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1. He/She buys and sells stocks and shares. ……..2. He/She helps people in the spotlight to remodel their appearance……… 3. He/She organizes musicians when they’re recording a song………… 4. He/She makes sure that the right image of their client is projected through the media………. 5. He/She talks through the patient’s problems with the patient………… 6. He/She is responsible for the organization of social events…………7. He/She represents their clients’ business concerns…………8.He/She writes software programs………… 9. He/She invites celebrities on to their television programme to be interviewed…………. 10. He/She introduces music clips on the television………… Ex 6. Read the following short texts, then match the headings to the texts.
1 …………… Check out the Planet Earth Club which is the place to be seen these days. Actors, musicians and agents have found the ideal meeting place. Taking photographs is not allowed so don’t even think of taking a camera to prove to your friends that you were in this exclusive club. 2……………. Among the latest bestselling novels, the one that’s causing the biggest storm is Jackie Dickens’ “Fashionable Scandals”. The book has been in the top ten bestsellers for more than a month now. Jackie’s publisher couldn’t have been more pleased with her work. The novel reveals the scandals and drama backstage in today’s fashion shows. 3 …………… Staying in an Alpine village is the ultimate in glamorous holidays. Every winter they’re considered the place to be. Trendily-dressed skiers frequent the smart cafes where they exchange advice on skiing techniques while sipping their brandies. 4 ……………. We can see a return to the brightly coloured furnishings of the sixties. So decorate your house in the style that has always been associated with “Le Corbysier”. This will undoubtedly win your friends’ and associates’ admiration. More and more interior decorators are advising their clients to adopt this unforgettable style. 5 ……………. These totally wicked sounds have created a huge commotion on dance floors around the country. Ravers join together to enjoy the hypnotic and mesmerizing beat. It is definitely catching on all over Europe. 6 ……………. V.I.P. s usually expect luxurious treatment. Aromatherapy is really gaining ground along with the use of healing crystals among famous people, such as Vanessa Balladur and Cindy Baldwin. The guru of acupuncture, James Canova, can barely cope with the demand for appointments from the rich and famous who are keen to experience the benefits of his treatment. Ex 7. In pairs, discuss the role of fashion in people’s lives. Use ideas from exercises 15 and 16. eg SA: I think fashion can influence our lives in many ways. SB:You’re right. Sometimes people go to certain restaurants just because they are fashionable. Pronunciation Ex 8. First listen and tick. Then listen and repeat.
Writing Ex 9. (Project) Using the information about fashion in this unit, from the Enternet write your project “Fashion of the Future/ Ex 10. Translate into Russian. What clothes do people wear in Britain? As the UK is very much a western society - we wear very much the same as any other modern western society - ranging from Jeans and Tee shirts (whether with designer labels or not) to full business suits for office work (if required). Special clothers for the climate include heavy overcoats or anoraks for cold wintry weather to raincoats and umbrellas, for weather rain. Materials used cover every type and colour of fabric available, especially consider that Britain is a multicultural society and in certain cities (Bradford for an example) you will find many stores with very colourful silk available for making in Sari's and other ethnic clothes. Тема 4.2. Покупка одежды Buying clothes Занятие 4.2.1. Выбор одежды и обуви в зависимости от времени года. The choice of clothes and shoes in depending from the season Образовательная: повышение исходного уровня владения иностранным языком, достигнутого на предыдущей ступени образования; развивающая: развитие когнитивных умений, развитие информационной культуры; практическая: овладение необходимым и достаточным уровнем коммуникативной компетенции для решения социально-коммуникативных задач в различных сферах жизнедеятельности; воспитательная: воспитание толерантности и уважения к другим людям. Задания: 1. Освоить лексику по теме «Выбор одежды и обуви в зависимости от времени года»: down-padded coat, spikes, felt boots, tunic, huge range, fashionable,extra effort, to avoid, due to, protect, get vague, prominent look. 2. Выполнить задание № 2. 3. Прочитать текст «Seasonal Clothes For Women», сделать задания № 3, 4. ответить на вопросы после текста. 4. Выполнить задания из раздела Language Development № 4-6. 5.Научиться: называть предметы одежды; тканей, материалов; давать описание сезонной одежды. Самостоятельная работа: сделать пересказ текста. Занятие 4.2.2. Магазины одежды. Clothing stores Образовательная: повышение исходного уровня владения иностранным языком, достигнутого на предыдущей ступени образования; развивающая: развитие когнитивных умений, развитие информационной культуры; практическая: овладение необходимым и достаточным уровнем коммуникативной компетенции для решения социально-коммуникативных задач в различных сферах жизнедеятельности; воспитательная: воспитание толерантности и уважения к другим людям. Задания: 1. Освоить лексику по теме «Покупка одежды»: …favourite thing to do, it doesn’t make me …, it looks like…, I think I would…, to prefer, smartly, accessories, rinse, go with, suit, sportswear, try on. 2. Прослушать песню-рэп «Shop till you drop» и выполнить задания №13-15. 3. Научиться употреблять прилагательные в сравнительной и превосходной степени, используя конструкции … much…, … less…, as … as, … than…, … the same price as…,… much more …, сделать задания № 21-23. 4.Прослушать диалоги между покупателями в магазине и выполнить задания №16-17. 6. Научиться: называть предметы одежды; тканей, материалов; давать описание сезонной одежды, использовать лексику по теме «Покупка одежды» для конкретных, практических целей – покупки одежды в магазине. Самостоятельная работа: составить собственное описание одежды модели на подиуме. Занятие 4.2.3. Речевой этикет в магазине. Etiquette in a shop Образовательная: повышение исходного уровня владения иностранным языком, достигнутого на предыдущей ступени образования; развивающая: развитие когнитивных умений, развитие информационной культуры; практическая: овладение необходимым и достаточным уровнем коммуникативной компетенции для решения социально-коммуникативных задач в различных сферах жизнедеятельности; воспитательная: воспитание толерантности и уважения к другим людям. Задания: Освоить лексику по теме «Речевой этикет в магазине»: I’m looking for (=I want), Can I help you?, I’m being served, thanks, What size are you looking for? Where’s the changing room? No, I’ll leave it thanks, (No, I don’t want to buy it/ them),Where do I pay for these?, Over at the cash desk/ till, Can I pay by cheque/ credit card?. 2.Выполнить задания № 18-19. 3. Изучить новый лексический материал – задание №24. 4. Используя слова, фразы, клише из задания №24 составить диалоги между продавцом и покупателем – задание №25. 5. Ответить на вопросы – задание № 26 и принять участие в дискуссии. Самостоятельная работа: ответить на вопросы теста – задание №27. Дидактический материал к занятиям 4.2.1, 4.2.2, 4.2.3 Lesson 4.2.1. Choice of clothing and footwear, depending on the season Lead in Ex 1. Look at the pictures. What seasonal clothes do they shows? A B C
D E Ex 2. Match the clothes to the seasons – winter, spring, summer, autumn. Can you think of any other clothes for each season? Сoat, sundress, fur coat, scarf, down-padded coat, leather jacket, boots, hat, raincoat, gloves, spikes, T-shirt, felt boots, tunic, sandals. Reading Ex 3. a) Read the article and explain the words in bold. b) What adjective describe seasonal clothes for women? Seasonal clothes for women Women clothes have different types. If we visit any shop or market for ladies, its quiet difficult to choose which clothes are best for them. There are huge ranges of clothes available in these markets. One of category is seasonal women clothing. As the name represents its type, seasons are involved in them. We have four seasons in which winter is mostly prefer for women clothing. Winter women clothing is designed to look fashionable and these clothes must have the capability to block the seasonal effect. Ladies clothes have wide range of fabrics which are the best for such winter new clothing. Velvet, satin and wool are some fabrics which are fitting for a winter season. The second category of these seasonal women clothing is spring season. This season is normally a blend of winter and starting condition of summer. In this season women clothing don’t need to be extra populated because it’s the end of winter and start of summer. In short we can say that women need to wear thick clothes in the evening and at nights and in day time they should prefer thin clothеs to avoid any sweating problem. These types of women clothes normally have both uses; they can be used for parties and office uses. The third seasonal women clothing is summer clothes. Summer clothes do normally need not much effort. Designer are little relaxed that they don’t need to put extra effort on dresses. In summer women want those clothes which are easy in use. Easy use means that they will be no fitting problem. Sometimes due to fitting dresses there would be swear sweating created. Due to this in functions ladies have to face many problems. The fourth seasonal women clothing is autumn clothes. This season is the season of reminder about start of winter. Due to cool air in day time, ladies need such dresses which cover them from the harm of cold air. Not only this, they also need to protect their personality. This can be explained with an example. To keep away from cold air, they used to wear over coat and jackets. Such thing hide their dressing and the whole personality get vague. So they need such dresses which not only give them prominent looks but also protect them against the harmful effect of cold air because sometimes due to the demand of any function, they have to suffer many problems. c) Read the text again and answer the questions. 1. What are four types of seasonal clothes? 2. What are the differences between them? 3. What are the main functions of seasonal clothes? Lesson 4.2.2. Clothes shops Language Development Ex 1. Fill in the words from the list, then make sentences using the completed phrase. Wide,thick, prominent, seasonal, fitting, cool, harmful 1. an ……effect 2. a ……range of fabrics3. …….clothes 4. a ……problem 5. …… air 6. …..looks 7. a …..effect Ex 2. Fill in the correct preposition, then make sentences using the completed phrases. 1. seasons are involved …them 2. can be used … parties 3. to protect them … the harmful weather 4. to be easy … use 5. to be the best… a winter season 6. to be fitting … a season 7. to keep… … cold air Speaking Ex 3. Read the text in ex.4 again, then make notes under these headings. Add the sentences with the names of different clothes for each season. · Types of seasonal clothes · Description · The functions of seasonal clothes Pronunciation Ex 4. Listen to the clothes words and pay attention to the sound of the underlined letters
1. /i:/ jeans 2. /ȝ:/ skirt 3. /ɑ:/ scarf 4. /ɔ:/ shorts 5. /u:/ shoes Ex 5. Listen and say the sounds. Make them long. Ex 6. Listen to the words in the box. Put the words into the suitcases, according to the sound (not the spelling!) of the underlined letters. cheap call sleep door word car soon true third banana you learn /i:/ /ȝ:/ /ɑ:/ /ɔ:/ /u:/
Ex 7. Can you think of at least 5 more words with these sounds in them? (One word for each sound.) Use a dictionary or ask your teacher to check the sounds. Add them to the suitcases in exercise 9. Ex 8. Match a word from the box with each word in phonetic code. bead bird 1. /bɔ:d/ > bored 2. /bȝ:d/ > 3. /hɑ:d/ > 4. /bi:d/ > 5. /fȝ:/ > 6. /fɔ:/ > 7. /fɑ:/ > 8. /hi:/ > 9. /hu:/ > 10. /hȝ:d/ > 11. /tu:/ > 12. /ti:/ > Vocabulary booster Ex 9. Match the symbols to the weather adjectives: cloudy, windy, sunny, stormy, snowy, rainy Ex 10. Listen to the following people talking about their holiday plans, and complete the notes in the table below. Then, use your notes to talk about what they are going to do, as in the example.
eg: John is going to Alaska. The weather is freezing cold, so he is taking lot`s of warm clothes. He is planning to go climbing, skiing and fishing during his holiday. Reading, Singing, Listening Ex 11. a) Listen to the rap song. Write down the clothes words from the rap in the list. Shop till you drop Shopping for clothes Is my favourite thing to do My friends think I’m crazy My parents do too I don’t have much money But that doesn’t make me stop I love looking at clothes I could shop till I drop That T-shirt and jeans look really good I’d only want that jacket with a hood Those shoes are ugly but I like the boots I’d look fantastic in that navy suit I like the gloves and I adore the hat I don’t like that sweater –I think I’d look fat These trousers would look great with a different top I’m so happy when I’m in a clothes shop Shopping for clothes Is my favourite thing to do My friends think I’m crazy My parents do too I don’t have much moneyBut that doesn’t make me stop I love looking at clothes I could shop till I drop Shopping for clothes Is my favourite thing to do My friends think I’m crazyMy parents do too I don’t have much money But that doesn’t make me stop I love looking at clothes I could shop till I drop b) now find three different accessories in the rap. Ex 12. Find adjectives in the rap that mean: 1. strange ……………. 2. mad ……………… 3. great………., ………….. 4. the opposite of beautiful ………………….. 5. close-fitting …………….. Ex 13. Complete this description of a model on the catwalk using the words in the box.
Natasha is modelling a (1)................ blue sweater made out of (2).................. and some three-quarter length (3).................... Over the sweater, she’s got a (4)................... with a (5)..................... Her boots (6)......................brown leather and she is (7)............matching brown leather (8)............... on her hands.
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