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Read this email from Steve, a Vice Headmaster, who is in Ukraine on a business trip. Complete the email by choosing the correct alternative from A, B, C or D below.Содержание книги
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Mr. Evans Sorry I haven’t contacted you (1)………. last week, but I’ve been very busy. I’ve (2)……… to Lviv in the west of Ukraine (3)………. a few days, and I’ve (4)……… returned to my hotel in Kyiv, from where I’m sending you this email. I visited several schools when I was in Lviv and some of them look quite promising. I’ve (5)……… met their students and I’ve got their approval of exchange with our school. By the way their English is quite good. Unfortunately I haven’t met the guy in charge (6)…….... He wasn’t there – he’s (7)……… to Drohobych and should be back next week. So, the trip has been successful (8)……... Have you (9)………been to Central Europe? Everything is changing very fast – I’ve (10)……… seen so much building work going on. Anyway I’ll email you again later in the week to let you know what’s happening. Regards, Steve
Put the verb in brackets in the correct form (the Past forms or the present Perfect). Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. 1. I ….. (recently/ to suggest) going on with our new project. Now we are able to get the necessary money. 2. At the beginning dancing classes at our school ….. (to be optional), but lately we ….. (to decide) to make them obligatory. 3. I …. (always/ to approve of) his wise attitude towards his studies. 4. You ….. (to tell) us yesterday to learn this poem by heart. I ….. (to learn) a longer one, but I like it better. 5. When we ….. (to meet) first the boy could hardly stand adults’ influence. Since then he ….. (to become) more relaxed. 6. This group …. (always/ to be) capable of solving the most difficult tasks. 7. Last year we ….. (to have) to cancel afternoon classes because of terrible heat. 8. I ….. (can) hardly understand an English movie. I …… (to improve) ever since. Joe is calling Maria. Complete their conversation with short answers and the correct form of the verbs in brackets. Choose between the Present Perfect and the Past Simple. J: Hi, Maria. ____ you ___ (to finish) that report yesterday? M:___ I’m still writing it. I ____ (not, to stop) worrying about it all week. J.: Apart from that, how ____ the week ____ (to be) so far? M.: OK, I suppose. I’m a bit tired. I only ___ (to sleep) for a few hours last night. J.: It sounds as if you___ (not, to have) much rest this week. Listen – we ____ (to see) each other only twice this month. I’ll come tomorrow. M.: OK, but I’ll still have to work. Last time you came I___ (not, to do) any work. J.: That’s true, but it ____ (not, to bother) us at all, remember? Listen, why don’t you relax now? ___ you ____ (to try) that special herbal tea yet? M.:___. In fact____ (already, to drink) five cups so far today and it’s only 3 o’clock. Yesterday I ____ (to drink) at least six cups.
Compare the sentences below. What is the difference between them? Give your comments on the use of the Present Indefinite, Present Continuous and Present Perfect Tense Forms. Make up some sentences of your own for each model. Use the list of the active vocabulary of the unit. · Parents give their children the best education they can. · Mrs. Evans is giving an interview about her experimental school at the moment. · Your mother has given you the best education she could.
Translate the following sentences into English using the active vocabulary. Pay attention to the use of the Present Perfect tense form. 1. Яке у японців ставлення до роботи? 2. У Великій Британії люди зазвичай не залишаються в одній і тій же компанії ціле життя. 3. Атмосфера у старшій школі значно відрізняється від початкової школи. Вона більш конкурентна. 4. Чи ставити запитання учителеві вважається грубим в українських школах? Ви часто ставите запитання? Це допомагає вам отримувати знання? 5. Ми заснували зовсім нову школу (новий тип школи). 6. Дитина бажає свободи. Вона хоче бути сама собою. 7. Ми відмовилися від дисципліни та інших видів настанов. 8. Їхня школа дала багато відомих людей, але жодного садівника. 9. Ви створили нові методи викладання? А ми не вважаємо їх важливими. 10. Ми не хочемо випускати (творити) покоління роботів. DISCUSSION Speak about your Institute. Share your ideas about it. What would you change if you had authority for it?
Career Choice Grammar: The Future Simple (will) and to be going to Learn the active vocabulary of the unit.
Translate the sentences provided below into English. Use the list of phrasal verbs and learn them. Follow the example. Example: 1. Я/ ти/ ви/ він/ вона/ воно/ ми/ вони будуть їсти. I /you/ he/ she/ it/ we/ they will (‘ll) eat. 2. Я/ ти/ ви/ він/ вона/ воно/ ми/ вони мають намір поїсти. I’m going to eat. // He/ she/ it/‘ s (is) going to eat. You/ we/ they’re (are) going to eat. grow up change from child to adult bring up (1) look after, educate (a child) bring up (2) mention (in conversation) carry on continue drop out leave, not complete (a college course) fall out quarrel and no longer be friends get on with have a good relationship with give up stop (a job, a habit, e.g. smoking) look after take care of make up (1) invent make it up (2) be friends again after an argument pick up learn unconsciously (e.g. a language) put off postpone be taken aback be surprised take after resemble turn out be in the end take over take control on
1. Мій син буде зростати у здоровому довкіллі. 2. Я догляну за твоєю дитиною. 3. Ми відкладемо цю зустріч до наступного місяця. 4. Його ситуація на цей момент дійсно важка, але я думаю, він не здасться. 5. Я порушу цю тему в розмові з батьками, і побачимо, що трапиться. 6. Я думаю, що після усіх суперечок вони залагодять стосунки. 7. Я маю надію, що мій єдиний син піде моїми слідами і стане банкіром. 8. Менеджер проекту вважає, що всі учасники групи уживуться між собою. 9. Келлі збирається створити декілька нових рецептів, як готувати рибу. 10. Він має намір взяти контроль над усіми фінансовими операціями фірми.
2. Make up some sentences of your own according to the models (will, to be going to). Use the verbs from the list of the active vocabulary to the unit. Write them down. 3. Make the sentences from Ex. 1 or 2 interrogative and negative. Follow the example: 1. They will eat. Will they eat? They will not (won’t) eat. 2. They are going to eat. Are they going to eat? They are not (aren’t) going to eat. 4. Read about two modern servants (the third text is optional). Study the notes below the text. Find the sentences with the future forms. Comment on them. Translate the sentences. Text A The Nanny Amanda Peniston-Bird, 21, is the daughter of a judge and has just completed a two-year training course at the Norland Nursery Training College. She is going to be a nanny. Amanda My sister Charlotte was born when I was seven and my mother decided she needed a nanny to look after us. So we got Alison. She was very young, seventeen I think, and wonderful. I adored her.
When Alison left, we had a trained nanny who lived with us and worked full-time. She was older and quite traditional and wore a uniform. It was then that I realized that I wanted to be a nanny. I have always got on well with children. I have always enjoyed taking care of my sister and younger cousins. I told Mummy very firmly that I wanted to be a nanny when I grew up. But when it came to entering the college, there were some terrible rows.
After school I started my training course as a future nanny at Norland College. Mummy and Daddy weren't angry for long, we made it up before I went to college. I think they’ll always encourage me as they are doing now. Amanda's mother Her father is still a bit disappointed that she didn't take after him and study law, but I think we're both proud, and also pleased, that she has made her own decisions in life and done so well. We have brought her up to be an independent thinker, so we can't complain. Everything has turned out for the best. We believe that this work will bring our daughter satisfaction in the future. Notes: a row - скандал The Cook
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