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B. Complete the sentences with the words from the Active Vocabulary Section. Speak about the purpose of your current research and the method used.


1. Currently I....

2. I make this set of experiments / analyses in order to....

3. The experiment / analysis is performed with a view to....

4. The purpose of my experiments / analyses is to....

5. We undertake a set / a series of experiments hoping to....

6. In our current research we... the method of....

7. The method / technique allows / permits... to....

8. The method / technique makes it possible to....

9. This is, without doubt, the most... and... method.

10. The method proves to be....


C. Work in pairs.

Ask for and give information about your current research, namely its purpose and the methods you employ.

D. Act out the situation.

Two students / colleagues meet at a conference. They talk about their current research, expressing interest in its purpose, and describe the methods used.


5. Current Research. Results and Conclusion

Active Vocabulary

results / findings / data / observations / evidence

comprehensive / extensive


remarkable / encouraging / convincing


sufficient / insufficient superficial

to collect / to get / to receive / to obtain data

to treat the problem

to succeed in / to make progress in / to be a success

to fail (in)

to be similar to / to be the same as

to be consistent with / to coincide

to agree with / to fit the assumption

to support / to provide support / in support of

to reach an understanding/to come to an understanding

to conclude / to come to / to bring to a conclusion / to make conclusions



A. Answer the questions:

1. Have you already obtained any research results?

2. What are the main / comprehensive results of your current research?

3. Has your research been successful?

4. Have you succeeded in receiving extensive data?

5. Do your research data agree with the theory you follow?

6. Do your results coincide with those obtained by other researchers?

7. Are the results of purely theoretical or practical interest?

8. Do your research results appear to be of both theoretical and practical importance?

9. Are the data / observations you have obtained sufficient to formulate your final conclusions?

10. What part of your research is / remains still unfinished?

11. Do the data / results / observations / findings allow you to come to any definite conclusion(s)?

12. What conclusion(s) have you come to?

13. How long will it take you to finish your research?


B. Complete the sentences which contain the words from the Active Vocabulary Section. Speak about your research results and conclusions.

1. The research has been under way for a year and I've got...

2. At present a lot of work is being done to....

3. The results we have... so far cannot be used to....

4. Unfortunately, we have failed to... but succeeded in....

5. The findings prove to....

6. The evidence appears to....

7. As a result of numerous experiments performed we have obtained sufficient data to...

8. Most of our research findings are consistent with....

9. We have come to the conclusion that....


C. Work in pairs.

Ask for and give information about your research results and conclusions.

D. Act out the situations.

1. You have a poster report / presentation at the conference. Another participant is interested in your topic. Tell him about the main points of your research, present the results obtained, and give a short explanation of the main findings.

2. You are interested in your colleague's research and his latest findings. Ask him about the difficulties he has had in carrying out his research (experiments, analyses), and about the progress he has made.


6. Conference

Active Vocabulary

a meeting / a session

a plenary meeting / the opening ceremony

a chairman/a chairwoman / a chairperson

to call upon someone/to give the floor to someone

to set up / to fix the time limit

to break the time limit

to call attention to the time limit

to stimulate discussions

to ask somebody a question

to call for questions

a speaker

to submit abstracts / to present papers / to present poster reports

to take part in / to participate in / to attend a conference

to take the floor

to keep / to stick to the point

to digress from the subject

to have a good / poor knowledge / command of English

to find the knowledge of English adequate/inadequate

to find English hard to follow

to fail to understand reports / questions in English



A. Answer the questions:

1. Have you ever participated in international conferences / congresses?

2. When did you last take part in a conference?

3. Where was the conference held?

4. What problems were considered and discussed?

5. How many participants attended the conference / session / workshop?

6. Which reports attracted general attention?

7. Whose report was of particular interest?

8. What problem did it deal with?

9. Did you read / present a paper at the conference?

10. Were you given the floor?

11. Was the time limit fixed?

12. Did you find your English sufficient to participate in the

international conference?

13. Do you think you have a good / poor knowledge of English?

14. Did you find the speaker's English hard to follow?

15. Why is it necessary / important for a scientist to know foreign languages?


B. Complete the sentences with the words from the Active Vocabulary Section:

1. Every year conferences... in our university.

2. This year I... in the conference which was held....

3. I had to... the abstracts covering the problem of....

4. The time limit was... and I had ten minutes to....

5. My report... the problem which... much attention.

6. Of... interest were the reports presented by X and Y.

7. I... in understanding English, because I find my English....


С. Work in pairs.

Ask for and give information about your participation in a conference / symposium / congress.

D. Work in a group.

1. You are at a round-table discussion of your research, its progress and results. One person in your group is the chairman, the rest are the speakers.

2. You share your opinions about the organization of the conference, its agenda, the chairman's speech and the reports presented.


E. Act out the situation.

Your fellow-student has never participated in a conference. He is eager to know about your experiences. Tell him what the most difficult thing for you was and what you enjoyed the most.

How to Chair a Conference

Active Vocabulary

to give a special welcome to

to attend the meeting

to consider the range of subjects

to chair the session

to schedule something for...

to reschedule

to cancel something

to hold concurrently

to promote something

a scientific program

a working group session

a poster session

a panel discussion

an agenda

an alternation to the agenda

a stimulating discussion



A. Read and practice some useful speech patterns:

Introducing a speaker

I have the great pleasure to introduce....

Our first guest will speak on....

And now I have the pleasure of introducing our first speaker....

I now give the floor to....

Our next speaker is... who will speak about/on....

Now I'd like to call upon... who is going to speak about / on....

And now I ask... to make his contribution on....

Now I'm giving the floor to... who will speak about / on....


Stimulating a discussion

Please feel free to ask questions and make comments.

Any questions or comments?

Are there any questions on X's paper?

Does anyone want to put questions to...?

Any other questions?

Do you have questions to ask?


Who would like to comment on X's paper?

Does anyone else want to ask a question or make a comment?

Are there any comments on the paper? Are there any more comments?

There are no more questions... Thank you.


Ending a meeting

I'd like to thank you all for a stimulating discussion.

Well, I think that covers everything.

All the topics seem to have been exhausted.

I think it's time we close the discussion.

Our time is up. The discussion is closed. I declare the session closed.

I think we have done a good job. Thank you all.

Act out the situation.

You are a chairman opening a Students' University Conference. To do it you are given five minutes.


8. Presenting a Paper

Active Vocabulary

to present a paper

to do research

to discuss in detail.

to note the difference

to remind of...

to begin/finish with...

to emphasize

to point out

to give an explanation of

to draw a conclusion

in contrast with


A. Before doing your oral presentation read the following recommendations:



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