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What are the comparative and superlative forms of these adjectives?

big polite violent easy formal clean
careful slow quiet fast expensive rich

4. Use the modifier much and a bit to make a comparative phrase with the adjectives from the previous exercise.

Example: a) much bigger / a bit bigger

b) much more careful / a bit more careful

Say whether the following statements are true or false. Provide the right answer.

1. In the USA you have to be careful about using first names almost immediately after getting acquainted with a person.

2. New York is a violent city and city dwellers must sometimes have even several locks on their doors.

3. London is a much polluted city because everyone there has to use lead free petrol.

4. Accommodation in Japan is as high as in the USA.

5. Tokyo is less polluted than London.

6. The Japanese usually work 12 hours a week.

6. Underline the correct word:

1. People in Great Britain are the most/more formal than in the USA.

3. The British are less/the least hard working than the Americans.

4. Eating out in the USA is cheaper/cheap than in Great Britain.

5. The Japanese work long/longer hours than the British.

6. Each time when Jack comes to Britain he feels really the best/well because he is British to the bones.

7. Society in Great Britain is more violent/most violent than in Japan.

Make up 10 sentences comparing Ukraine or Ukrainians with the three countries (the USA, G. Britain, Japan). Use comparatives and superlatives.

Replace the underlined word with the correct word.

1. He is not as intelligent like his sister.

2. Life here is least expensive than in Austria.

3. People seem to have fewer time than they used to.

4. The prices in Europe seem to be similar than the prices in the USA.

5. These two restaurants are complete different – you can’t compare them.

6. The school is very different as the old one.

7. This job is exact the same as I was doing in Italy.

9. Who speaks what and where? Learn the following information by heart.

Country Nationality Language
Argentina Argentinean Spanish
Brazil Brazilian Portuguese
Britain British English
China Chinese Chinese
Denmark Dane Danish
Egypt Egyptian Arabic
France French French
Germany German German
Greece Greek Greek
Israel Jew Jewish, Hebrew
ItalyItalian Italian
Japan Japanese Japanese
Korea Korean Korean
Mexico Mexican Spanish
Poland Pole Polish
Russia Russian Russian
Spain Spanish Spanish
Sweden Swedish Swedish
Switzerland Swiss Swiss
The Netherlands (Holland) Dutchman Dutch
The United States (USA) American English
Turkey Turkish Turkish
Ukraine Ukrainian Ukrainian

Answer the following question

1. Write down three countries whose first language is English.

2. What language is spoken in Brazil?

3. What languages are spoken in Switzerland?

4. What nationality are people from Poland?

5. What language is spoken in Mexico?

6. Where do people speak Jewish (Hebrew)?

7. Where do people speak Dutch?

8. What language do people speak in Denmark?


When we are talking about people from a particular country, nationalities ending in -(i)an can make the plural form with an ending -s, but most others are formed with the definite article: (and no 's').

(The) Thais/Israelis The British

Brazilians/Russians The French


Complete these sentences with the name of the people from the country on the right.

Example: I've worked a lot with Germans/German people- GERMANY

I've spent lots of time with the French/French people. FRANCE

1. We do a lot of business with …................ JAPAN

2. I used to know a lot of......................... ISRAEL

3. I have always found........................ very friendly. BRAZIL

4. People often say that........................ are reserved. BRITAIN

5. … are very organised. SWITZERLAND

6. I met a lot of … on my journey to Moscow. RUSSIA


There are some names for the popular regions of the world:

Europe (e.g. Britain, Spain, etc.); the Mediterranean (e.g. Italy, Spain, etc)

the Far East (e.g. China, Japan, etc.); the Middle East (e.g. Egypt, Iran, etc.); the Caribbean (e.g. Jamaica, Trinidad, etc.)

South/Latin America (e.g. Brazil, Chile, etc).

What regions of the world are these countries in?

a) Germany b) Jamaica c) Japan d) Poland

e) Egypt f) Italy g) Argentina

h) Brazil i) England j) Ukraine

13. Complete the following sentences:

a) Athens is the capital of.......... b) Moscow is the capital of …

c) Ankara is the capital of.......... d) Warsaw is the capital of …

e) Seoul is the capital of … f) Madrid is the capital …

g) Ottawa is the capital of … h) Edinburgh is the capital of


Text B


Use the words given in the brackets to form the words that will logically fit the sentence.

GfK Ukraine has studied to what extent Ukrainians feel happy and 1) … (PLEASE) with life in comparison with Europeans and Russians by conducting a survey.

The number of Ukrainians who feel happy is on the rise with every 2) … (PASS) year. This can be 3) … (PARTIAL) explained by the age of the people. Such factors as age and health have a greater effect on the feeling of 4) … (HAPPY) of Ukrainians than material wellbeing. Although we are above all 5) … (SATISFIED) with our 6) … (FINANCE) situation and health, we complain more than the other countries’ citizens about our social life and relations with children.

Only one third of people who are over 60 are 7) … (SATISFY) with their life and only half of them consider themselves happy. The situation is clear because other surveys show that old-age pensioners have the highest level of depression in addition to poor health and social security. Besides, most of our old-age pensioners are women who remain alone in the twilight of their life.

There is a 8) … (TOTAL) different picture in the European Union. Its pensioners differ from their Ukrainian and Russian peers. They feel more satisfied and happy with age because they have managed to save money. Now they can travel a lot and spend time with their grandchildren. But it is difficult to achieve this if people don’t save funds. Having studied the 9) … (LIVE) standards of pensioners in Ukraine, Europe, and Russia, experts have concluded that in Europe the elderly are far richer than the young, whereas most of their Ukrainian and Russian peers have not accumulated 10) … (SAVE) and failed to adapt to new economic and social conditions.

And what caused no surprise are the factors that mostly poison our existence and make us 11) … (HAPPY). It is the level of financial security, not politics. Naturally, every nation may have its own reasons to say it is happy.

Notes: social security – соціальне забезпечення

. to what extent - до якої міри

Match these words with their definitions. Translate them.

1) twilight a) to be unsuccessful in an attempt;

2) to fail b) a person who is an equal in social rank;

3) wellbeing c) relating to the period towards the end of life;

4) survey d) to taint with or as if with poison;

5) peer e) to come to an end or conclusion

6) to adapt f) a level of social hierarchy;

7) to poison g) to adjust to different conditions;

8) stratum h) the condition of being successful;

9) above all i) especially;

10) to conclude j) general view.

Translate the sentences with the underlined words and word combinations in the text and make up sentence of your own with each of them.


4. Think and discuss the questions:

1. What country is it better to live in?

2. What does the word “Motherland” mean to you?

3. Is there anything which makes you proud of your country?

4. What makes you ashamed of your country?

5. What aspects of life should be changed in our country to make it better?

6. Is what people say about Ukraine true?

7. Can you describe the life of Ukrainians in 2050?

5. Translate the following sentences:

1. Життя у США таке ж дороге, як і у Великій Британії.

2. Немає великої різниці у цінах на житло між двома країнами. Вони майже такі самі як і в Україні.

3. У цілому Львів набагато більше забруднений, ніж Івано-Франківськ.

4. Вам треба бути дуже обережним, називаючи свого співрозмовника по імені відразу ж після знайомства. Це може його образити.

5. Британці поводяться і одягаються менш формально, ніж японці.

6. Життя в Україні трошки краще, ніж було 10 років тому.

7. Ця вулиця не така чиста, як та, на якій ми жили.

8. Англійці найввічливіші мешканці Європи.

9. Моє перше враження про Відень було таке, що він набагато тихіший, ніж Харків.

10. Платня за житло у Харкові та Києві найдорожча у Європі.

Present your own country.

Unit 3


Grammar: The Present Perfect Tense Form


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