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Training and competence of Contractor personnelСодержание книги
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1. Contractor is responsible for ensuring that only Contractor personnel who are competent shall be provided for the performance of the Work. 2. Contractor shall furnish information about Contractor’s scheme for assuring competence of Contractor personnel when requested to do so by Company. 3. Contractor shall furnish records of training of Contractor personnel when requested to do so by Company. 4. Unless specified otherwise herein, all training of Contractor personnel shall be at Contractor’s cost. 5. Before commencement of Work, Contractor shall provide to Company a signed summary statement that all Contractor personnel are competent to undertake the roles for which they have been supplied. Contractor shall provide further such summary statements to Company as Contractor personnel are changed out. The summary statements shall be incorporated in the Contract Health, Safety and Environmental Interface Document. For those roles where no suitable recognized competence standards exist, Contractor shall provide information on the selection criteria and/or method used to provide assurance of individual competence. These may include reference to the selection process used prior to employment, any subsequent appraisals of performance/competence and any relevant training and experience. 6. Training requirements for Contractor personnel who shall be employed offshore shall be in accordance with current Company guidelines and revisions thereto (reference Company’s HSE Policies Procedures). Contractor personnel working offshore shall hold a certificate of completion of an Offshore Survival Course shall have completed the course within the past five (5) years or have completed a refresher course within the past three (3) years. This course shall be industry recognized and cover the minimum categories: a. Helicopter ditching escape or Helicopter Underwater Escape Training (HUET); b. Water survival including cold water exposure, prevention of hypothermia, and, proper donning and use of lifesaving equipment (life rafts, life jacket, transit suit, immersion suit etc.); c. Basic fire fighting including proper use of fire extinguishers; d. Basic First Aid including CPR. Other Contractor personnel who may visit offshore shall have received the minimum training and orientation in accordance with Company’s guidelines. 7. In addition to any basic emergency response training required for Contractor personnel specified herein, Contractor shall make available Contractor personnel to actively participate in periodic drills, instructions in survival, life saving and fire fighting as may be requested and conducted from time to time by Company. 8. Company reserves the right to nominate Contractor personnel to positions within the location emergency response organization.
10. Which major medical requirements of the Company do you know? Are they of great importance within the process of entering the Company? Read and translate the following text and be ready to discuss it from the positions of the HR management and linguistics: MEDICAL FITNESS STANDARDS 1. Initial and Routine Medical Examination The initial and routine medical examination of Contractor’s personnel must be completed in accordance with Company’s Medical Fitness Standards. The examination shall be undertaken by a Company approved Medical Practitioner or a Company approved HCSP. However, prior to mobilization of Contractor’s personnel, Company’s Medical Fitness Standards should be obtained from Company’s Health Adviser. 1.1. Contractor’s Personnel - issues related to being medically unfit 1.2. RF Regulations require non-Russian personnel on entering the RF and annually thereafter to provide documented proof that they are HIV negative. Contractor shall arrange for a certificate which complies with Item 2 of the Article 10 of the Federal Law on the Prevention of the Spreading in the RF of the Illness Caused by the Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV Infection) (Collection of Legislation of the RF, 1995, No 14, item 1212 of the Government of the RF) to be obtained for each member of Contractor’s personnel that is engaged by Contractor in respect of the Contract for work or services to be performed in the RF. 1.3. Each member of Contractor’s personnel declared to be temporarily medically unfit (ref. Company’s Medical Fitness Standards) shall be removed from the work site until his or her medical fitness has been re-established and so certified by a Company approved Medical Practitioner or a Company approved HCSP. In connection therewith, all costs including, but not limited to, return passages and any necessary medical escorts shall be for Contractor's account and are not to be re-charged to Contractor personnel or Company. 1.4. Each member of Contractor’s personnel with a confirmed condition of leprosy, tuberculosis or HIV infection must be repatriated immediately upon diagnosis of such condition. In connection therewith, all costs including, but not limited to, return passages and any necessary medical escorts shall be for Contractor's account and are not to be re-charged to Contractor personnel or Company. 2. Medical Treatment 2.1. Responsibility Contractor is responsible for provision of primary medical treatment and facilities for Contractor’s personnel at its own cost. Contractor must either use the services of Company approved HCSP or nominate another HCSP which shall be subject to Company’s prior written approval. However, where Contractor’s personnel are resident offshore (i.e. Company’s Molikpaq platform, FSO, supply vessels and the like when operating in the field), Company shall, at its expense, make available to Contractor’s personnel emergency first aid assistance of the same type and quality as Company provides for other personnel of same classification under similar conditions. 2.2. Eligibility Contractor is responsible for providing emergency medical treatment for all Sakhalin II related staff located geographically within Contractor’s clinic’s scope of coverage (where provided pursuant to Clause 3.4.1 below), including but not limited to Company’s staff, visitor’s, short-term related employees and transient contractors. 2.3. Insurance It is Contractor’s responsibility to ensure that adequate Health Insurance coverage has been arranged for all expatriate Contractor personnel. This Health Insurance at a minimum must cover costs for secondary health care in nearest appropriate hospital or home/base Country as well as emergency evacuation to nearest appropriate hospital or home/base Country. 2.4. Hospitalization Contractor shall refer its personnel requiring in-patient treatment to a RF hospital or a hospital in home/base Country when advised by its Medical Practitioner or Company approved HCSP.
11. What are the main responsibilities and liabilities of head of the humane resource department? What level of management does such job position belong to? What qualities should be presented by human resource manager? 12. Prepare you own version of job description. Chose any occupation you like. Let’s discuss it within our studies. 13. Let’s summarize the knowledge of getting a job position (Chapter VI): CHOOSING AND GETTING A JOB To chose and obtain a job, you must apply skills, particularly analysis and planning. Here are eight steps for choosing a career and finding that first job.
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