, constructive form. During the project process, the teacher should put himself in the place of the student. Control questions: 1. What is a project? 2. Project method and project methodology 3. What is a pedagogical project? 4. Principles and Stages of project
References: 1. Pedagogy (course lector) Almaty, 2003. 2. I.P. Podlasiy. Pedagogy, M., Vlados, 1999. 3. Pedagogy (senior lecturer B.T. Likhachev). M., 1998 4. V. A.Slastenin and others. Pedagogy. M, 1997 5. V.S. Lednev. Sources of Education: Sustainability, Structure, Perspectives. M., 1991 6. Belukhin D.A. Basics of personal-oriented pedagogics. - M., 1996
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