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Is Rivne a regional centre of Ukraine?Содержание книги
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1. Where is Rivne located? 2. Is it one of the biggest cities of Ukrainian Polissya? 3. What nationalities live in our town? 4. When was the first official mentioning about future city regional centre? 5. Was the city mentione in the sources of the 15-th century? 6. Who sold his property in 1461? 7. How was his property named? 8. How much did the property cost? 9. Who ws the owner of the city for 20 years? 10. What happened after Semen Nesvitsky death? 11. Who founded the first wooden palace in Rivne? 12. Whe became the first permanent settlers in Rivne? 13. What can you say about city’s today situation? 14. Is our town economic centre? 15. What is Rivne remarkable for? 16. What are biggest enterprises in the town? 17. What are the deposits in the town? 18. Is the cultural life of Rivnevites rich? 19. Do the residents of the town enjoy their time in different establishments for physical culture and sport? Exercise 3.Complete the following sentences: 1. Rivne is located..... 2. Its population is..... 3. The main part of the population are..... 4. The state language is..... 5. Semen Nesvitsky was the owner..... 6. Today Rivne is..... 7. Rivne region is remarkable..... 8. Rivne region has a considerable...... 9. Rivne region is the European monopolist..... 10. The city has 7 high educational institutions..... 11. Residents of Rivne have...... 12. Rivne is called..... Exercise 4. Speak on the topic “Rivne”, using the sentences from above as a plan in your speech
Тема 5. Exercise 1. Read and translate the following text: UKRAINE Ukraine is an independent democratic state. The Republic has its own Constitution, Government, Supreme Council, President and Court. It got independence in 1991. The national flag is yellow-blue. The national emblem is “Trident”. The state language is Ukrainian. The capital of Ukraine is Kyiv. It is situated on the longest river of Ukraine - the Dnieper. Ukraine is situated in the south-east of Europe. It borders on Russia, Byelorussia, Moldova, Slovakia, Hungary, Poland and Romania. The territory of Ukraine is 604,000 square kilometers. The population of Ukraine is about 52 million. In the south Ukraine is washed by the Black Sea and the Azov Sea. The major part of Ukraine is flat and only 5% of its territory is mountainous. There are the Carpathian mountains in the west and the Crimean Mountains in the south but they are not high. The geographical position of Ukraine is very favourable because the country lies on the crossroads of the ways from Asia to Europe. The main rivers are the Dnieper, the Dniester, the Bug, the Donets, the Danube. There are many sea ports in Ukraine, for example: Odesa, Kherson, Mykolayiv, Izmail, Illichivsk. Due to favourable climatic conditions Ukraine is traditionally an agricultural country. Wheat, maize, vegetables, all kinds of fruit are grown here. Ukraine is rich in natural resources, such as iron ore, coal, nonferrous metals, oil, gas. The main branches of industry are: coal and ore mining, iron and steel engineering, machine and shipbuilding. Ukraine produces planes, ocean-liners, lorries, cars, tractors, combines, excavators, buses, electronic equipment, agricultural machines, TV and radio sets, synthetic diamonds and other goods. A lot of Ukrainian scientists do important research work in biology, medicine, nuclear physics. They are members of the Ukrainian Academy of Sciences. Ukraine has an ancient history. It has its own original culture and arts. Ukraine has many professional theatres, sing and dance companies, world known singers and composers. Ukraine has diplomatic relations with many countries of the world. These relations are built on the basis of equality, mutual respect and non-interference in other country’s international affairs. Exercise 2. Answer the following questions: 1. Where is Ukraine situated? 2. What countries does Ukraine border on? 3. What area does Ukraine cover? 4. Are there any mountains in Ukraine? Where are they situated? 5. What is the population in the country? 6. What is the national emblem of Ukraine? 7. What is the state language of Ukraine? 8. What are the main rivers of Ukraine? 9. Kyiv is the capital of Ukraine, isn’t it? 10. What are the main branches of industry in Ukraine? 11. Is Ukraine an agrarian country? 12. Has Ukraine its original culture and arts? 13. When did Ukraine get independence? 14. Ukraine has diplomatic relations with other countries, hasn’t it? 15. What are these relations built on? Exercise 3. Complete the following sentences: 1. Ukraine is …. 2. Ukraine is situated …. 3. The territory of Ukraine is…. 4. The population of Ukraine is …. 5. The major part of Ukraine is …. 6. The geographical position of Ukraine is very …. 7. Ukraine is rich in …. 8. Ukraine produces …. 9. Many Ukrainian scientists do …. 10.Ukraine got ….
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