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The ascendancy of the feeling that is chained to the object.
Содержание книги
- Text 1: the Russian Federation
- Table: Modern history of Great Britain
- Text 2: Prozac - discovering happiness.
- Сложное дополнение (complex object. )
- He started reading the book.
- Сослагательное наклонение в условных предложениях
- Using the pseudonym Dr. Mises, he wrote a number of satires about the medicine and philosophy of his day.
- Sir Francis died in 1911, after an incredibly productive life.
- In 1920, he wrote Erlebtes and Erkanntes, his autobiography. A short time later, on August 31, 1920, he died.
- The observer must maintain strained attention.
- History of Psychology: Psychoanalysis
- Charcot died in Morvan, France, on August 16,1893.
- It was Freud who would later add what Breuer did not acknowledge publicly — that secret sexual desires lay at the bottom of all these hysterical neuroses.
- Transference, catharsis, and insight
- Ego, personal unconcious, and collective unconscious
- Other archetypes include father, child, family, hero, maiden, animal, wise old man, the hermaphrodite, God, and the first man.
- Adler added that, at the center of each of our lifestyles, there sits one of these fictions, an important one about who we are and where we are going.
- Hans Eysenck to understand the differences between introverts and extra verts.
- The following year, he was made an instructor. He developed a well-run animal lab where he worked with i ate, monkeys, and terns. Johns Hopkins offered him a
- In 1936, he was hired as vice-president of another agency, William Esty and Company. He devoted himself to business until he retired ten years later. He died in New York City on September 25, 1958.
- Although he appreciated the behaviorist agenda for making psychology into a true objective science, he felt Watson and others had gone too far.
- A behavior followed by a reinforcing stimulus results in an increased probability of that behavior occurring in the future.
- Unit 5 History of Psychology Phenomenology and Existentialism
- His last work, The Crisis of European Sciences and Transcendental Phenomenology (1936), introduced the concept of Lebenswelt. The next year, he became ill and, on April 27, 1938, he died.
- We become authentic by thinking about being, by facing anxiety and death head-on. Here, he says, lies joy.
- Kurt Koffka was born March 18, 1886, in Berlin. He received his PhD from the University of Berlin in 1909, and, just like Kohler, became an assistant at Frankfurt.
- This theory inspired any number of psychologists in the U.S., most particularly those in social psychology. Among the people he influenced were Muzafer Sherif, Solomon Asch, and Leon Festinger.
- Other people's homes while his parents continued their life in India.
- Donald Olding Hebb was born in 1904 in Chester, Nova Scotia. He graduated from Dalhousie University in 1925, and tried to begin a career as a novelist. He wound up as a school principle in Quebec.
- Towards the environmental psychology of his friend J. J. Gibson.
- A spirit of caste is also bad, which compels a man of genius to select his wife from a narrow neighborhood or from the members of a few families.
- The grass out of the window now looks to me of the
- But we do far more than emphasize things, and unite some, and keep others apart. We actually ignore most of the things before us. Let me briefly show how this goes on.
- I have represented the structural relations within the mental personality, as I have explained them to you, in a simple diagram, which I here reproduce.
- We said good-bye, and I made an effort to thank Mrs. Nash, but she seemed to be puzzled by that too, and Frazier frowned as if I had committed some breach of good taste.
- Frazier held out his hands in an exaggerated gesture of appeal.
- I haven't been acting like myself; it doesn't seem like me; I'm a different person altogether from what I used to be in the past.
- I will work toward my degree; I'll start looking for a Job this week.
- Chapter X General description of the types
- Suffers, to say nothing of the soul. Although, as a rule, the extravert takes small note of this latter circumstance,
- As a result of the general attitude of extraversion, thinking is orientated by the object and objective data. This orientation of thinking produces a noticeable peculiarity.
- Or less tautological position. The materialistic mentality presents a magnificent example of this.
- We have now outlined two extreme figures, between which terminals the majority of these types may be graduated.
- The ascendancy of the feeling that is chained to the object.
- here — здесь, тут there — там
Unconscious thought reaches the surface in the form of irruptions, often of an obsessing nature, the general character of which is always negative and depreciatory. Women of this type have moments when the most hideous thoughts fasten upon the very objects most valued by their feelings. This negative thinking avails itself of every infantile prejudice or parallel that is calculated to breed doubt in the feeling-value, and it tows every primitive instinct along with it, in the effort to make «a nothing but» interpretation of the feeling. At this point, it is perhaps in the nature of a side-remark to observe that the collective unconscious, i.e. the totality of the primordial images, also becomes enlisted in the same manner, and from the elaboration and development of these images there dawns the possibility of a regeneration of the attitude upon another basis.
Hysteria, with the characteristic infantile sexuality of its unconscious world of ideas, is the principal form of neurosis with this type.
Appendix (Приложение)
Предлоги, обозначающие движение
движение по направлению к предмету (лицу), протекающему процессу: Come to те. — Подойдите ко мне.
движение от предмета (лица), удаление от протекающего процесса:
Take this book from the table.— Убери книгу со стола. I come from Russia. — Я из России.
движение внутрь ограниченного пространства: Put the book into the bag. — Положи книгу в портфель.
Out of
движение из ограниченного пространства: Take the book out of the table. — Достань книгу из стола.
On(to) /onto
движение на поверхность:
Snow fell onto the ground. — Снег падал на землю.
through через, сквозь:
Не went in through the door. — Он вошел через дверь.
Предлоги, обозначающие место
местонахождение у предмета (лица), а также там, где протекает определенный процесс:
/ am sitting at the table. — Я сижу у стола.
/ study at school. — Я учусь в школе.
The pupils are at the lesson. —Ученики на уроке.
местонахождение внутри ограниченного пространства:
Не is in the office. — Он в офисе.
The books are in the bag. — Книги в портфеле.
местонахождение на поверхности:
The book is on the desk. — Книга на столе.
местонахождение под другим предметом:
The book is under th(table. — Книга под столом.
across через:
My school is across the street. — Моя школа находится через дорогу.
Местонахождение над другим предметом: There is a lamp above the table. — Над столом висит лампа.
between между:
Between us. — Между нами.
171 front Of
местонахождение предмета (лица) впереди другого предмета (лица)
There is a telephone in front of him. — Перед ним стоит телефон.
behind местонахождение предмета (лица) позади другого предмета (лица),
There is a sport ground behind our school. — За нашей школой спортплощадка.
местонахождение одного предмета вокруг другого предмета: We are sitting around the table. — Мы сидим вокруг стола.
beyond по ту сторону:
Beyond the limits of the city. — За пределами города.
over над, через, сверх:
There is a bridge over the river. — Над рекой мост.
вблизи, около, рядом с, возле, за:
She is sitting near the table. — Она сидит за столом.
up вверх:
Up the river. — Вверх по реке.
down вниз:
Down the river. — Вниз по реке.
Предлоги времени
внутри временного отрезка: In April, in 1999. — В апреле, в 1999 году.
через некоторое время: in an hour, in two days — через час, через два дня at в (точка во времени):
at 5 o'clock, at midnight — в 5 часов, в полночь
в (с названием дней недели, датами): on Monday, on the 1 Oth of February — в понедельник, 10 февраля
к определенному моменту: by 8 o'clock tomorrow — к 8 часам завтра
from... till I from... to... от... до:
from 5 till 6 o'clock / from 5 to 6o' clock — с 5-ти до 6-ти
в течение (отрезок времени): for an houi в течение часа
вовремя (чего-либо):
during the lesson— во время урока
after после (чего-либо):
after work —- после работы
перед (чем-либо): before the lesson — перед уроком within
внутри, в рамках: within a month — в течение месяца
Прочие предлоги
при, около, посредством:
by the window, by plane — около окна, самолетом
with вместе с:
with a friend — с другом
for для:
I'll do it for you. — Я сделаю это для тебя.
Наиболее употребительные наречия Наречия места и направления: