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Processes, chornozems, biological, fertility, fertilizers, method


For Ukrainian … mouldboard ploughing is an inappropriate … of soil tillage. It effectively disrupts … cycling of major nutrients, reduces the humification coefficients of organic … and results ultimately in extensive dehumification with loss of soil …. Essentially, the practice runs contrary to the natural … of soil formation.


1.6. Transform the sentences using the phrases:

according to: Your technical training can be used as an entry to very many areas of activity, job locations and types of work-place.
therefore: The process industry depends on their specialists, which is why theyrecruit technical people like you in the first place.
as well as: In the process industry, science and technology are exploited to yield saleable products.
to look for: Your career, if you seek employment as a technical professional, will be characterized by dealing with various problems.

1.7. Look through Text 1 and arrange the plan according to the text:

a) Soils of Ukraine.

b) Follow-up education.

c) The main user of soils.

d) Necessary knowledge.

e) Field of activity.

f) Faculty of ecology.


1.8. Choose relevant key-words and phrases for the proper items of the plan (see Task 7):

To meet every requirement, a degree, land resources, proper maintenance, valuable resource, scientific foundation, main branches, advanced courses, to depend on, basic subjects, the basis of agriculture, a post-graduate course, the demand for specialists, work-based courses, areas of activity.

Write down an annotation to the text with the help of key-words (Task 8).


Speak about your speciality using the plan from Task 7 and the key-words from Task 8.

Step 2



2.1. Identify modal verbs in every sentence. Analyze them:

1. For the first time in history the scientists can produce high-lysine corn.

2. Wheat may be harvested with the binder, the header, or the combine harvester.

3. You will have to learn a lot about the particular area of your job.

4. The ability of the no-till method to control erosion even on hilly lands also means it can open millions of acres to productive farming that previously had to be kept fallow or in pasture.

5. Factories needn't use so much water; they must learn to re-use it.


2.2. Combine the following verbs with modals; translate the word combinations:

To produce, to increase, to protect, to require, to establish, to direct


2.3. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian. Pay attention to the use and translation of modal verbs:

1. Selection of wrong insecticide could bring disaster.

2. Scientists are beginning to understand that botanical prospecting can open up large areas of the world now hidden in forests or tropical jungles

3. To use the automatic planting machines successfully one should grade the seed tubers carefully before planting.

4. Theway of keeping the water in the rivers, lakes and seas clean must be found.

5. All forest roadbuilding should be carried out cautiously.

2.4. Transform the sentences into past tense:

1. The local climate, in which three harvests a year can be grown, made it possible to carry on selection work very quickly.

2. New ways of using water from the sea must be found.

3. Humus losses may reduce soil fertility.

4. Any soil can become fertile if we remove the causes of infertility.

5. Water may cause serious erosion on steep slopes.


2.5. Ask questions to the sentences:

1. The moisture content of the grain should be not more than 14 per cent at the time of harvesting.

2. Rates of seed should be increased a little when wheat is seeded late.

3. The increase in crop yields can be done by applying fertilizers.

4. No success can be achieved by applying the same chemical to control different weed species.

5. All herbicides must be thoroughly mixed with the soil at the time of application.


Step 3

Project Work


3.1. Read the following texts, annotate them and use the facts in the discussion:


Some years ago a degree in one of professions was enough to put you in the top 5 per cent of the population. Today one in three young people enters higher education and a degree is fast becoming the minimum qualification. We now live in far more complex world and most jobs today require a much higher level of intellectual skills than ever before. Degrees are no longer enough – employers are looking for skills in the workplace. These key skills are communication, using and presenting numerical data, information technology, team-working, improving your own learning and performance, and problem solving.

Employers also look for some additional qualities such as adaptability and commercial awareness. Above all, they want graduates to have already had some practical experience of applying them. There is also increased interest in the ability to use other languages at work. And, of course, familiarity with the use of computers is a normal requirement for most jobs.


Job titles vary widely from one employer to another. So you will need to look beyond them to find out what opportunities are available for you. Try to find out what is the “core” discipline for the organization. Finally, gather careers information: ask your colleagues at work, ask personnel officers, your supervisor, anyone who can help you get ideas about what jobs might become available, what they are like and how to go about getting one.

Considering your choice of future career you may as well take into account the following possibilities of placement.

Bacteriologist. Many bacteriologists specialize in identifying unknown microor g anisms from the 2000 or so known types of bacteria. Others try to devise methods to combat harmful bacteria. Sill others study how disease-causing bacteria may be spread in our environment.

Laboratory technician. People who perform complicated microscopic tests in laboratories are called laboratory technicians. They work in veterinary hospitals and help in the detection of infectious diseases in pets and farm animals. Some may work in agriculture to help study the effects of microorganisms on farm crops. Other laboratory technicians work for water-treatment plants that use microorganisms to break down wastes into harmless substances. They help to make sure that the water that leaves the treatment plants is safe.

Plant breeder performs experiments that may change the size, the shape, or even the life span of plants. A plant breeder is a scientist who tries to improve plants through genetic methods. Plant breeders are employed by colleges and universities, government agencies, lumber and pharmaceutical industries, and seed and food companies.

Science teachers spend much of their time developing lesson plans for different topics.

They create interesting ways to present information to their students. Activities such as lectures, demonstrations, laboratory work and field trips are often used. They also attend meetings, conferences, and workshops.


3.2. Make questions from the following jumbled words:

1. It, to become, was, an agrochemist, dream, your?

2. It, to study, boring, isn’t?

3. Can, in, be employed, spheres, our, what, graduates?

4. Nowadays, is, enough, a degree, qualification?

5. You, bring…to, can, follow-up, what, education?


3.3. Make dialogues using the above questions (see Task 12). Use phrases:

– In my opinion…

– As far as I am able to judge…

– I consider that…

– I can’t agree that…


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