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Text A. Overview of AquacultureСодержание книги
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Aquaculture is the cultivation of aquatic organisms (fish or shellfish) or aqua farming. Aquaculture derives from two words: aqua (Latin) for water + Culture (English). Webster’s Ninth New Collegiate Dictionary defines aquaculture as “cultivation of the natural produce of the water (as fish or shellfish)”. Aquaculture is the agriculture of the oceans. To provide a more balanced view of the marine ecosystem and the seafood industry we should be focused on both aspects: the cultivation of seafood and the harvesting of seafood from the wild. Cultivation aspect. Culture fisheries involve growing of selected organism or in some cases selected organisms in a controlled environment. The purpose is to be harvested and then to be sold commercially. Capture aspect. Capture fisheries are the most widely known and recognized form of harvesting aquatic organisms and have been practiced since prehistoric times. Recreation fishing is a form of capture fishing, although for commercial purposes. As the world population continues to expand, culture fisheries are becoming an ever more important source of food and resources. The natural stock of fish that swim in oceans can only supply a limited amount of food sustainable. Overfishing, pollution and habitat destruction have severely limited seafood populations world wide. Experts believe the current level of fishing may not be sustainable beyond the year 2040. Faced with an ever growing population and ever shrinking food source, culture fisheries may be one answer to feeding a hungry population. Aquaculture will truly be a responsible and sustainable industry. Comprehension check-up 1.6. Give Ukrainian equivalents to the following words: Cultivation, marine, seafood, harvesting, fishery, purpose, capture, recreation, resources, stock, overfishing, pollution, habitat, severely, sustainable, shrinking. 1.7. Match the words to have word phrases:
1.8. Find in the text and write down English equivalents of the following words: Продукт; сільське господарство; морський; розведення риби; рибна ловля; збирати улов; відпочинок; знищення; рівень; сталий; зменшити; відповідальний 1.9. Answer the questions: 1. What is aquaculture? 2. What is the definition of the word aquaculture? 3. What do culture fisheries involve? 4. What kind of fisheries are widely known form of harvesting aquatic organisms? 5. What aspect becomes more important source of food? 6. What can the natural stock of fish supply? 7. What has limited seafood population? 8. What do experts believe? 9. What kind of fisheries may feed a hungry population? 10. What kind of industry will be aquaculture?
1.10. Complete the sentences: 1. Aquaculture is the cultivation of …. 2. Aquaculture derives from …. 3. Aquaculture is …….. 4. Culture fisheries involve ….. 5. Capture fisheries are the most widely known …. 6. Recreation fishing is a form of …. 7. Overfishing, pollution and habitat destruction have limited …. 8. The natural stock of the fish that swim …... 9. As the world population continues to expand …. 10. Aquaculture will be …. Put general questions to the text. Write down 5 of them. 1.12. Find in the text sentences which describe: a) cultivation aspect of aquaculture; b) capture aspect of aquaculture; c) aquaculture. Make a plan to text A, use answers from exercise 1.9.and 1.11. Annotate text A. Step 2 Grammar Point (speaking-writing) Read and write the following dates 9/11.1814; 22/6 1942; 9/V. 1945; 23/11. 1928; 12/1V.1961; 27/10.1977. What time is it? 1. What time do you get up? 2. What time do your lectures begin? 3. What time are your lectures over? 4. What time do you have dinner? 5. What time do you go to bed? 2.3. Fill in the blanks with few, little, a few, a little. 1. I could not buy the coat because I had … money. 2. Let us buy some ice-cream, I have … money left. 3. …. pupils speak English as well as she does. 4. There were very … people in the streets. 5. We can not play because we have too … time. 6. Give me … apples. 7. They spent … days in the country and then returned to Kyiv. 8. Ask Ann to help you to translate the text; she knows French …. 9. Mary works hard at her English. She makes … mistakes in her speech. 10. Can you lend me… money?
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