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Text A. Some parts of the field need more fertilizersСодержание книги
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1. Variability1 is typical of almost anything in nature. The soils on which we grow our crops are no exception2. 2. Good and poor areas of crop growth in a field may be caused by variation in one or a combination of some soil factors, but one very common cause of the differences is variation in soil fertility. 3. So, we can say that a field is almost never an area of uniform soil fertility. Yet, the entire field is almost always fertilized at one rate from end to end. 4. Two approaches3 are most common as far as the rate of fertilization is concerned4: 1). Fertilize at a rate which will be best for the biggest part of the field. 2). Fertilize the entire field so that the lowest fertility area receives an adequate amount of nutrients. 5. With practice No. 1, part of the field will receive less than adequate fertilizer and consequently there will be less than maximum yield from those areas. 6. Also, part of the field, being above average in fertility, will receive more fertilizer than necessary, resulting in unnecessary added cost5. And, if the excess6 is nitrogen fertilizer, it then becomes subject to loss to the surface and ground waters. 7. Under practice No. 2, if the entire field is fertilized at the rate needed by the lowest fertility level, a very large part of the field will be over-fertilized, resulting in unnecessary added cost for the excess of fertilizer. Also, an excess of nitrogen can result in an undesirably high level of protein in wheat. 8. Neither system, therefore, results in maximum possible crop production per acre of land. What can be done to solve this problem? First, one must recognize that a field is seldom an area of uniform soil fertility. Second, one should determine soil fertility in different parts of the field. Finally, prepare a soil fertility map and fertilize each area according to need so that maximum production can be achieved. Notes and commentaries: 1variability – мінливість, непостійність 2exception – виняток 3approach – підхід 4as far as... is concerned – що стосується 5cost – ціна, вартість 6excess – надлишок
Comprehension Check-Up
1.5. a) in Text A find and write out the words with the root “vary” and explain the situation they describe. b) write out from the text word combinations with the word “uniform” and translate them adequately.
1.6. Analyze and translate the following word combinations: – nitrogen application – surface and ground waters – the lowest fertility level – maximum possible crop production – a soil fertility map – the practices outlined – chemical weed control – specific weed species – the crop grown – conditions affecting herbicide effectiveness – pre-emergence surface-applied herbicides – moisture and organic matter content
1.7. Choose proper continuation for every sentence:
1.8. Use information from Text A to complete the sentences: 1. Crops grow differently in the field because of…. 2. Fields are usually fertilized…. 3. Neither of two approaches to fertilization brings…. 4. Fields should be fertilized according to….. 1.9. Work in pairs. Exchange your opinions on the next questions: 1. Why should each part of the field be fertilized at its own rate? 2. What are the methods of usual fertilization of each field? 3. How can one obtain maximum yield from each part of the field? 4. What nutrients are most variable? 5. What does the excess of nitrogen applied result in? Use phrases: – I am going to ask you a question. – I’d like to know …. – What is your opinion on the question…. – I believe that… – In my opinion… – As to me… Step 2 GRAMMAR Point (speaking-reading) 2.1. Identify the Passive voice forms in every sentence. Analyze them: 1. Harvesters are widely used in agriculture. 2. Harvesting of cereal crops has been fully mechanized. 3. 3 How can soils be subdivided in accordance with texture and age? 4. Much attention is paid to the problems of unifying standard structure designs and standard details in irrigation. 5. Irrigation projects will be operated from a central office including the river structures for both flood control and for water supply needs. 2.2. Use the following verbs in the forms of Passive voice: Indefinite tenses: to cause, to determine Continuous tenses: to apply, to grow Perfect tenses: to receive, tofertilize 2.3.Translate the following word combinations into English with the help of Passive voice forms. Pay attention to the tense and person of the verb: Питання розглядаються, увага привертається, гербіциди мають бути розміщені, потрібен дощ, гербіциди мають бути застосовані, невдача була спричинена, як вже було сказано, буде зроблено.
2.4. Ask questions to the sentences: 1. Rye is grown on vast areas in the Crimea 2. The feeding stuffs commonly used on farms can be divided into two main groups. 3. Important selection work is being carried out with dwarf rice in Nigeria, Guinea, Niger and Mali. 4. In Sri Lanka and Malaysia preference is given to improved local varieties of rice. 5. Deep sandy soils are better adapted to rye and some other crops. 2.5. Transform the sentences from Passive into Active voice: 1. The yield of wheat is greatly affected by the amount of moisture in the soil at the time the crop is seeded. 2. If the grain is stored at a high moisture content, it can be damaged by heat. 3. Under the minimum tillage system the plow and the planter are used by the tractor at the same time. 4. Triticale is classified now as a feed grain. 5. Weed control with chemicals is affected by selection, application and environment.
2.6.Transform the sentences from Active into Passive voice: 1. The type of soil also affects herbicide selection. 2. Growers should carefully prepare the machines for the application of the herbicides. 3. Too high rates of chemicals can cause the injury of the growing crop. 4. Strong winds may cause uneven herbicide spraying. 5. Crop rotation controls many weeds. 2.7. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the Passive voice tense forms: 1. Fall plowing as soon after harvest as possible is generally recommended for both winter and spring wheat varieties. 2. Seeding was done with one-row hand-operated seeder. 3. The scientists believe that new high-quality protein corn will be commercially produced throughout the world within this decade. 4. Under the minimum tillage system the land has been prepared for planting and planted in two operations. 5. Much of commercial production of triticale is being done on Step 3 Project Work (speaking-reading-speaking-writing) 3.1. Skim Text B. Use the following phrases to render the text in English orally: a) The text deals with the problem of… b) The major points of the text are the following… c) The author focuses on… d) I consider the text to be of some interest for…
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