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Becky worked in a group on her Business Dress Code Studies last week. Now she is describing what they did. 1. Joe could / managed to think of three different fashion designs in a day! 2. Liza could / was able to draw very well when she was at college, but her models for our project were not very good. 3. She could / was able to coordinate colours very nicely then, but now all her colours are too loud. 4. I couldn’t / didn’t manage to find any useful guidelines on the Internet. 5. But I could / managed to find the models of some very appealing sweaters and blouses for our presentation. 6. We could / were able to prepare a perfect women’s business attire for the presentation for the end of the course. 7. We couldn’t / weren’t able to discuss the presentation with our tutor, though. Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary. 1.Ваш вибір ділового одягу свідчить про вашу професійну поведінку та надійність. 2.Мені подобаються костюми у тонку смужку з однотонними блузками. 3.Як ви себе почуваєте, коли ви одягнені у свій звичний діловий одяг на противагу буденному? 4. Слід вибирати, пояс, який пасує до вашого взуття. 5. Вони нетерпляче очікують, коли прибуде весняна колекція одягу. Make up five more sentences with the words from the list of the active vocabulary. _______ Pre-reading task · Does our body language differ when we change from our business clothes into casual? · Which sort of clothes would you prefer to work in? · Being a decision-maker at your workplace, would you support the idea of wearing casual dress to work, say on Friday? Develop your idea. Read text B about Friday dressing (by Sally Frampton). Text B The idea is simple and attractive. Friday is the day we all begin to relax and look forward to the weekend. So why not relax the office dress code too and allow workers to wear smart but, casual clothes?
It's a philosophy that has been flourishing in America for some time now. It’s called ‘Friday Dressing’. But the idea could be potentially dangerous. It’s easy enough to dress in the office uniform each day, but when you are free to express yourself one day a week, what do you choose?
The power of clothing cannot be overestimated. Clothes can tell other people a great deal more about us than we can realise. What is daunting about ‘Friday Dressing’ is that perhaps for the first time your colleagues and superiors can see what you are really like. The person who looks so cool and superior in a grey or beige fake Armani suit may in fact be a person who likes to relax in lime green tracksuits and purple trainers. The trouble is that a lack of taste or judgment in clothing is likely to be seen as lack of taste or judgment in business.
Women's clothing is potentially more problematic than men’s. Too tight a dress or too low a neckline will give out the wrong signals Too much make-up means that you are an exhibitionist; too little means that you can’t be bothered. Too loud a colour means you‘re an attention seeker. Too sober a colour means that you don’t dare to take risks. The trouble with ‘Friday dressing’ is that there are no guidelines. One person's idea of casual dressing is another person’s idea of sloppy dressing. For people who lack confidence about their image, ‘Friday Dressing' may not turn out to be such an attractive idea after all. Notes: daunting - відлякуючий you can’t be bothered – тобі байдуже Think and answer. 1. Which of the following sentences best sums up the point of the article “Friday dressing”? “Friday dressing” a) is an American idea which most companies have now adopted with great success. b) is a good idea because people can express themselves freely through clothes. c) is a nice idea in principle but it can be a dangerous one. d) will never be accepted because there are no guidelines. 2. In what ways can people make mistakes when they wear casual clothes to work? Answer the following questions. 1. How did the idea of “Friday dressing” appear? 2. Why, to your mind, did it appear in the U.S.? 3. Why could the idea be potentially dangerous? 4. What can clothes tell about a person? 5. What is daunting about “Friday dressing”? 6. What can hide behind our usual business attire? 7. What problem can lack of judgment in clothes cause? 8. Why is women’s clothing potentially more problematic than men’s? 9. Are there guidelines for “Friday dressing”? Should there be ones? 10. What kind of people are likely to disapprove of “Friday dressing”? About you 1.Do you like the idea of “Friday dressing”? Does it exist in your country? 2. In pairs or groups, draw up a list of guidelines of Dos and Don’ts for a female and male dress code for “Friday dressing”. The following text is divided into short extracts marked with numbers. Some of the extracts are correct and some have words which shouldn't be there. If there is an odd word, write it next to the number of the extract (given below the text). (1) Once upon a time, fashion was an only for the rich. Paris was the centre of (2) the fashion world, and everyone else here tried to copy the top French (3) designers. But now fashion is a much more international matter. London, like (4) other big European cities, has have a large number of its own talented (5) designers. Street styles are not created by the big fashion designers. (6) The British don't think much about fashion very much. Most people go down (7) to their nearest shopping street and to buy something from a "chain" store. (8) The most popular of these stores, with a shop in such every town, is "Marks (9) and Spencer". It is Britain's favourite store. (10) It started more than a hundred years ago before when a young Polish (11) immigrant, Michael Marks, had a stall in Leeds Market. He didn't have that (12) many things to sell: some cotton, lots of buttons and a few shoe-laces. (13) Ten years later, he met Tom Spencer and together they started Penny Stalls (14) in many towns in the north of the England. Today there are more than 500 (15) branches of M&S all over through the world.
Translate the following sentences into English. 1. Він не міг знайти однотонну сорочку, яка б гармоніювала з його новим костюмом. 2. Взуття треба підбирати консервативне. 3. Потрібно уникати великої кількості ювелірних прикрас. 4. Врешті-решт, тобі не потрібно було погоджуватися робити стільки роботи. Тобі слід навчитися говорити «ні». 5. Я зайняла посаду головного менеджера. Тепер мені треба придбати класичний костюм із спідницею. 6. Аксесуари повинні відображати вашу особистість, а не применшувати вашу професійну надійність. 7. Одяг може сказати про нас набагато більше, ніж ми усвідомлюємо. 8. Тепер ділові жінки можуть носити штани на роботу. 9. Тобі краще одягнути блузку світлого кольору. 10. Невже вона могла прийти на роботу у такій відкритій сукні? Unit 12. Ethical problems Grammar: the Reported Speech. Conditionals Learn the active vocabulary of the unit.
Rewrite the following statements in reported speech. Example: 1)“The cap is very beautiful,” the man said – The man said that the cap was very beautiful. 2) “I wil l do it,” he said – He promised (that) he would do it. 3) “I worked hard,” he said. - He said that he had worked hard. 1. “We’re off to do some shopping,” the woman said. 2. “He is having his hair cut for the first time,” the boy’s mother said. 3. “This is the smallest size we have,” the man said. 4. “It is a little big,” said the man. 5. “You want something he can grow into,” the man said. 6. “It will last him a long time,” the man said. 7. “It is expensive enough,” the woman said. 8. “It was a stupid thing to do,” the woman said. 9. “I paid a lot of money for it,” the woman said. 10. “”I will pick some blackberries for you”, his father said.
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