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Grammar: Present Perfect vs Past SimpleСодержание книги
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Минулий простий час Past Simple стосується дії, яка сталася у визначений час у минулому. He died in 1998. – Він помер у 1998. She got married when she was 22. – Вона вийшла заміж, коли їй було 22. Дія, про яку йдеться, закінчилася. I lived in Paris for a year (but not now). – Я прожила в Парижі рік (колись, зараз я там не живу). Часто вживані слова та вирази: in 2003, last week, two months ago, on the 10th of March. Теперішній доконаний час Present Perfect стосується дії, що сталася у невизначений час у минулому. He has written four books. – Він написав чотири книги. (Нам невідомо, коли саме він їх написав.) Хоча дія і сталася в минулому (часто нещодавньому), її результат – в теперішньому. I have lost my wallet. – Я загубив свій гаманець. (Зараз його у мене немає.) Дія, про яку йдеться, може тривати до теперішнього моменту. I have lived in Paris for a year (and I still do). – Я прожила в Парижі рік (і зараз там живу). Часто вживані слова та вирази: for a year / ages, since last Tuesday / I left school. 1 Choose the correct verb form to complete these dialogues. Practise saying the dialogues in pairs: A: Have / did you ever lived / live abroad? B: Yes, I spent / have spent two years in Nigeria in the 1990s. A: Oh really? What did you do / have you done there? B: I was / have been a Project Manager for BP.
C: Did you have / Have you had good sales results this year? D: Yes, they were / have been much better than last year. C: Did / Has business go /gone badly last year, then? D: No, not really. But our profits were / have been down because of the high dollar.
E: Did you see / Have you seen Tom today? F: No. He went / has gone to Paris, I think. E: Did you speak / Have you spoken to him yesterday about the new marketing campaign? F: Yes, and he thought / has thought it was a good idea.
G: When did / has the company first contact / contacted you about the job? H: In May, when I went / have gone to England for the sales conference. G: And did you hear / have you heard from them again recently? H: Yes, they called / have called me twice in the last month. 2 Cross out the sentence which has a mistake: 1 I saw Nick yesterday. / I have seen Nick yesterday. 2 What did you do last night? / What have you done last night? 3 I went to many countries in my life. / I have been to many countries in my life. 4 He went to Greece two years ago. / He has been to Greece two years ago. 5 I study English for three years. / I have studied English for three years. 6 І have known Mary for three weeks. / I have known Mary since three weeks. 7 Where have you bought your shoes? / Where did you buy your shoes?8 I never found anything I really like that’s cheap. / I’ve never found anything I really like that’s cheap. 3 Open the brackets using Past Simple or Present Perfect: (A) 1 Helen speaks French so well because she (live) in France. 2 She (live) there last year. 3 The rain (stop) and the sun is shining in the sky again. 4 The rain (stop) half an hour ago. 5 Mary (buy) a new hat. 6 I (buy) a pair of gloves yesterday. 7 We (travel) around Europe last year. 8 My father knows so much because he (travel) a lot. 9 I (not see) Michael today. 10 She (see) this film last Sunday. 11 Alex (meet) them at the airport two hours ago. 12 I just (meet) our teacher of Maths.
(B) 1 Where you (put) the newspaper? I want to read it but cannot find it anywhere. 2 At last I (do) all my homework: nowI’ll do what I want. 3 The building of the house (begin) early in April. 4 The rain (stop) but a cold wind is still blowing. 5 We already (solve) the problem. 6 He just (finish) his work. 7 You (make) any spelling mistakes in your dictation? 8 What books you (read) when you (live) in the country? 9 They (not come) from the south yet. 10 He (be) ill last week, but now he (recover). 11 If everybody (read) this new novel, let's discuss it. 12 You (book) tickets? – Yes, I.... I (book) them several days ago. 13 I (not see) my cousin since last year. She (change) so much that I can hardly recognize her.
Organizational Structure
The structure of organizations varies greatly according to the nature of the business. There are several factors which influence this structure: *the number of locations and employees *the economic sector *the type of market in which they operate *the type of customer *the degree of management control required *the complexity of the business activities The company is run by a Board of Directors; each Director is in charge of a department. However, the Chairman of the Board is in overall control and may not be the head of any one department. The Board is responsible for policy decisions and strategy. The Managing Director (sometimes called the Chief Executive or President in the USA) is the head of the company, who has overall responsibility for the running of the business. Most companies have Finance, Sales, Marketing, Production, Research and Development (R&D) and Personnel Departments. These are the most common departments, but some companies have others as well. Most departments have a Manager, who is in charge of its day-to-day running, and who reports to the Director; the Director is responsible for strategic planning and for makingdecisions. Various personnel in each department report to the Manager. People at the head of an organization are often called senior executives or senior managers, top executives or top managers. 1 What does the structure within which business can operate depend on? 2 What factors influence this structure? 3 Who is the company run by? 4 What is the Board of Directors responsible for? 5 Who is the head of the company? What is he/she responsible for? 6 Who supervises the Managing Director? 7 What departments do most companies have? 8 What is the Director responsible for? 9 Who reports to the Director? 10 Who do personnel in each department report to? 11 Who elects the Board of Directors?
1 Match words that have a similar meaning:
2 The words in the box frequently occur before "manager". Find combinations that mean:
3 Match the words and phrases in the box with the correct definition:
ponsibilities to it; 5) a company director responsible for the day-to-day running of a company; 6) the chief officer of a company responsible for deciding and carrying out company policy; 7) a person in charge of a department; 8) the people employed by an organization; the staff; 9) people at the head of an organization.
4 Choose the correct word from the box to complete the gaps. Translate the sentences into Ukrainian:
1 She is... of this company. 2 Our company treats its... well with fast service and good products. 3... is discussing the annual pay rise. 4 She is... of the new project. 5 She is... of the finance committee. 6 My partner takes care of the... operations of the company. 7 He... a quick decision to buy the TV. 8 Training courses are provided for all company.... 9 She... directly to the company's president. 10 New staff should report to the....
5 Choose the correct word: 1 The employees responsible for carrying out general office duties are clerks/accountants/financiers. 2 The employees who sell a company's products are the sales representatives/managers/managing directors. 3 The employees who are responsible for seeing that the finished goods are well made are the packers/quality controllers/economists. 4 The workers who process data, under the control of managers and supervisors, are the computer hackers/operators/users. 5 The person who greets a visitor and tells him or her how to get to the right office is the manager/president/receptionist. 6 The clerical workers who use typewriters or word processors and who produce letters and other documents are writers /secretaries/editors. 7 The employees who check a company’s financial affairs are the statisticians /accountants/customers. 8 The person appointed by the board of directors to be responsible for the management team that runs a business on a day-to-day basis is the operator/managing director/seller.
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