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Complete the following sentences. Use the word in capitals on the right to form a word that fits the spaces in the text.


1. Having visited McDonald’s in Austria and Ukraine,

I noticed a lot of …. SIMILAR

2. The food here in Ukraine tastes … the same EXACT

as all over the world.

3. The … between McDonald’s in Ukraine and DIFFER

the USA is obvious when we’ll watch the employees

working there.

4. Those who come to have a snack in McDonald’s

come from different … backgrounds. ECONOMY

5. Nowadays not only … people can afford to go WEALTH

to a fast food restaurant.

3. Complete the sentences. Mark the correct form of used and use the correct form of the verb in the brackets. Mind the models

1) used to + v; 2) to be used to + -ing/n; 3) to get used to + -ing/n.

1. Children in Ukraine used/are used/get used to (visit) MacDonald’s because they know it’s a place where they can get a toy.

2. Ten years ago only wealthy people used/got used/were used to (go) to a fast food restaurant.

3. It is so easy for students to used/get used/be used to (buy) and (eat) junk food.

4. These days we aren’t used/ don’t used/ used to (celebrate) birthday parties in expensive restaurants.

5. I’m so exhausted. I am not used/didn’t use/ don’t used to (work) with customers all day long.

6. I used/got used/was used to (eat) spicy food when I was younger but now I don’t.

7. The cars in Ukrainian drive-through used/got used to (be) Mercedes and BMWs several years ago.


Translate the following sentences into English.

1. Люди із різних верств населення можуть поснідати у кафе швидкого харчування за надзвичайно низькими цінами.

2. Том сказав, що кафе «Жирні ложки» дуже чисте та функціональне, а їжа там хоча і дуже дешева, проте надзвичайно смачна.

3. Якщо ви хочете щось менш поживне та жирне, у меню є широкий вибір вегетаріанських страв.

4. Вибачте, але у нас закінчилися ананаси, візьміть персики замість них.

5. Коли ми оплачували рахунок, моя дружина попросила мене дати офіціантові чайові.

6. Передайте мені, будь ласка, перечницю і оцет.

7. Я принаймні знаю, що традиційний англійський сніданок у мережі швидкого харчування складається з бекону, смажених грибів, двох гарячих сосисок та яєчні.

8. Я звикла до гострої їжі, тому що прожила в Індії 10 років.

9. Тільки багаті українці можуть дозволити собі обідати в дорогих ресторанах.

10. Коли мені було 10 років, зранку я завжди їв вівсянку, але зараз я її ненавиджу.



Speak about Ukrainian eating traditions.

Unit 10


Grammar: Reported Speech (commands, inquiries)

Learn the active vocabulary of the unit

to go/do shopping an original price so … that to pay in cash
to make sbd do sth to influence to learn to work overtime
sale to waste money carrot to pay by credit card/cheque
to wrap to save money sale to resist temptation
a shopping list checkout lovely a shop-assistant
a bunch convenience lettuce ata double price
to deliver goods a loaf of bread fortnight ata reduced price

Text A

Shopping in England

Last August my friend was in England. When already leaving for her home country she went shopping as she wanted to buy presents for her family. She was surprised to see many people in shops, especially in those with the word “SALE” in the shop-windows. As summer was coming to the end, shops had sales. They wanted to sell the goods for summer use at a lower price and thus make people buy them.


Big shops have sales several times a year, and if people go to sales to save money, shops have sales to make money. They earn a lot of money. How do they do it? It’s very simple and easily explained psychologically. When you see the sign £79 £59, which means “20 pounds off the original price”, you cannot help buying this thing because you want to save £20. In fact, reduced prices are the greatest temptation. When paying the money for the purchase, you are not yet sure, whether you really need this thing or not. After a week or a fortnight, though, you begin to realize that you have wasted £20, but you can’t help it.


As for my friend who happened to go shopping in sales period, I don’t know if she could resist the temptation of reduced prices.

There may also appear one more question: What kinds of goods are usually sold at sales? In the first place there are those things that have not been sold that season. We have to be very critical when we see a lovely summer frock, for example, at a double reduced price. We have to ask ourselves why nobody bought it before.


There are also the so-called “special offers”. They are new goods that come straight from those who produce them. The thing is that the producer may have some problems with how to sell them; that is why he agrees to a lower price. So examine these “special offers” very carefully.

Some housewives always look for “seconds”, or second-class goods, in shops. There is something wrong with them and because of that the prices are reduced. But those defects may easily be done away or simply overlooked.


People in England do not go to look at things, they go to buy them! If you enter the shop, it is supposed that you want to buy something. In case you have no money but want to look at goods, you may go window shopping. The shop-girl is sure to help you choose just whatever you need. With a smile on her face she will wrap the purchase for you, if you take it with you. You may leave your address and have it delivered to your place. You may pay for it either in cash or by cheque. Everything in British shops is done to the customers’ convenience. Some of the shops are even open till late at night and early hours of the morning.

Notes: cannot help buying – не можна не купити

cannot help it – цьому не можна зарадити

to do away – усунути

you may have …delivered – вам можуть доставити…

to go window- shopping – розглядати вітрини


Answer the following questions.

1. When did my friend go shopping?

2. The shops had sales at that time, didn’t they?

3. How often do the shops have sales?

4. Can you explain why many people go to sales? What about you?

5. When do you usually begin to realize that you have wasted your money at a sale?

6. What kinds of goods are sold at sales?

7. What is the difference between “special offers” and “seconds”?

8. What can you do if you do not have money but still want to look at the goods?

9. Is everything in British shops done to the customers’ convenience? In what way? What about Ukraine?

10. Is there any difference between shopping now and, say, 20 years ago? Ask your parents for information.

Read the following sentences and say which of them are true or false.

1. Last January, when she came to England from her home country, my friend went shopping.

2. She was surprised to see a lot of customers in shops with the sign “SALE” in the shop-windows.

3. At sales they sell goods at the same price as they always do.

4. Big shops have sales only once a year.

5. Having a sale, a big department store gets a lot of its customers’ money.

6. When you see that the price has been reduced, you cannot resist the temptation of buying it.

7. “Special offers” are second-class goods.

8. Housewives always look for “seconds” because the defects may easily be done away and the things may be used to a good advantage.

9. In England people go to shops to look at things and not to buy them.

10. You always have to take your purchase with you.

11. Some of the shops are open till late at night.


Complete the sentences filling in the gaps with the words and phrases given below.

a) sale f) wasted j) “Special offers”
b) realize g) go shopping k) Shop-assistant
c) window shopping h) to save l) take
d) second-class good i) original price m) delivered
e) critical      


1. When we need something we ______.

2. When the season comes to the end, in many of the shop-windows there appears the word _____ which means that goods are sold at reduced prices there.

3. People go to sales because they want _____ money.

4. When you see the sign “£20 £15”, which means “5 pounds off the ______”, you cannot help buying it.

5. Later, after you have bought something at a reduced price, you begin to _______ that you have ____the money, but it’s too late.

6. At sales we have to be very ____ and ask ourselves why nobody bought this or that before.

7. ____ that come from those who produce them, are new goods, as a rule.

8. The defect of ____ goods may easily be done away.

9. If you do not want to buy, but just feel like looking at things, you should go ________.

10. ___________ is sure to help you choose what you need.

11. You may either _____ your purchase with you or have it _________ to your place later.


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