GRAMMAR: Tense Revision (Present Time) 

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GRAMMAR: Tense Revision (Present Time)


Ex.1. Choose the correct variant:


1 We are not working/don't work on Saturdays. 2 I am working/work in London this month. 3 Does he work/is he working on any special project at the moment? 4 How often are you visiting/do you visit stock exchange? 5 Our company sometimes employs/is employing foreign consultants. 6 Do you like/are you liking your team? 7 Which hotel are you staying/do you stay in whenever you come to Leeds? 8 What sort of work does he do/is he doing? 9 Cars are becoming/become more and more expensive. 10 This badge shows/is showing your name, the company name and your job title. 11 He is having/has a highly paid job in the oil business. 12 Our phone doesn't work/isn't working at the moment. 13 He hates/is hating his job. 14 I know/have known her for 25 years. We have been/are friends since childhood.


Ex.2. Complete the sentences by putting the verb in brackets into the correct tense:


1 He……………some money at the moment until he starts university. (earn) 2 The shop………normally……. open this late, but we’re working different hours up to Christmas. (stay/not) 3 The man who makes no mistakes…………usually…………anything. (make / not) 4 The UK……………more popular as a location for international business. (become) 5 The plane from New York…………the airport. (circle) 6 I ……………about why he said such things. (think) 7 The currency rates always……………so I advise you to wait until the value of the Euro goes up. (fluctuate) 8 Why…………he……………at this blank sheet of paper? (stare) 9 I …….. that we should do it ourselves. (agree) 10 I ……………in Kyiv at the moment but I’m afraid I’ll have to leave soon. (live) 11 It……………him $50 to buy food. (cost) 12 I always……………the same point of view with my boss. (share) 13 All I need now is good advice. I……………you to help me financially. (expect / not).


Ex.3. Use the Present Simple / Continuous or Present Perfect Simple / Continuous to open the brackets:


1 We never (smoke) cigarettes at any time. John always (smoke) a pipe but we (prefer) cigars. 2 My brother usually (visit) his business partners two or three times a year. He (travel) in Germany at present. 3 She (read) many books on economics, so she really (know) the subject. 4 I (listen) to you for twenty minutes but I (not / understand) anything. People usually (think) first and (speak) afterwards. 5 Peter (drive) a car for years but he (never / drive) at night before. 6 John (go out). He just (put) his coat on. 7 Peter (read) in bad light and now he (have) a headache. 8 (It / rain)? Ihope not as I (not / bring) an umbrella today. 9 Where (you / be)? I (look) for you all morning.

Applying For a Job: CV

Getting the job you want can sometimes depend on the success of the job interview. During the interview the employer will try to find out what kind of person you are, what experience you have, and how you can fit into the job situation.

After you have got an appointment, review the information that you wrote in your application form and resume (CV). Practice talking about your education and previous job experience. Be prepared to explain your skills and abilities specifically.

Go to the interview alone. Plan to arrive about ten minutes before the appointment time. Wear appropriate clothing: a neat appearance will make a good impression.

During the interview look directly at the interviewer and answer all of the questions as specifically as you can. Ask any questions you have about the job, such as hours, salary, or job benefits. Write down these questions beforehand. Before you leave, there should be a clear understanding about all aspects of the job.

At the close of the interview, express your thanks and be sure that the interviewer knows how to contact you if the company decides to hire you.


Writing a CV (curriculum vitae [k‘‚rikj‘l‘m’vi:tai] резюме)


1 Read the sections of a CV (a-h) and match them with the headings (1-8):


1 Personal statement 4 Languages 7 Referees
2 Personal details 5 Interests 8 Education and qualifications
3 Work experience 6 Other information  


a Czech (mother tongue), English (fluent), Spanish (good)


b Theo Johnson. Head of Postgraduate Studies. London Business School

Sandra Lewis, Marketing Director. International Enterprises

c 2003-04 London Business School – Postgraduate Diploma in International Marketing

1999-2003 University of Economics, Prague – graduated in Business Studies


d I am a hard-working and enthusiastic sales and marketing graduate who is looking for a challenging position with an international company.


e Travel, swimming, running, reading, cinema.


f Name Frantisek Svoboda  
  Address 220 Belsize Gardens, London SW2 2RT  
  Nationality Czech  
  Date of birth 17th April 1981  


g I spent a year travelling in the United States and Latin America between my postgraduate studies and my current job. I also worked for two summers at a summer camp for children in the US. I ran the London Marathon in 2000 and 2001.


h 2005-date Marketing executive, JB Market Consulting, London

2004-2005 Marketing trainee, International Enterprises, London

2 Complete (1-5) with the highlighted words from the CV above:


  Courses or exams lead to ………………… ………………… is what you have done in your life or work. A ………………… is a person who has passed a university course. A ………………… is a person learning a job. ………………… is interested and excited.

3 Work in pairs. Look at these 'rules' for writing a CV. Which ones do you agree with? Why?

• Make sure your CV is well-organized.

• Include a lot of detail - a good CV is long.

• List your education and work experience in reverse order - start with your most recent job.

• Include additional information that you think could help your application, e.g. travel experience or voluntary work.

• Don't send a covering letter (супровідний лист – a letter explaining why you want the job and why you are the right person for it) - no one reads it.


Look at the job advertisement. Discuss what qualifications and experience applicants need for this job. Do you think Frantisek Svoboda has the right qualifications and experience to apply for the job?


international marketing manager


Lopez Garcia is a Spanish-owned investment company currently looking for a marketing professional to join our London office. The successful applicant will be responsible for:


• marketing our services to clients in the UK

• helping to develop the company's marketing plan

• travelling to Spain and Mexico for meetings with clients

• managing a team of ten people.


You need to have a marketing qualification and at least three years' experience. You must be enthusiastic, hard-working and flexible Ability to speak Spanish is essential.

Apply in writing, with CV to Jaime Aranda, Human Resources Manager,

Curriculum Vitae vs Resume?

Question: What is the difference between a curriculum vitae (CV) and a resume?


Answer: The primary differences between a resume and a curriculum vitae (CV) are the length, what is included and what each is used for. A resume is a one or two-page summary of your skills, experience and education. While a resume is brief and concise – no more than a page or two, a Curriculum Vitae is a longer (at least two-page) and more detailed summary.

A CV includes a summary of your educational and academic backgrounds as well as teaching and research experience, publications, presentations, awards, honours, affiliations and other details. In Europe, the Middle East, Africa, or Asia, employers may expect to receive a CV. In the United States, a CV is used primarily when applying for academic, education, scientific or research positions. It is also applicable when applying for fellowships or grants.

Write your CV for a job of your choice (say what it is). Use your own details and add qualifications and work experience which you hope to get in the future. Decide on the best order of the sections in Ex 1.



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