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Grammar: Passive Voice (Perfect) – Пасивний стан групи PerfectСодержание книги
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Ex.1. Complete the sentences using the correct passive (perfect) form of the verbs in brackets: 1 A lot of new companies …………………… (open) in our city this year. 2 We didn't know that he … ………………… (not invite). 3 The construction of our new office …………………… (finish) before winter comes. 4 He went to London last year and he …………………… (not hear) of ever since. 5 I wondered why her child …………………… (not teach) any foreign language. 6 The instructions just …………………… (give). 7 He didn't follow the advice he …………………… (give). 8 I realized that the letter ………………….…… (lose). 9 The answers to all business letters ……….………………… (write) long before the end of the working day. 10 This historical fact …………………………… (know) for many years. 11 The work ……………………….……… (do) by the time he comes back to the office. 12 I wondered whether the product already ………………………..……… (withdraw) from the market. Ex.2. Open the brackets, using the Passive Voice: 1. This new product much …………………… (talk) about. 2. Those papers …………………… (not look through) yet. 3. Several contracts …………………… (sign) next week. 4. When I came, the problem … ………………… (not settle) yet. 5. The letter still …………………… (translate). 6. The list of applicants …………………… (make) before I came. 7. Nothing …………………… (hear) of her since she left Kyiv. 8. This product …………………… (produce) in large numbers before we received this complaint about a bad quality. 9. A new cosmetic line …………………… (launch) onto the market by the end of the year. 10. The date of the meeting …………………… (change) before they informed us. 11. Your order …………………… (send) before you return. Ex.3. Translate into English: 1. Ці ходові споживчі товари виробляються в Україні. 2. Ці послуги надаються безкоштовно. 3. Було обговорено лише два питання, коли ми почули дзвінок. 4. Мені завжди давали корисні поради. 5. Що вам пояснювали, коли я зайшов? 6. Не входьте без запрошення. Зараз обговорюється дуже важливе питання. 7. На жаль нічого не було зроблено для того, щоб допомогти йому закінчити цей проект. 8. Цікаво, де надаються такі послуги? 9. Цей високоприбутковий товар буде завезено із західного регіону. 10. Коли згадали цей факт, усім стало зрозуміло, що малося на увазі. 11. Йому дали ще три тижні, для того, щоб розробити новий продукт. 12. Коли ми приїхали в це місто, ця книга продавалася скрізь. 13. Цей продукт буде вилучено з продажу до кінця місяця.
Labour is any work performed for an employer at a negotiated rate while profit is the surplus, which accumulates as a result of productive work. The employer obtains this surplus after he pays the necessary expense of his business and the wages of his employees. He may be required to share the surplus with others who have provided the capital with which he started his business. Most businesses need capital in order to start productive work, and the capital pays for the accommodation, machinery and other items, which the business needs. There is always an element of risk in providing capital and starting a business. The business may not be successful. The employers and the providers of capital bear the risk. If the business is successful, the risk has been justified and the invested capital earns part of the profits as a return on the investment. The capital which people provide to help new businesses is an accumulation of previous surpluses on previous business activities. In this way the past is used to finance the future. Such capital is accumulated by a deliberate policy of saving surpluses. This policy may be personal and individual, or it may be public and collective. As such, it is common to both the capitalistic and communistic systems. In both systems, a certain part of the profits is ploughed back into the system in order to create capital. Capital can be defined as a factor of production (for example, machinery or cash) or the assets possessed by a person, a company or a nation. Land, houses and shares in a business are capital. In terms of the state, all railways, docks, roads, airports and state funds of money are part of the nation's capital.
1 What is profit? 2 At what point does an employer obtain surplus? 3 Who may he be required to share it with? 4 What do most businesses need? 5 Why is there always some risk in providing capital? 6 Who bears the risk? 7 What justifies the risk? 8 How is the past used to finance the future? 9 What is ploughed back into the system and why? 10 Give examples of private and public capital.
Complete the sentences:
1) Labour is.... 2) Profit is.... 3) Most businesses need capital in order to.... 4) The employers and the providers of capital bear.... 5) The capital which people provide to help new businesses is.... 6) A deliberate policy of saving surpluses may be.... 7) Capital can be defined as....
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