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Step 3. Project work discussion. What is Aquaculture?Содержание книги
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(speaking-reading-speaking-writing) Read text B, write down unknown words and translate them. Copy out the sentences which characterize aquaculture. Lesson 1. Text B. What is aquaculture? The broad term “ aquaculture” refers to the breeding, rearing and harvesting of plants and animals in all types of water environments, including ponds, rivers, lakes and the ocean. Similar to agriculture, aquaculture can take place in the natural environment or in a manmade environment. Using proved aquaculture techniques and technologies, researchers and the aquaculture industry are “growing”, “producing”, ”culturing” and “farming” freshwater and marine species. More specifically, marine aquaculture refers to the culturing of salt water aquatic species, while freshwater aquatic focuses on the culturing of freshwater species. For example, marine aquaculture production includes oysters, clams, mussels, shrimps and salmon, while freshwater aquaculture operations produce trout, catfish and tilapia Aquaculture is the fastest growing form of global food production and is significant source of protein for people in many countries. Aquaculture now accounts for about 40% of the seafood consumed by humans worldwide and almost half of the seafood consumed by Americans. Aquaculture is already becoming an important factor in the world’s fish markets.
Organize a discussion with your group-mates on the topic “Aquaculture” and prove that your variant is the best. Base your arguments on text A and text B. Study the new terms, pick them up in the dictionary, use them in your discussion. Test 1 Choose the correct answer:
Replace the phrase by the Possessive case:
Choose the correct answer:
Step 1. Water Sources (Speaking-Reading-Speaking- Writing) 1.1. Read and pronounce correctly the following words: To breath, available, supply, sources, municipal, drawback, oxygen, carbon, dioxide, surface, injure, surplus, settleable.
1.2. Read correctly and guess the meaning of the following words and word combinations: minimize, adequate, water supply, proper location, water sources, overall quality, dissolved oxygen, high concentrations, carbon dioxide, geothermal wells, tropical food fish, natural site conditions, environmental impact, groundwater table, navigable lake, permanent intake structure, to assimilate pollutants, management practices.
1.3. Words for the text comprehension:
1.4. Read and translate text A, be ready to answer the following questions:
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