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Lecture № 10 . Self-education in the context of continuous education and its role in professional education



Copy of Typical Curriculum:

The subject of self-discipline. Personal self-education methods include self-esteem, self-control, self-analysis, self-expression, self-control, self-restraint, self-correction.

Professional self-education as a modern teaching element. Peculiarities of professional self-regulation of teachers: gears, shapes, methods.

Pedagogical reflection is the basis of self-regulation. Role of the pedagogical collective in personal self-reliance. The role of pedagogical staff in self-education of teachers. The role of self-regulation in improving the professionalism of a teacher in the context of continuous education.

Basic concepts: self-discipline, self-education, self-education, pedagogical reflection.

Self-education is a condition for continuing education of a teacher

Self-education as a free, creative, non-institutional activity. The role of self-education in the current information society. In the current situation, self-education as a norm and type of professional activity of a teacher. Self-education as a teacher's personal development tool. Modern pedagogical person as a subject of self-education. The structure of the self-study process. Methods of self-education. Self-learning skills and abilities. The methodology of work with information. Self-organization of self-education activities. Self-learning is the result of its self-education.



1. The essence of self-upbringing

2. Personal self-upbringing methods

3. Pedagogical reflection as the basis of self-upbringing

4. Peculiarities of Self-Professional Education of the Teacher: Tools, Forms, Methods

5. Attempts of self-education - as a condition of continuing education of a teacher

6. Methods of self-education


Purpose: To give students an idea of the essence, methods and features of self-upbringing and self-education. To discover the essence of self-upbringing and self-education in today's world.


Upbringing and self-actualization can be considered as an integral part of the process of becoming a person. In the course of education, influencing the individual comes from other people, and influences the individual in self-upbringing. The inner motivation, as well as the external bringing-up influences, is important for the person to develop as a person.

Self-upbringing is one of the most important forces in the development of human self-development, which is one goal. It strengthens the formation of an individual by closely interacting with the educational process.

According to many psychologist-researchers, individuals are not only one of the active forces in changing the environment, but also play a major role in changing their identity. This problem was addressed by A.G. Kovalev, A.I. Kochetov, L.I. Ruvynskiy and others.


In the process of self-upbringing, a person is considered an active subject of the educational process. Perhaps every one of us has had the opportunity to look at his own way of life and overlook the past. What is happening in every person's life is the deepening of thoughts about the cause of some of the failures in life and the desire to change their behaviour and attitudes. However, these seals have disappeared in the actions of some, and others have made great progress.

The need for self-education is observed first in human beings at an early age, but this process is most commonly encountered during adolescence. This requirement is not common in all children of the same age but depends on the psychological peculiarities of people and their willingness to comply with the general requirements.

When does the child start to self-educate? In pedagogical practice, self-study of pupils is especially noticeable in adolescence. It is understood by the children who participate in different clubs, their strengths, abilities, quiz questions, personal diaries, and so on. Children of prehistoric age try to shape their own "I" and find out where they are most likely to become popular and to popularize the most famous people (artist, singer, poet, boxer, soccer player, etc.).

Everyone wants to have a reputation in the community and only wants to show others the good. Therefore, the role of the team in the self-actualization process is high. In the pedagogical literature there are two functions of the collective on personal self-upbringing:

First, the collective itself creates general conditions for organizing the process of self-actualization of children.

Secondly, the team organizes this process directly.

Only when a person feels himself part of society and understands his great significance, his self-discipline is strengthened. Everyone should try to look for answers to the questions: "Who am I?", "How can I benefit my community?", "What is my purpose for life?" This is one of the most important and urgent questions in many of today's sciences. One of the oldest mathematicians, Fales, says: "It's hard to know who you are." Of course, it is easy to give advice to others, to give them reason and to advise, but it is more difficult for a person to succeed in doing things. For example, many people find it difficult to break the bad habits of tobacco, knowing that smoking is harmful to others or to their own health. Such people cannot persuade their own will, and they cannot dare to do it themselves.

A person needs to know what qualities he/she wants and how he/she wants to get rid of any adverse ones and work hard in that direction. For example, some people have a lot of work to do, and they can succeed in getting things done in a variety of situations, such as embarrassment, lack of confidence, dissatisfaction.

B.B.Aismontas believes that self-upbringing is the process of mastering the pre-eminent experience of our past through the inner spiritual factors that provide development.

The ability of the person to have the inner abilities and power is great. Some people have negative attitudes about the fact that children who have bad school are not able to get the same number of students in higher education institutions. It is unnecessary for young people to predict their future because the most poorly educated children will be able to diversify their identity altogether.

It is difficult to believe that there is a great deal of people's inner potential and opportunities and that there is a person who cannot find decent work in life. Although there are many types of jobs in the society, how many types of art, and how much work and activity it is, it is not easy to find a suitable place for them. It would be better to say, "There is no man without talent, and there is no one who cannot find his place."

In order for humans to develop their natural strength, will, intellect and abilities, they need to have more patience, patience, and long-term continuity to achieve good deeds. Understanding human beings' awareness of their own lives, the consciousness of conscience, pride, morality, and persistence in achieving the purpose of life are the basic mechanisms that promote self-upbringing.

In the psychological and pedagogical literature, self-upbringing methods are grouped differently. Most of the over-the-top methods of self-upbringing are well-known to every pupil from the school, as well as in Abai's words.

In the pedagogical sciences, B.B. Aismontas separates the methods of self-upbringing and classifies them into three large groups: self-awareness, self-control, self-motivation.

Self-education methods

Self-awareness Self-control Self-motivation
Self control Self-analysis Compare yourself with others Self assessment Self-confidence Self-control Self-ordering Self-promotion Self-reliance Self-promotion Self-approval Self-esteem Self-punishment


Self-upbringing involves a set of specific goals for a person to improve his / her personality, involves reporting on the past, evaluating the causes of their failure, and systematic recording of changes in self-determining self-esteem.

People engaged in clerical work are taught to self-discipline, self-control, patience, control of their emotions, and thus overcome some of their negative traits. It is clear that children cannot be beaten in such a way that the teacher attempts to establish pedagogical relations on the basis of good moral integrity and submissiveness. Creating and realizing a specific self-upbringing program is a very serious and difficult task. Man's effort to solve responsible tasks makes his life rich and informative and strengthens his will.

The prosperity of any state is based on the state of education, and the most important figure in the educational process. One of the main tasks of the teacher is to equip the younger generation with modern scientific knowledge, to form as a developed creative person. Each teacher needs to improve his / her knowledge in order to perform such responsibilities at a qualitative level. The knowledge gained during the professional training of the teacher remains unchanged. In connection with the development of the society, the teacher's knowledge should also be updated and supplemented, as new demands for socialization of the younger generation arise due to economic development of the society. In this regard, the demand for modern pupils is increasing. Therefore, one of the key factors for each teacher's professional development is his self-education. Self-education is the basis of the teacher's personal growth. The problem of continuous education is that the person is not satisfied with the knowledge he has acquired, and that he is supplemented with modernity. Human knowledge is not just an educational institution; education is a great asset, it needs to be replenished throughout its lifetime. If a person does not constantly update and update his / her knowledge, he / she will become invalid for professional activities.

Self-education is a process of self-study, independent of the systematic training of a person in educational institutions. Self-learning of teachers is the main form of their professional development. In this direction, teachers are learning about advanced teaching experiences and acquainted with the methodological literature in their school or other local libraries and work on their own plans. As collective forms of self-improvement, it is possible to name the institutes of professional development of teachers, methodical associations. During their self-education, young teachers will be learning new pedagogical technologies, basic education trends and get acquainted with their practical importance.

The main functions of self-education include the following M. Knyazeva's:

In a modern information society, a person can become a competitive and freely developed personality through self-improvement. One of the most valuable aspects of the self-education process is the individual's self-censorship. In this process, the person identifies the goals and objectives, he / she seeks the means of learning, he / she is self-taught and drives to self-education.

Another important feature of self-education is the fact that the zeal and aspiration of a person to search for knowledge can come from the will of the human person, and there is no external influence.

The basics of self-education begin at the beginning of school age, and then continue in the process of secondary and higher professional education. And as the main sources of self-education for future teachers at the university, A.S. Robotova, T.V. Leonteva and others. The following can be considered:

A specialist who knows the basics of self-education can always be a model and supporter of others in the professional activity on the basis of his colleagues, the reputable person of the team, humanistic orientation with his competence, competitiveness.

Control questions:

1. Self-education and its structure.

2. What services does the self-education process take?

3. What sources of self-education do you know?


1. Stankin M.I. Psychology of communication: course lector. M. - 2000. - 304 p.

2. Entering into pedagogical activity. A.S. Robotova, T.V. Leonteva, and others. - M., 2000. - 208 p.

3. Aismontas B.B. Pedagogical Psychology: Scheme and Test. -M., 2002. - 208 p.

4. Victor Pekelis. The source of human abilities. Almaty, 1976. -196 p.



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