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Answer the questions to the text. Pay attention to the structure of the questions.Содержание книги
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1. When and where was P. Picasso born? 2. What do you learn about his childhood? 3. What did P. Picasso have special love for? 4. What did he dislike? 5. What did his father do? 6. Why did his father refuse to paint again? 7. Why did P. Picasso disappoint some people? 8. What is P. Picasso best known for? 9. What incident happened in his studio? 10. Do you like watchingpaintings? Have you ever been to a picture gallery? If yes, what are your impressions?
Work with your partner. Ask him more questions. Look through the text again. Analyse the sentences with the highlighted model: Use the model to make up some more sentences of your own. _________ Pre-reading discussion What do you know about Hetman Ivan Mazepa? What is your attitude to him as a personality and a leader?
1. Read the text about Hetman Mazepa (1640-1709). Pick up sentences with the verbs defining actions in the past. Comment on the tense forms. Text B. Ivan Mazepa was one of the greatest and the most contradictory Ukrainian Hetmans. He came to power at the time that was very difficult for Ukraine. The autonomy of Ukraine had been rapidly curtailed by tsarist Russia and Poland. So, Mazepa joined the Swedish King Karl XII to protect Ukraine from both Russian and Polish yoke.
Ivan Mazepa was the leader badly needed by Ukraine of that time. He was a distinguished man among the leaders known to the history of the European countries. Being an aristocrat, Ivan Mazepa was a European by his education. He studied in Kyiv collegiums and then in Warsaw and travelled a lot round Europe. He had a remarkable memory, spoke Latin perfectly well at the time when in Moscow Peter I could hardly find an interpreter speaking Latin. He was a keen observer of human nature, a good psychologist and this helped him to deal with people from different countries and social backgrounds. He had a remarkable talent for diplomacy. Ivan Mazepa had exquisite manners and was really a fascinating man. Whether it was his charming manner of communication or his brilliant mind, but all those who came in touch with him seemed drawn to him. Even Peter I, cruel and barbaric, but looking for European culture, respected him greatly.
He understood art in all its complexity, being himself a poet who created verse. Mazepa had a special liking for books and collected a big library at his residence in Baturyn. He was a real Maecenas. He gave great sums of money for building new schools and churches, and for the needs of education on the whole.
There are many poems, dramas, novels and historical essays about Hetman Ivan Mazepa. The best known are written by Lord Byron, Victore Hugo, Bohdan Lepkiy, Renai Martel and others. Ivan Mazepa was a very handsome and charismatic man. He had dark hair, beautiful black eyes and was very attractive till his old age. He met with his greatest love when he was nearly 60. She was Motrya Kotchubei, a very young and beautiful girl. This love story was very romantic, but tragic for both of them.
After the tragic for Ukraine Poltava battle Mazepa's plans were ruined. He was forced to immigrate to Benderi, where he died in a short period of time. It was not the age that killed this great patriot, it was nostalgia and the crush-up of his greatest dream.
For many years Russian and then Soviet history claimed Hetman Ivan Mazepa as a traitor and his name was forbidden to pronounce. In the memory of the Ukrainian people Hetman Ivan Mazepa has become a symbol of love and devotion to his Motherland, to the idea of independence of Ukraine. Notes: observer - знавець yoke -ярмо
Answer the questions to the text. Then ask 5 - 6 questions of your own. Be careful about the structure of your questions. 1. What place does Hetman Ivan Mazepa occupy in the Ukrainian history? 2. At what period of the Ukrainian history did he come to power? 3. What did Ivan Mazepa do to protect Ukraine? 4. What kind of a leader and a person was he? 5. What social background did he come from? 6. What education did he get? 7. What helped him to communicate with people? 8. What did Mazepa do for the development of education and culture in Ukraine? Study the following examples dealing with the Past Perfect Tense Form. Translate the sentences according to the examples using the active vocabulary. Example: 1. Я/ ти/ він/ вона/ ми/ ви/ вони пішли перед тим, як збори закінчилися. I/ you/ he/she/ we/ they had left before the meeting was over. 2. До того часу вони вже залишили кімнату. They had left the room by that time. 1. Дівчата приєдналися до нас перед тим, як розпочалася буря. 2. Після того, як вона з’явилася на сцені, вона познайомилась з цим визначним режисером. 3. Він зустрівся з багатьма сучасниками перед тим, як написав біографію В.Чорновола. 4. Дівчина була дійсно віддана своїй родичці, поки не дізналася про цю таємницю. 5. Його талант до музики виявився (to reveal) перед тим, як він почав навчатися у відомого музиканта. 6. Чи вони зустрічалися до того часу? 7. Він мав велике вподобання до старих книжок, поки не згоріла його бібліотека. 8. Він набув (to acquire) витончених манер до їхнього знайомства. 9. Тіна заборонила йому приходити до неї додому після того, як вони посварилися на вечірці. 10.Після того, як годинник пробив 12, до зали зайшла чарівна дівчина. DISCUSSION What do you know about the historical period Ivan Mazepa lived in? Why do you think he did not achieve his aim? What country would we live today if he had been a success? What would you do in his place? What results, to your mind, would you achieve? Complete the conversations. Use the Past Perfect or Past Simple of the verb in brackets. a) - Did your performancego well? - No, it didn’t. We played really badly because we (1)… (not practice) enough. b) - Didn’t you go to the cinema with Ben and Phillip on Friday? - No. I (2)….. (already/ see) the film they were going to see. c) - How did you get home last night? - Sarah (3)….. (give) us a lift. d) - Kevin and Mark were really excited because they (4)….. (never/ be) to London before. - Yes, I know. Mark told me. e) - I like this photo of you! Is it recent? - Yes. Nina (5)….. (take) it about a month ago. f) - Does Luke live here? - No. He (6)….. (move) to Cambridge in 2005.
6. Put the verb in brackets in the Past Simple, Past Continuous or Past Perfect. When I opened the front door, I (1)……… (to hear) Lucy in the kitchen. She (2)………(to talk) quite loudly. I (3)……… (to listen) for a few moments and then I went into the kitchen. Lucy and my mother (4)…….. (to sit) at the table. My mother (5)……… (to make) a cake and they were eating it. I (6)……… (to get) a glass of water and went to my room. It was a mess. I (7)……… (to tidy) it all before I left. I (8)……… (to turn on) my computer and checked my e-mails. Translate into English. 1. Перед тим, як повернутись до акторського мистецтва, Брюс Уілліс був особистим охоронцем. 2. Він був твердо переконаний, що переміг у змаганні. 3. Сім’я переїхала до США ще до того, як хлопець пішов до школи. 4. Вони приєднались до групи перед тим, як стемніло. 5. Не всі красиві люди є харизматичними. 6. Іван Мазепа мав особливе вподобання до книжок. 7. Сучасники поважали його за багато визначних якостей. 8. Багато років було заборонено вимовляти ім’я Івана Мазепи. 9. Що допомагало йому уживатися з різними людьми? 10. Не всі сучасники зрозуміли, що Іван Мазепа був дійсно відданим ідеї незалежності України. Write a letter to your idol. Unit 7 Tourism. Grammar: The Narrative Tenses Learn the active vocabulary of the unit.
1. Pre-reading task 1. What world famous tourist spots do you know? 2. Which countries are they in? 3. Have you been to any of them? 4. As a tourist, have you ever - been on a package holiday? - bought souvenirs? (What? Where?) - taken lots of photographs? (What of? Who of? Where?) - filmed your holiday with a camcorder? (What? Who? Where?) - written your name in a visitors’ book or on a wall of a building? (What? Where?) 5. “Travel broadens the mind.” Do you agree? Read the following text. Think and comment on what the author’s view of tourism is. Text A
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