Discipline program for the students 

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Discipline program for the students

Discipline program for the students


Subject: Introduction to the pedagogical profession

Specialty: Pedagogical specialties on 5В01000 "Education"


Tutor: Naviy Liza, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associated professor, chairman of department “Pegagogy, psychology and social work”, e-mail: liza281073@mail.ru




Kokshetau 2017

Mode of study Amount of credits     Lectures in hours Pract., Sem., Class in hours Lab.practicals in hours Students Individual Work with Tutor / Distance learning technology in hours. Students Individual Work in hours Total, hours Form of the control
Full time 2 15 15 - 30 30 90 Examination (orally)


Prerequisites of discipline – History of Kazakhstan, Psychology and Human Development, Sociology, Pedagogy

Postrequisites of discipline – Ethnopedagogics, theory and methodology of educational work, methodology of teaching on specialties, practice in school.

Course objective – Formation of professional-pedagogical competence of future teachers on realization of pedagogical activity in the system of secondary education


E ducational outcome s

Dublin descriptors Competencies Educational outcomes in discipline
A. knowledge and understanding B. application of knowledge and understanding C. judgement expression D. communication skills E. educability General Competencies: GC1: Systematic (Socio-Ethical Skills) Striving for Professional and Personal Growth; GC2: Systematic (Communication Skills) Communicate Written and Verbal Thinking; GC3: Instrumental (knowledge of IT technology) analysis of information received from different sources; ability to apply information technologies; GC5:Interdisciplinary (continuous self-improvement) Effective organization of independent work using modern teaching methods, mastering the skills of new knowledge necessary for daily professional activities and continuing education at the Master's degree. Professional competencies: PC1:Discipline-specific (individual) ability to select the content of education in accordance with the curriculum, design and organization of the educational process aimed at maintaining the mental and social well-being of the trainee in accordance with the learning environment; PC2: Subject-Specific (Methodological-Pedagogical) mastering the system of subject, psychological and pedagogical, methodological knowledge, skills and business skills, which defines the professional activity, pedagogical relationships and personality as the holder of real values, ideals and pedagogical consciousness; PC3: Discipline-specific (socio-ethical) to highlight the scientific and theoretical foundations of the study, education, upbringing and development of the general laws and special peculiarities of the education system; PC 6:Special-purpose (scientific-research) mastering methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical researches; PC7: Special-purpose (practical-oriented) to know and execute psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students in educational institutions; A. Knowledge and understanding of key trends in the field of pedagogy, including through demonstration of peculiarities of educational and training processes. B. The ability to apply theoretical knowledge professionally. C. Development of arguments in the process of analysis of pedagogical problems and elaboration of recommendations for solving pedagogical situations D. Collect and explain important data in the field of education, upbringing and education E. ability and ability to self-study material for performing individual and group tasks, continuing studies, writing a degree work

L esson plan


C ontent

T eaching method Educational outcomes A ssessment tools  

Educational technology.

The concept of technology and pedagogical technologies.

Responsible conditions of pedagogical technologies in educational institutions.

Principles provided by new teaching technologies.

Lecture, slideshow, question-answer, brainstorming   Table  

The main trends in modern educational paradigm. Challenges faced by future professionals in vocational education.

The link between philosophy and pedagogy - as the main focus of education in the twenty-first century.

Lecture, slideshow, question-answer, brainstorming   Scenario  

Personality of the teacher

Socio-moral orientation.

Professional-pedagogical orientation.

Cognitive orientation.

Lecture, slideshow, question-answer, brainstorming   Portfolio  

Lesson as the main form of organization of school education: structure and types Definition of the lesson

Classification of the lesson

Lecture, slideshow, question-answer, brainstorming   Portfolio  

C riterion s of estimation


Form of control

(oral, written, combined and creative examination)



A student who systematically and thoroughly studies the program material, performs all the tasks specified in the program independently, maintains the basic and additional literature specified in the program, works actively in practical lessons, demonstrates creative abilities, explicitly and explicitly uses the terms, material sequences and systematically.



A student who has learnt the program material thoroughly and systematically, performs all the tasks specified in the program independently, deeply learnt the main literature and is familiar with additional literature, actively participates in practical exercises, and regularly uses the terms in the answer.



A student who has a complete knowledge of the program material, who does not have a substantial mistake in the answer, who performs all the tasks specified in the program, deeply learnt the main literature, and actively works in practical lessons.



A student who has sufficient knowledge of the curriculum, self-fulfilling all the tasks specified in the program, without any problems answering the questions in the program, puts the student in practice



A student who has learnt the educational program material, who has no serious errors in his / her answer, performs all the tasks specified in the program independently, learnt the main literature specified in the program, activates practical lessons



A student who has a medium knowledge of the curriculum, who does not show active material in practical lessons, learnt the main literature in the program, performs basic tasks specified in the program, but has minor shortcomings in their performance, but has the ability to correct them automatically.



A student who has a medium of study curriculum, does not show active program activity, has learned the main literature specified in the program, performs the basic tasks specified in the program, but has minor defects in their performance but can be corrected by the teacher.



A student who has a medium knowledge of the curriculum, does not show active activity in practical lessons, who performs the basic tasks specified in the program, but has a significant disadvantage when performing them, but who are able to correct them under the supervision of the teacher.



A student who has a serious disadvantage in mastering the program material or fails to learn the program, fails to perform the basic tasks specified in the program, does not show active activity in the program, and has significant disadvantages.



A student who does not learn most of the training program material, can only be confronted with a teacher's guide questions, often fails to answer.



A student who has not fully learnt the program material or refused to answer.


Reference list:

Basic references:

1. Әбенбаев С., Әбиев Ж. Педагогика. Оқу құралы. - Астана: Фолиант, 2009. -336 б.

2.Бабаев С.Б..Оналбек Ж.К. Жалпы педагогика: оқулык. - Алматы: «Nurpress»,2011. - 228 б.

3.Джуринский А.Н. История педагогики и образования: учебник для бакалавров, 2-еизд‚ - Юрайт, 2011.- 675 с.

4. Жексенбаева У.Б. Компетентностно ориентированное образование в современной школе: Учебное пособие. - Алматы, 2009. - 190 с.

5. Загвязинский В.И. Методология и методы психолого-педагогического исследования.- М.: Издат. Центр «Академия», 2001, — 208 с.

6. Загвязинский В.И. Общая педагогика. Гриф УМО МО РФ: Учебное пособие. - Изд. Высшая школа, 2008. - 391с.

7. История педагогики и образования: Учебное пособие для пед. уч. Зав /ПодРед.акад. РАО А.И. Пискунова. - ТЦ «СФЕРА», 2001. - 512 с.

8. Коджаспирова Г.М. Педагогика: учебник. - М.: КН0РУС‚ 2010. -744 с.

9. Коркина В.И. Дидактика. В схемах и таблицах. - Караганда, 2004. - 209 с.

10. Мынбаева А.К.‚ Садвакасова 3.М. Инновационные методы обучения или какинтересно переподавать.-Алматы, 2009. - 341 с.

11. Педагогика. Оқулык /Абай атындағы Қазақ Ұлттык педагогикалык университетінін педагогика кафедрасыньпн авторлар ұжымы. - Алматы: Ргіпт-S, 2005. - 430 б.

12. Педагогика тарихы. Оқулык. - Алматы: ҚазМемҚызПУ‚ 2009. - 398 б.

13. Сейталиев К.Б. Педагогика тарихы.Оқулык. - Алматы: Білім, 2008. -414 б.

14.Селевко Г.К. Современные образовательные технологии. - М.: Народное образование, 1998. - 255 с.

15. Хмель Н.Д Біртұтаспедагогикалыкпроцестіжузегеасырудынтеориясы ментехнологиясы: оқу құралы. - Алматы: Ргіпт-S, 2005. - 140 б.

16. Школьная педагогика: Учебник /Под ред. Г.Т.Хайруллина„- Алматы: изд. «МИР», 2012. - 640 с.

Additional references:

1. Аубакирова Р.Ж. Педагогикалык зертгеу әдістемесі: оқу құралы. - Астана: Фолиант, 2008. 

2. Ахметова Г.К., т.б. Педагогика: Оқулык. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2006. -217 б.

3. Айтбаева А.Е. Білім берудегі жана технологиялар: оқу құралы. - Алматы: Қазақ университеті, 2008.

4. Әбиев Ж. Педагогика тарихы: оқу құралы. - Алматы, 2006. - 476 б.

5. Әлемдікпедагогикалык ой-сана.10 томдык. 1-2 том. -Алматы, 2010. - 400 б.

6. Бабаев С.Б., Жумадиллаева А.А. Көрнекі педагогика. - Алматы, 2008 - 68 б.

7. Бахишева С.М. Педагогикалыкжобалау: теориясы мен технологиясы.Оқулык. - Алматы, 2010.

8. Баймолдаев Т.М. Мектепбаскару: даму тарихы, ғылыми және әдіснамалық негіздері, тәжірибесі. - Алматы, 2009. - 257 б.

9. Габбасов С. Педагогика мен психология негіздері: оқуқұралы. - А.: Таймас. 2008, - 448 б.

10. Дайрабаев Е.В. Педагогика пәнінің негіздері: оқу құралы. - Алматы, 2005. -222 б.

11. Джуринский А.Н. Зарубежная педагогика: Учебное пособие.- М.: Гардарики.2008. - 383 с.

12. Жолтаева К.Ж. Тұлғаның дамуындағы жалпызандылыктар: Дәрістік курс. -Алматы: Қазақуниверситеті, 2003. - 22 б.

13. Қазақша-орысша, орысша-казакшатерминологиялықсөздік. Педагогикажәне психология. - Алматы: Рауан, 2002. - 288 б.

14. Кожахметова К.Ж. Сынып жетекшісі: оқуқұралы. - Алматы: 2005. - 80 б.

15. Құсайынов А.К. Салыстырмалы педагогика: әдіснамасы мен әдістері. - Алматы, 2008.

16. Казанцев Е., Вараксин В.Н, Психолого-педагогический практикум. - Изд.Феникс, 2012.

17. Калиева С.И., Медетбекова А.Т. Формирование гражданского самосознаниястаршеклассников. Метод. пособие. - Алматы, 2008. - 48с.

18. Коркина В.И. Дидактика в схемах и таблицах: Уч. пособие. -Караганда:изд-воКарГУ, 2004. 19. Кошербаева АН. История педагогической мысли в эпоху Центрально-Азиатского Ренессанса (Х-ХП вв.). - Алматы, 2010. - 200 с.

20. Краевский Е.В. Общие основы педагогики. Гриф МО РФ. Учебное пособие. -изд. «Академия», 2008. - 256 с.

21.Кусаинов А.К. Сравнительная педагогика: методология и методы исследования. Учебное пособие. - Алматы: ROND@А, 2008. - 98 с.

22. Лихачев Б.Т. Философия воспитания: спецкурс - М.: ВЛАДОС, 2010. - З35с./Педагогическое наследие/

23. Мусаева С.А. и др. Возрастная педагогика. Учебник. - Астана: Фолиант,2006. - 472 с.

24. Мынбаева А.К.‚ Садвакасова З.М. Искусство преподавания: концепции и инновационные методы обучения: Учебное пособие. 2-изд‚ доп. - Алматы, 2012. -228 с.

25. Мусаева С.А. Жасерекшелікпедагогикасы: оқулык. - Астана: Фолиант, 2006.- 472 б.

26. Өстеміров К., Шеметов Р. Кәсіптік педагогика: оқулык. - Алматы, 2006. - 280 б.

27. Педагогический энциклопедический словарь. Золотой фонд. Энциклопедия. -Изд. «Дрофа», 2009. - 528 с.

28. Пискунова А.И., Баркова Н.Н. и др. Хрестоматия по истории педагогики: ВЗт. - Изд; Сфера, 2006. — 512 с.

29. Прежников Н.С. Профориентация в школе: игры, упражнения, опросники. -М.: 2005.

30. Самыгин С.И., Столяренко Л.Д. Психология и педагогика. Адаптированный курс для бакалавров. - И3д.: КНОРУС, 2012. - 480 с.

31. Сластеиин В.А. и др. Педагогика: Учеб. пособие для студ. высш. пед. учеб.зав. - М., 2002.

32. Таубаева Т.Ш‚ Методология и методика педагогического исследования. В помощь начинающему исследователю. - Астана: РНПЦ «Дарын»2009. - 244 с.

33. Хан Н.Н. Научно-практические основы сотрудничества и его реализация в педагогическом процессе школы. - Алматы, 2000. - 96 с.

34. Хуторской А.В. Педагогическая инноватика: Учебное пособие. - М.:Академия, 2010. - 254 с.

35.Щуркова Н.Е. Классное руководство: теория, методика, технология. -М.:Педагогическое общество России, 1999. - 222 с.

36. Якушева С.Д. Основы педагогического мастерства: Учебное пособие. -Оренбург: ОГУ, 2005. - 230с.

37.Франковская О.И.  Дидактические методы и формы развития мышленияШкольников. - А., 2005. - 122 с.

Regulatory documents:

1. Қазақстан Республикасындағы білім туралы Заңнама. Заң актілерінің жиынтығы. - Алматы: Юрист, 2012- 236 б.

2. Қазақстан Республикасының Білім беруді дамытудың бағдарламасы 2011-2020 жж. Арналған бағдарламасы. - Астана, 2010.


Policy of academic discipline and academic ethics:

- classroom attendance;

- behavioral rules in classroom;

- rewards and penalties etc.

Tutor:___________________ Naviy Liza                    



Discipline program for the students


Subject: Introduction to the pedagogical profession

Specialty: Pedagogical specialties on 5В01000 "Education"


Tutor: Naviy Liza, the candidate of pedagogical sciences, associated professor, chairman of department “Pegagogy, psychology and social work”, e-mail: liza281073@mail.ru




Kokshetau 2017

Mode of study Amount of credits     Lectures in hours Pract., Sem., Class in hours Lab.practicals in hours Students Individual Work with Tutor / Distance learning technology in hours. Students Individual Work in hours Total, hours Form of the control
Full time 2 15 15 - 30 30 90 Examination (orally)


Prerequisites of discipline – History of Kazakhstan, Psychology and Human Development, Sociology, Pedagogy

Postrequisites of discipline – Ethnopedagogics, theory and methodology of educational work, methodology of teaching on specialties, practice in school.

Course objective – Formation of professional-pedagogical competence of future teachers on realization of pedagogical activity in the system of secondary education


E ducational outcome s

Dublin descriptors Competencies Educational outcomes in discipline
A. knowledge and understanding B. application of knowledge and understanding C. judgement expression D. communication skills E. educability General Competencies: GC1: Systematic (Socio-Ethical Skills) Striving for Professional and Personal Growth; GC2: Systematic (Communication Skills) Communicate Written and Verbal Thinking; GC3: Instrumental (knowledge of IT technology) analysis of information received from different sources; ability to apply information technologies; GC5:Interdisciplinary (continuous self-improvement) Effective organization of independent work using modern teaching methods, mastering the skills of new knowledge necessary for daily professional activities and continuing education at the Master's degree. Professional competencies: PC1:Discipline-specific (individual) ability to select the content of education in accordance with the curriculum, design and organization of the educational process aimed at maintaining the mental and social well-being of the trainee in accordance with the learning environment; PC2: Subject-Specific (Methodological-Pedagogical) mastering the system of subject, psychological and pedagogical, methodological knowledge, skills and business skills, which defines the professional activity, pedagogical relationships and personality as the holder of real values, ideals and pedagogical consciousness; PC3: Discipline-specific (socio-ethical) to highlight the scientific and theoretical foundations of the study, education, upbringing and development of the general laws and special peculiarities of the education system; PC 6:Special-purpose (scientific-research) mastering methodology and methods of psychological and pedagogical researches; PC7: Special-purpose (practical-oriented) to know and execute psychological and pedagogical diagnostics of students in educational institutions; A. Knowledge and understanding of key trends in the field of pedagogy, including through demonstration of peculiarities of educational and training processes. B. The ability to apply theoretical knowledge professionally. C. Development of arguments in the process of analysis of pedagogical problems and elaboration of recommendations for solving pedagogical situations D. Collect and explain important data in the field of education, upbringing and education E. ability and ability to self-study material for performing individual and group tasks, continuing studies, writing a degree work

L esson plan


C ontent


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